Pōʻakahi, 28 ʻAukake 17

main_american_revolution_03The American Revolution:  The War for Independence

Introduction: Overview, Attendance, Collect HW, Agenda, Review Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values, and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question: Why do people rebel?

…know reasons for the growing disagreements between the American colonies and Great Britain.
…the reasons why the American colonies declared independence.
…how the Revolutionary War progressed.
…how the American Revolution changed life for different social groups in the new United States.

…Culture (#2)
…Time, Continuity & Change (#2, 4, 8)
…People, Places, and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#10)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#2, 4)

Vocabulary: Define each word listed and explain its importance with regard to The American Revolution:  equipped, objective, guerrilla warfare, morale

Reading:  Jigsaw reading activity Chapter 2 Lesson 3

Sharing/Discussion of reading

Drawing Interpretation Assignment:
—Looking back at what you learned, you will create a drawing (in color) of your interpretation of the Revolutionary War.
—On the back of your drawing, you will include a 3-5 sentence summary of your drawing.
—All drawings will be shared in class tomorrow.

Homework:  Finish drawing…due tomorrow; Newsela due Thursday.

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Pōʻakahi, Pōʻalua, Pōʻakolu, Pōʻahā a me Pōʻalima, 21, 22, 23, 24 a me 25 ʻAukake 17

declaration_stone_thumb_295_dark_gray_bgThe Declaration of Independence

Introduction: Overview, Attendance, Collect HW, Agenda, Review Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values, and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question: Why do people rebel?

…know reasons for the growing disagreements between the American colonies and Great Britain.
…the reasons why the American colonies declared independence.
…how the Revolutionary War progressed.
…how the American Revolution changed life for different social groups in the new United States.

…Culture (#2)
…Time, Continuity & Change (#2, 4, 8)
…People, Places, and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#10)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#2, 4)

Declaration of Independence:
1)  Annotation of document – 08/21/17
2)  Complete analysis handout – 08/21/17
3)  Complete worksheet – 08/22/17
4)  Character Document – 08/22/17 to 08/24/17
5)  Position Letter – 08/25/17 (due Monday 08/28/17 into Google Classroom)

Homework:  Newsela due Thursday; Newsela Quiz on Friday.

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Pōʻahā, Pōʻalima, Pōʻakahi a me Pōʻalua, 18, 19, 22 a me 23 Mei 17

Final-Exams-Graphic1U.S. History Final Semester 2 SY 2016-2017

Final Assessment
–Posted in Google Classroom
–Work time
~~~~Thursday 05/18/16 to Tuesday 05/23/16
–Final due into Google Classroom on Tuesday 05/23/16 by 2:30 pm!
–No late submissions will be accepted!

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Pōʻakolu, 17 Mei 17

USAH023-HThe Vietnam War (1954-1975)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Countries are affected by their relationship with each other.

Essential Questions:  How does military conflict divide people within cultures?
Should citizens support the government during wartime?

—how the United States became involved in Vietnamʻs conflict with France.
—how the United States increased its influence in the conflict during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.
—why the United States military could not quickly defeat the Vietnamese forces.
—the problems that the Vietnam War caused at home.
—why 1968 was such an important year during this era.
—the steps President Nixon took to end the conflict in Vietnam.
—the important impact the Vietnam War had on American culture and politics.

…Culture (#6, 9)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#2, 5, 8)
…People, Places and Environments (#1, 2)
…Individuals, Groups and Institutions (#5)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#5)
…Science, Technology and Society (#2)
…Global Connections (#4)

The Vietnam War
—Complete VW_Who’s Who_Handout (3)
—Complete VW_A Brief History_Handout (3)

Homework:  Newsela due tomorrow; Newsela Quiz Friday.

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Pōʻakahi a me Pōʻalua, 15 a me 16 Mei 17

America and World War II (1941-1945)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question:  What kind of sacrifices does war require?

—how the government mobilized the economy, financed the war and later stabilized the wartime economy.
—the early military strategies of the Allied forces in the Pacific including the Doolittle Raid.
—the military strategies of the Allied forces in Europe and North Africa.
—the military strategies used to end the war with Japan including the firebombing and the use of the atomic bomb.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#2)
…People, Places and Environments (#7)
…Power, Authority, & Governance (#5)
…Global Connections (#2)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#5)

Tora Tora Tora:
—View movie
—Complete Handout

Important Dates:
05/15/17-05/16/17-Tora Tora Tora. Handout due 05/16/17
05/17/17-05/18/17-Vietnam War
05/18/17-Go over U.S. History Final
05/19/17-Last Newsela Due, Last day for late work for WWII & Vietnam War
05/23/17-U.S. History Final
05/24/17-Blocks 1 & 2, Check out, etc.

Homework:  Newsela Write due Thursday; Newsela Quiz Friday.

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Pōʻakolu, Pōʻahā a me Pōʻalima 10, 11 a me 12 Mei 17

America and World War II (1941-1945)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question:  What kind of sacrifices does war require?

—how the government mobilized the economy, financed the war and later stabilized the wartime economy.
—the early military strategies of the Allied forces in the Pacific including the Doolittle Raid.
—the military strategies of the Allied forces in Europe and North Africa.
—the military strategies used to end the war with Japan including the firebombing and the use of the atomic bomb.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#2)
…People, Places and Environments (#7)
…Power, Authority, & Governance (#5)
…Global Connections (#2)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#5)

Executive Order 9066:
—Research Chart completion
—Letter Assessment

Important Dates:
05/11/17-Tanka Extra Credit Due
05/12/17-Executive Order 9066 Research Chart & Letter Due
05/12/17-Newsela Due
05/15/17-05/16/17-Tora Tora Tora. Handout due 05/16/17
05/17/17-05/18/17-Vietnam War
05/18/17-Go over U.S. History Final
05/19/17-Last Newsela Due
05/23/17-U.S. History Final
05/24/17-Blocks 1 & 2, Check out, etc.

Homework:  Newsela Write due Thursday; Newsela Quiz Friday.

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Pō’alima, 20 Ianuali 17

SelmaThe Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  The struggle for individual rights and equality often shapes a society’s politics.

Essential Questions:  Why do you think the civil rights movement made gains in postwar America?  What motivates a society to make changes?

—know the reasons for nonviolent passive resistance and how it helped to challenge segregation and racism.
—why the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were considered turning points in the civil rights movement.
—that even though political gains were achieved during this time, many African Americans still faced economic inequality.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#7)
…People, Places and Environments (#7)
…Individuals, Groups and Institutions (#2, 3, 4, 7, 8)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#1, 2, 5)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#1)

Picturing Freedom Group Activity
—Share out

Picturing Freedom Reflection
—Complete via Google Classroom

The Movement Begins
—Complete vocabulary via Google Classroom

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Pō’ahā, 19 Ianuali 17

SelmaThe Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  The struggle for individual rights and equality often shapes a society’s politics.

Essential Questions:  Why do you think the civil rights movement made gains in postwar America?  What motivates a society to make changes?

—know the reasons for nonviolent passive resistance and how it helped to challenge segregation and racism.
—why the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were considered turning points in the civil rights movement.
—that even though political gains were achieved during this time, many African Americans still faced economic inequality.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#7)
…People, Places and Environments (#7)
…Individuals, Groups and Institutions (#2, 3, 4, 7, 8)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#1, 2, 5)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#1)

Picturing Freedom Group Activity
—Back in the 1960ʻs, who would you picture freedom?
—Finish activity & share

Picturing Freedom Reflection
—Complete via Google Classroom

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Pō’akolu, 18 Ianuali 17

SelmaThe Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  The struggle for individual rights and equality often shapes a society’s politics.

Essential Questions:  Why do you think the civil rights movement made gains in postwar America?  What motivates a society to make changes?

—know the reasons for nonviolent passive resistance and how it helped to challenge segregation and racism.
—why the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were considered turning points in the civil rights movement.
—that even though political gains were achieved during this time, many African Americans still faced economic inequality.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#7)
…People, Places and Environments (#7)
…Individuals, Groups and Institutions (#2, 3, 4, 7, 8)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#1, 2, 5)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#1)

—Small and Whole Class Discussion

Picturing Freedom Group Activity
—Back in the 1960ʻs, how would you picture freedom?

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Pōʻalua, 22 Nowemapa 16

img_9523America and World War II (1941-1945)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question:  What kind of sacrifices does war require?

—how the government mobilized the economy, financed the war and later stabilized the wartime economy.
—the early military strategies of the Allied forces in the Pacific including the Doolittle Raid.
—the military strategies of the Allied forces in Europe and North Africa.
—the military strategies used to end the war with Japan including the firebombing and the use of the atomic bomb.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#2)
…People, Places and Environments (#7)
…Power, Authority, & Governance (#5)
…Global Connections (#2)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#5)

View:  Tora Tora Tora

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