What does it mean to be “rich?”

March 16th, 2009 by tinakamo

In our literature discussions we’ve been blogging about whether or not we like the idea of being “rich.”  What does “being rich” mean to you?

Posted in General Discussion | 8 Comments »

8 Responses

  1. cayli Says:

    I think being rich means having alot of money.

  2. chaeana Says:

    I think some rich people only care about their money. And I think the idea of being rich is to spend and spend and spend.

  3. Hokupa'a Says:

    I think being rich means that sombody has lots of money. And some rich people are spoiled because they have lots of money so they just want MORE things. And some are nice and give to poor people.

  4. Tanner Says:

    I dont have to be rich but if I could I would.Being rich dosent mean that much to me.

  5. cayli Says:

    I learned that being rich means being loved today.

  6. Maia Says:

    I learned that being rich doesn’t always mean having money. To me, It’s more about being LOVED.

  7. Kala`i Says:

    I think being rich is fun
    because people get lots of stuff,
    just like me.My family is kind
    of rich,and that’s why I`m

  8. Holoua Stender Says:

    Aloha e Ka Papa `o Hawai`i Loa!
    Being rich to me means having great people in your life. This starts with `ohana. I love my family very much. I have a wife, a son and two daughters. `Ohana includes all of your family, close friends and school `ohana too. Great teachers, coaches, and people who inspire us bring richness into our lives everyday. Let’s not foget Ke Akua and his blessings. All of these things make me a very rich person. Thank you for reading my note and have a Happy Easter!
    Mr. Stender

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