Ka Nupepa o Na Wai Ola

April 27th, 2009 by tinakamo

Last week we attended a wonderful play performed by the fifth grade classes. The different performances described the events leading to Hawai’i’s statehood. What did you learn? What information surprised you?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 15 Comments »

15 Responses

  1. cayli rose Says:

    I learned about the big five and that only 1 of the 5 company’s ideas did not get stolen by someone else…or was it some thing else that happened to it?
    Any way

  2. Ian Says:

    I learned about the big five and that they were one out of five BIG company’s but I thought the big five was a football team then. Oh and HAPPY B-DAY MAIA!

  3. Brycen Says:

    I learned that the big five is five commponys. I also learned
    that casttle and cook use to own
    dole plantation.I think it was
    better then the one before.

  4. stacy Says:

    What surprised was that there were pens back then. I learned that the economy back then wasn’t very great. Oh, and before I forget,HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAIA!!!!!!

    See ya l8ter!

  5. Maia Says:

    Thank you sooo much for the [happy birthdays] guys I realy appreciate it.Oh and I wonder how they made the needles back then.

  6. Naiya Says:

    I wonder how hard it was making the whole backgroud on the stage. It must of been really hard work. I didn’t think there were pens back then. And even that long ago!

  7. Kristin Says:

    My FAVORITE part of the play was when they did the money dance because it was really,really EXTERMELY funny and one of my cousin’s friend was in it. I learned that Hawaii had a law saying that no one could speak hawaiian not even at scool. I think that is why the hawaiian language got lost.

  8. Aulii Says:

    Naiya, I thought the same thing.
    I leaned a lot of things at the play. How did they make the needles back then?
    Oh yeah, Stacy, I like the last part of your comment.

  9. Chaeana Says:

    I never new that in Kamehameha you were not allowed to speak hawaiian.I THINK THAT WAS A weird law cause you could not speak hawaiian in a hawaiian school.

  10. Maia Says:

    I was very suprised that the law back then was that you could not speak hawaiian. I wonder if people got caught when they did speak hawaiian.

  11. Nadia Says:

    I was SHOCKED when I heard no one could speak hawaiian!

  12. Kiana Says:

    I think that it was a weird law too! I mean like, it does not feel like Hawai’i any more I guess, when there would be no more Hawai’ian in Hawai’i at school!

  13. kalena Says:

    My favorite part of the play was the MONEY DANCE.Nadia I WAS shocked to when I heard that no one could spaek hawaiian.Esspecialy bcause they were hawaiian.I think that because they made a law to not speak hawaiian thats how the hawaiian language got lost.Im glad that the person that changed the law changed the law so that we could speak HAWAIIAN.

  14. kaiya Says:

    Hi kalena have you SEEN that performance that was awesome. Hi Kiana me to , I think that was a weird law to don’t you think.Has enyone see a friend? I have seen a friend in the play.

  15. cayli rose Says:

    I saw a girl from my bus and my mommy’s freind’s son.

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