Pōʻalua, Pōʻakolu a me Pōʻahā, 09, 10, a me 11 Ianuali 2018


—Log in & practice

Albert Einstein
…Look and discuss quote
…iMovie Assignment via groups to include (5-7 minutes, voice over, music, graphics)
—–What are issues facing our country?
—–Where did it stem from?
—–Where do we go from here?  Is change necessary?  How can it be done?

Homework:  iMovieʻs due into Google Classroom Thursday by 11:59 pm!

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Pōʻakahi, Pōʻalua, Pōʻakolu, Pōʻahā a me Pōʻalima 11, 12, 13, 14 a me 15 Kēkēmapa 17

Final-Exams-Graphic1U.S. History Final Semester 1 SY 2017-2018

Final Assessment
–Posted in Google Classroom
–Work time
~~~~Monday 12/11/17 to Friday 12/15/17
–Final due into Google Classroom on Friday 12/15/16 by 3:30 pm into Google Classroom!
–No late submissions will be accepted!

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Pōʻahā a me Pōʻalima, 16 a me 17 Nowemapa 17

img_9523America and World War II (1941-1945)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question:  What kind of sacrifices does war require?

—how the government mobilized the economy, financed the war and later stabilized the wartime economy.
—the early military strategies of the Allied forces in the Pacific including the Doolittle Raid.
—the military strategies of the Allied forces in Europe and North Africa.
—the military strategies used to end the war with Japan including the firebombing and the use of the atomic bomb.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#2)
…People, Places and Environments (#7)
…Power, Authority, & Governance (#5)
…Global Connections (#2)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#5)

Video:  The Untold Story

Tanka Poetry

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Pōʻalua a me Pōʻakolu, 26 a me 27 Kepakemapa 17

civilwarThe Civil War (1861-1865)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  The struggle for individual rights and equality often shapes a societyʻs politics.

Essential Questions: Can the nationʻs union of states be broken?  Should war be conducted against both military and civilian populations?

—the History of Slavery in America.
—the advantages and disadvantages the North and the South had at the beginning of the war.
—why President Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and how it changed the meaning of the war.
—the experiences on the home front in the Union and the Confederacy.
—the significance of the Siege of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg as turning points in the war.
—the conditions, both military and civilian, in the Confederacy at the warʻs end.

…Culture (#3, 6)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#1, 2, 4)
—People, Places and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3, 5)

Slavery & Non-Slavery Research
—Complete research chart

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Pōʻakahi, 25 Kepakemapa 17

civilwarThe Civil War (1861-1865)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  The struggle for individual rights and equality often shapes a societyʻs politics.

Essential Questions: Can the nationʻs union of states be broken?  Should war be conducted against both military and civilian populations?

—the History of Slavery in America.
—the advantages and disadvantages the North and the South had at the beginning of the war.
—why President Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and how it changed the meaning of the war.
—the experiences on the home front in the Union and the Confederacy.
—the significance of the Siege of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg as turning points in the war.
—the conditions, both military and civilian, in the Confederacy at the warʻs end.

…Culture (#3, 6)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#1, 2, 4)
—People, Places and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3, 5)

Emancipation Proclamation
—Annotation of document
—Analysis of document

Homework:  Newsela due Friday!

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Pōʻalua, 12 Kepakemapa 17

IMG_7350Global Challenges:  Terrorism and Remembering 9/11/01

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Learning about the past helps us understand the present and make decisions about the future.

Essential Question: How have disputes over ideas, values, and politics resulted in change?

—the role terrorism played in Americaʻs society and how it has changed the United States.
—how September 11, 2001 marked a turning point in the recent history of the United States.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#2, 5, 7, 8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions (#5)

Terrorism & Remembering 9/11/01
—Finish view video 7 Days in September
—Poetry Assignment

Homework:  Newsela Write due Thursday; Quiz on Friday!

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Pōʻakahi, 11 Kepakemapa 17

IMG_7350Global Challenges:  Terrorism and Remembering 9/11/01

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Learning about the past helps us understand the present and make decisions about the future.

Essential Question: How have disputes over ideas, values, and politics resulted in change?

—the role terrorism played in Americaʻs society and how it has changed the United States.
—how September 11, 2001 marked a turning point in the recent history of the United States.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#2, 5, 7, 8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions (#5)

Terrorism & Remembering 9/11/01
—View video 7 Days in September

Homework:  Newsela Write due Thursday; Quiz on Friday!

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Pōʻahā, 31 ʻAukake 17

main_american_revolution_03The American Revolution

Introduction: Overview, Attendance, Collect HW, Agenda, Review Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values, and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question: Why do people rebel?

…know reasons for the growing disagreements between the American colonies and Great Britain.
…the reasons why the American colonies declared independence.
…how the Revolutionary War progressed.
…how the American Revolution changed life for different social groups in the new United States.

…Culture (#2)
…Time, Continuity & Change (#2, 4, 8)
…People, Places, and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#10)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#2, 4)

American Revolution Exam


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Pōʻakolu, 30 ʻAukake 17

main_american_revolution_03The American Revolution

Introduction: Overview, Attendance, Collect HW, Agenda, Review Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values, and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question: Why do people rebel?

…know reasons for the growing disagreements between the American colonies and Great Britain.
…the reasons why the American colonies declared independence.
…how the Revolutionary War progressed.
…how the American Revolution changed life for different social groups in the new United States.

…Culture (#2)
…Time, Continuity & Change (#2, 4, 8)
…People, Places, and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#10)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#2, 4)

Exam Review via Kahoot


Homework:  Study for tomorrowʻs exam; Newsela due tomorrow!

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Pōʻalua, 29 ʻAukake 17

main_american_revolution_03The American Revolution:  The War Changes American Society

Introduction: Overview, Attendance, Collect HW, Agenda, Review Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Disputes over ideas, resources, values, and politics can lead to change.

Essential Question: Why do people rebel?

…know reasons for the growing disagreements between the American colonies and Great Britain.
…the reasons why the American colonies declared independence.
…how the Revolutionary War progressed.
…how the American Revolution changed life for different social groups in the new United States.

…Culture (#2)
…Time, Continuity & Change (#2, 4, 8)
…People, Places, and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3)
…Power, Authority and Governance (#10)
…Civic Ideals and Practices (#2, 4)

Interpretation Pictures Sharing

: Define each word listed and explain its importance with regards to The American Revolution:  contradiction, revolutionary, republic, emancipation, manumission

Reading:  Jigsaw reading activity Chapter 2 Lesson 4

Discussion of reading

Lesson Review Assignment:
—Complete Lesson 4 Review via Google Classrom

Homework:  Newsela due Thursday.

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