Abracadabra… From ni’au to broom!

April 9th, 2009 by tinakamo

How fortunate we were to have a presentation by Aunty Pua and Uncle Hoku today!  How did you feel when you learned about the many uses of the coconut?  Do you have any other ideas for its use?  How about the process of making the broom?  How did that make you feel about people who make things like this without the use of machines?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 15 Comments »

15 Responses

  1. stacy Says:

    I felt happy when we learned about the uses of coconut and when we got to taste the coconut and the Kulolo.It was cool when we made a broom out of ni’au!

  2. Tanner Says:

    It was hard to only get the middle beacause my mom just cut my nails the day before i’m lucky she brought tooth picks.

  3. Kala`i Says:

    I learned that the coconut husk was used for ropes and tying
    things.I hope my class liked my
    mom and uncle come to our class.

  4. kalena Says:

    It was fun when Kalai’s mom came to tell us about the coconut.I really liked making a broom.It was hard to only get the middle,but i’m glad she brought tooth picks.I didn’t like the coconut or the kulolo.I think i’m not going to like the coconut juice either but i’m going to try it any way.

  5. caylirose Says:

    I loved it when they came!
    It was so much fun,
    especially when we got to sample and make the broom out of ni’au.
    The coconut and kulalo were sooo good.
    My aunty grows coconut but she never told me all these things!
    Probably she didn’t know all of the good things that coconuts can make and do.

  6. Aunty Pua (Kala'i's mom) Says:

    Mahalo nui to all of you for having Uncle Hoku and me. We both had a great time teaching you about ka la’au niu. You were all so attentive and respectful.I’m pleased and happy that you learned something new about the coconut tree. Have a great weekend with your ‘ohana!

    A hui hou,

    Aunty Pua

  7. Tanner Says:

    I never seen a coconut tree near my house.I think I only seen a coconut tree once.

  8. kaiya Says:

    Last weekend I went to white sand.I found a coconut tree there.I think that I have a ka la’au nui tree at my house.

  9. Te kaha Says:

    I think making the broom was kind of fun because we got to peel the green stuff off by our selves.

  10. cayli rose Says:

    Well I thought it was really cool to see a bunch of coconut leaves turn into a broom.
    I think it would be hard to have to open those gigantic coconuts every single day.
    Now I wonder what it would be like to depend on a coconut tree for your life.
    what if people had to make their clothes out out of coconut trees leaves and the fruits husk?
    If they had to wear coconut husk it would surley be itchy.
    Aren’t hula skirts made out of coconuts leaves. Unless thats Ti leaves.

  11. brycen Says:

    I wonder what other things you
    can make out of coconut I also
    wonder how you can make oil out of coconut.I agree with you
    Te kaha it was fun peeling the
    leaf.I wonder if you can make
    a couch out of the coconut
    tree.The coconut and kalo mochi
    was good. Thank you aunty pua
    I had fun!

  12. Naiya Says:

    I didn’t really like the coconut we tried.I liked the kulolo.I also liked when we made a broom out of coconut leaves.I wonder what else you can make with a coconut tree.It was soooo much fun!Thank you for comming aunty Pua and uncle Hoku!

  13. Ian Says:

    Thank you for having your mom come and teach us how to make a broom. IT REALY WORKED! My favorite part was trying the cube coconut and the shredded coconut. It was good!

  14. Kristin Says:

    I thought it was pretty cool how much things you can do with the coconut plant. I didn’t really like the kulolo or the coconut that we tried. I think that my FAVORITE part of making the broom was when we had to take the yellow part of the leaf off of the geen parts (bareley any of mine were that good)!!

  15. Kiana Says:

    Hey Tanner I thought that there are coconut trees at our school, by the main gate and I think that there are more then one!

    Hey Kala’i tell your mom and uncle that I really appreciate the time she and your uncle gave up to teach us about the coconut tree!

    Now about the food,
    I liked the kulolo because it was like mochy.

    I normally don’t eat the shredded coconut, but I decided to give it one more try. After I gave it one more try I thought that the one more try worked and it tasted better then the last time I tryed it!

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