Sportsmanship anyone?

April 9th, 2009 by tinakamo


Do you remember the story of the Western Oregon softball player who was carried around the bases by players from the opposing team to ensure her homerun would “count” when she was injured and couldn’t make it around the bases herself? How did you feel when I told the story?  What can you infer about the Central Washington players who carried the Western Oregon player around the bases?  Do you think you would have done the same thing?  Why or why not?

Posted in General Discussion | 5 Comments »

5 Responses

  1. Jacob Says:

    Yes! The only difference is I never knew that. They are good sportsmen because nobody would do that, only because they want to win. La’akea would you do that?

  2. Nadia Says:

    If I played baseball I would do the same. The opposing team didin’t only think about themselves.

  3. Auli`i Says:

    That was so sweet for her to get a home run.

  4. Tanner Says:

    I think sportsmanship is important it is the oppsite of sore looser.

  5. Kristin Says:

    I feel bad for the girl that hurt her hamstrings because that means that there are a lot of things that she won’t be able to do till it heals. When I fist heard the story the first thing I said was “talk about sportsmanship” because some people wouldn’t help that person because they just want to win. I think that if I played baseball I would probaly help that person and pluse if I I hurt my hamstrings I would want someone to help me.

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