Surfin’ with Raymi

May 27th, 2012 by tinakamo

Raymi and her family are headed for a new adventure in California. Let’s keep in touch. Raymi, we’ll keep you posted on the surf here in Hawai’i, you tell us what’s going on in California! =)

Posted in General Discussion, ‘Ohana | 11 Comments »

11 Responses

  1. Erihana Says:

    Hey Raymi, What’s surfin? man do I miss you. so what ya doing

  2. Pono Says:

    Hey Ramiy, it`s Pono how is it doing in cal is it hot there cause it is here im sweating a lot but i really miss u so stay on chat:D

  3. Nadia Says:

    Hey sorry I did not post this comment last year. I really miss you Raymi. Can you tell your dad to come back to Hawaii pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Hey who was your friends again because I can tell them that you said hi.

  4. Raymi Says:

    Merry Christmas to all my friends at KES. I miss you all. School has been going good. I am still surfing here but it’s really cold and I have to wear a full wetsuit and booties.We went to see a live nativity last night that was cool. I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas with your families. Please keep in touch. See Mrs. Nakamoto for my address (I typed it here, but she didn’t want to publish it, so she will give it to you if you ask).

  5. Raymi Says:

    Can someone please say hello to Mrs. Nakamoto for me? Thanks.

  6. Raymi Says:

    Hi every buddy!!!!

  7. Raymi Says:

    I hope you are having a good time! I miss you guys.

  8. Kawena Says:

    hi raymi I really really miss you.

  9. kawena Says:

    how is it in cal. is it fun I really miss you. pleeeeeeeeeas come home

  10. kawena Says:

    hi raymi i really miss you. i heard you were moved to florida. i was sad when i heard that news. because that means your even farther away.

  11. Pono A Says:

    Hi Raymi! Wow your nine already. PLEEEEEEASE come back home we missed you!!! Can you come back next year please?

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