
April 15th, 2009 by tinakamo


E komo mai! You will find fun updates and information about our ohana here! We hope youʻll check it out often!

Posted in ‘Ohana | 57 Comments »

57 Responses

  1. Brycen Says:

    I know.

  2. Hokupaa Says:

    Dont feel bad

  3. stacy Says:

    Sorry if I went a little hard on you because sometimes mine isn’t yellow! 🙂

  4. stacy Says:

    Hey Mrs. Nakamoto,
    Are ya gonna put some newer stuff on the blog roll? :/

  5. Nadia Says:

    Hello people of Papa Hawai’i loa! Woah Mrs.Nakamoto! The blog never changed at all! Can you give me Ratty’s blog address?

    Yours rattly,Nadia P.:)

  6. Kiana Says:

    Hey! guys I am so busy with homework I don’t have time to get on the blog anymore.

    So what have I missed!

    P.S.I miss you mrs. Nakamoto!

  7. Kama Says:

    we miss u Mrs.Nakamoto! :}

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