Byodo-In Temple

April 6th, 2009 by tinakamo


We went on a field trip to Byodo-In Temple today. Write about your experience. What did you enjoy? What did you notice? How did you feel in the meditation area?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 26 Comments »

26 Responses

  1. cayli rose Says:

    My favorite part about this feild trip was geting to see such a big swan.
    one of the experiences I have had during this feild trip is geting to have a real bird eat out of my hand

  2. Tanner Says:

    I really liked feeding the fish and the birds.I never had a bird eat out of my hand.

  3. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Tanner, did you mean that you didn’t get to have a bird eat out of your hand this time or did you mean that this was your first time having a bird eat out of your hand?

  4. kaiya Says:

    I think I have been there be for, WAIT I HAVE BEEN THERE LAST MONTH! Mrs. nakamoto have you been there?

  5. Jacob Says:

    The best part of the temple was when we got to wack the 5 toun bell and it was loud like DING DONG DING DONG!!! I like seeng the nine foot bauda!!! i wish I could go there agan!!!I wounder how they got all the koa?

  6. Nadia Says:

    The best part of the field trip
    was when we got to feed the
    koi(Because the fish were all gathered in one corner.)

  7. Kristin Says:

    I think that the best part was when we got to feed the fish and birds because the fish wouldn’t stop SPLASHING!And it was fun to watch the fish fight for the food. I thought the Boodah was HUMUNGUS!!! I wonder how many fish they have? Probably over 100!!

  8. chaeana Says:

    I had a good experience at the Byodo in temple. When I was feeding the Koi fish. A swan-duck came by and ate a peace of fish/bird food. I WONDER what will happend to the swan/duck?

  9. Kiana Says:

    I agree with you Taner I did like feeding and looking at the fish and birds. I also liked ring the bell to Jacob all tho I ranig the bell softer than eny one els in the class. In the maditation room I felt calm and peacefull too. How did you feel mrs. Nakamoto?

    The bell was like the sin, because the ring of the bell lasted long and the paper said that if you ring the bell you wolud have a long lasing life.

  10. Naiya Says:

    I liked when I was feeding the birds and the fish.I though it wa kind of scary when the birds came and ate from my hand.up in the meditation room it was kind of cold.I also liked when we got to ring the big bell.That bellwas HUGE! And the Budha was also really big.

  11. Kala`i Says:

    I liked ringing the bell,because
    I wanted to live longer.
    I notice that there was lots of
    fish in the pound but in one

  12. kalena Says:

    My favorite part of the fieldtrip was ringing the bell and going inside the temple.I liked ringing it because I can live longer.And I liked going inside the temple because we got to see a replica of the buddah.It was really BIG.I also liked feeding the fish and the birds.I wanted to feed the birds off of my hand but I was scared and Kristin said that birds can carry diseses and my mom said that I cant touch birds.

  13. Stacy Says:

    My favorite part at the temple was when we fed the birds and fishes. Once a bird flew on to my hand and took a pellet. The first time it landed on my hand I got scared. But then after a while I wanted A LOT of birds to come on my hand. In the meditation room I didn’t really expect it to have no wall! I noticed that there was a lot of decoration on the bell that we rang! The bell was actually bigger than I thought! When we went inside the temple I saw the buddha. It was actually SMALLER than I thought!!

  14. Auli`i Says:

    I saw Koi fish and we got to feed it. There was a BIG BELL that we got
    to ring 2 times.

  15. Brycen Says:

    My favorite part was when we fed the fish and the birds. It was the first time a bird ate out of my hand.
    The koi was huge! The swans and the duck could not eat it but they kept on trying to eat. And the bell was HUGE. We had to use a log to ring it! But the buddha was HUGER! The weight was 3 tons! The meditation room was really quiet and small.I also saw a peacock on the second floor.

  16. La'akea Says:

    My favorite part was when we went into the temple. When I saw the buddha I was SHOCKED at how tall it was.When everybody rang the bell it was very loud.

  17. Kiana Says:

    Lots of pepole are talking about the Koi and the bell. Not much pepole talked about the meditation room and inside the temple with HUGE buddha and small mirrors and sighns on the walls of the tempel.

  18. Tanner Says:

    I saw some really big koi.The buda was a little bigger than I thought.I thought the bell was going to be a little bit bigger.
    I wonder if this is as big as the temple in japan?I wonder how the peekcocks got onto the roof.

  19. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:


    I think you meant koi, right?

  20. Maia Says:

    The feild trip was so fun.And my favorite part was feeding Koifish,wicth were very big.I also liked ringing the bell that was very loud!

  21. cayli rose Says:

    instead of bigger I thought the bell would be smaller!

  22. Hokupaa Says:

    I liked ringing the bell also Kalai.It sounded so cool.I wonder how long I’ll live now?

  23. KAMALI'I Says:

    At Byodo-In Temple I could kind of see what Japan looks like and it made me feel like I was in Japan but the bell made me dizzy. I felt very calm in the meditation room and the design on the floor was cool. Then we went in the temple and we had to take off our shoes before we saw the buddah. There where lots of mirrors on the roof and symbols on the walls.

  24. Ian Says:

    I enjoyed the koi ponds and feeding the koi. But mostly I liked feeding he birds, one stepped on my hand. I liked sketching the whole Byodo-In Temple and ringing the bell.

  25. Naiya Says:

    I had a really good experience at the Byoto In temple.When we saw the Peacock I wanted to see it open up it’s wings and see all the nice colors.

  26. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Kaiya, this was my first time going to Byodo-In. I was so surprised by the number of people there. I had no idea that it was such a popular place to visit.

    Kiana, I really enjoyed this visit and I agree with you about the meditation room. It was very calm and peaceful. I actually felt relaxed for the rest of the day after just a couple of moments in such a quiet natural setting.

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