Life Without Limbs

March 29th, 2009 by tinakamo


Last week I talked about the incredible experience I’d had attending a service with Nick Vujicic as the main speaker.  Nick has no arms or legs and lives life to the fullest.  He travels the world and doesn’t let “life without limbs” limit him.  Do you remember some of the things we talked about in class regarding his message?  What can you infer about Nick?  What do you connect to or wonder about?

Posted in General Discussion | 27 Comments »

27 Responses

  1. Tanner Says:

    I wonder how he does so much stuff with one foot?I think he has alot of talent.

  2. Chaeana Says:

    I think he is very talented cause I don’t think I could last so long with one foot.I would be very sad if I could not do as much things as other people and that people would start to tease me.I think I would start to kind of cry.

  3. Naiya Says:

    I wonder why he was born without arms or legs. It must be hard to do a lot of things. If I had no arms and legs it would be kind of hard. I feel sad for him.

  4. cayli rose Says:

    This man is gifted!
    He can do so many things with a foot.I agree with Naiya because I wonder why he was born with out arms or leg and just with one tiny little foot.
    Its a miracle!

  5. Tanner Says:

    If i was him I wouldnt think I could do that much as him.I think he is lucky to be able to do all this stuff with one foot.

  6. Hokupaa says Says:

    I think that he beleives in god so much that he wants to prove to people that he can do everything they do.

  7. Auli`i Says:

    Me too Tanner! How does he do that? I fell so sad for him, that he has only one foot.
    Mrs. Nakamoto I saw him on the Internet.

  8. Jacob Says:

    I wounder how he douse thatI meen if i was him I would probley be dead cause i dount no how I could survieve but I learned something it’s to FOLLOW YOUER DEAREEMS!!!!!!!

  9. Kristin Says:

    I feal sad for him to Naiya! But you just have to be happy that he survived and is living a happy and fun life!! I wonder why he was the onlyone in his family that was born like that? I also wonder how he did things at school everyday when he was a kid?

  10. kalena Says:

    I wonder how he can do stuff with out legs and arms like turn the bible pages.And I also wonder why he was the only one in his family born like that.If I were him I think I could do everything that he does and I would also pray ALOT to god.

  11. stacy Says:

    I wonder if he got teased when he was in school? If he did I feel bad for him.

  12. Kala`i Says:

    Why was he born like that.I
    hope people treated him good.

  13. Kiana Says:

    I feel sad for him but, I know that he has a good life and he feels like hes no diffrent than us.

  14. La'akea Says:

    If I did not have hands and legs I would still be blessed that I was born. What do all of you think?

  15. Kiana Says:

    Well, La’akea
    If I dident have any arms and legs I would think of my self no different than eny body else.

  16. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Kiana, wouldn’t you feel different in some ways, but the same in others?

    Chaeana and Stacy, you mentioned teasing as an obstacle Nick might have faced.

    Have any of you ever experienced teasing? How did it make you feel?

  17. Kristin Says:

    I agree Jacob because I think he’s trying to help other people to not give up on their dreams. I think your right Kiana he shouldn’t think that he’s any different than us.

  18. brycen Says:

    How does Nick travel around the world with no arms and no legs. I had a hard time going on our family trips to the mainland. I think he’s talented and amazing. If he can do things with one foot, anything is possible.

  19. Kahu Cathy Says:

    I love all your blogs! I saw Nick in person a month ago. What was the biggest surprise for me? That he isn’t all about his disabilities. He hasn’t let those be the DEFINITION of who he is. He is a teacher about Jesus. He goes around the world talking about what it’s like to follow Jesus.

    By the way, I saw a video of him surfing in Waikiki with Bethany Hamilton. Amazing!

  20. kalena Says:

    Hi Kahu Cathy it is really cool that you saw Nick surfing with Bethony Hamilton. I wonder how he can surf? I wish I could see him in real life too.

  21. kalena Says:

    Happy Easter everyone!

    Remember when Jesus died on the cross. What if you were him and died on the cross? Do you know someone from your family who died and you really loved?

  22. kiana Says:

    And remember the boys in the picture and how much food and water they have. (Be thankful for what you have!)

  23. Jacob Says:

    I did not know he couild surf!!!!

  24. Cayli Rose Says:

    Happy easter from rainy Hilo everyone!
    I think nick might really have to balance to surf.
    We would really have good questions for the I wonder book about him.

  25. Jacob Says:

    I think his message was that you don’t always have to listen to people. I feel sorry for him.

  26. Nancy, (cayli's freind) Says:

    I’m a girl in hilo down the street from cayli’s grandma’s house.
    This man is amazing!
    I wonder how he can surf.
    This is a sidewards smiley face:)

  27. Mrs. Tanaka Says:

    Kahu Cathy and I both saw Nick at a Christian conference. He was on stage and spoke to over 3,000 people. He does not let his disability prevent him from trying things. He flipped pages with his foot and laid on his stomach and got back up. We saw him surfing on a video. He told a few jokes and made us laugh. He is an amazing man who is strong in his faith and loves God.

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