Click on a question to view the answer. If you have further questions, please email us at kskhsdigital.
What are KS Digital online courses?
The opportunity to take online courses as part of a student’s regular, daily schedule of courses.
Who will students be learning from?
We offer two types of digital courses:
- KS Kumu-led courses taught by KS kumu
- Courses offered and taught from external partners, Arizona State University Prep Digital (ASUPD), Global Online Academy (GOA), and FlexPoint Education Cloud (FLXP), who specialize in digital education. Please visit our faculty and staff page for links to our external partner sites.
Why would someone want to take online courses in high school?
Online courses offer choice, personalization and flexibility. Students may opt to take online courses for many reasons, such as:
- Free up space to take other courses, especially when there may be a scheduling conflict
- Take courses not offered on campus
- Accelerate learning with an asynchronous course
- Learn from instructors and peers from around the world
- KS Digital courses are part of the regular KS course load and not an add-on
- Learn anytime and from anywhere
Who should take online courses?
Highly motivated students who are able to effectively manage their time, work, and technology independently. Students with strong study habits, excellent time management skills, reliable internet connection, and the family support to carve out quiet study time at home will likely be successful in an online learning environment. Please visit our student eligibility and readiness page for a complete list of eligibility requirements and desired readiness skills and behaviors for online learning.
Who should NOT take online courses?
Online learning is an amazing opportunity for the right student, but it is not recommended for the following students:
- Students who do not have a strong record of academic success
- Students who have not been successful in previous online learning environments
- Students unwilling or unable to commit themselves to doing well academically
- Students who will not ask for help if they need it
- Students who struggle with time management and motivation
- Students who do not possess any of the skills and behaviors on the Online Learning Readiness Inventory (See our student eligibility and readiness page for details)
Can I take a KS Digital course in the summer for credit recovery?
Like all summer school credit courses, KS Digital summer courses are offered at an accelerated pace and students should expected to put in 10 or more hours a week on each course. Additionally students are expected to manage their time and work independently. Therefore, these courses are not designed for credit recovery.
Furthermore, if a student has failed a course during the school year, there is a high probability that they do not meet one of our academic requirements to enroll in a KS Digital course. Please visit our student eligibility and readiness page for a complete list of eligibility requirements and desired readiness skills and behaviors for online learning.
How does my student sign-up for online courses?
Students to look for online courses when registering for classes, indicated by an “ONLINE” icon in the course catalog. Please keep in mind that while every effort will be made to fulfill student course requests, a student must meet all KS Digital eligibility requirements as well as any additional course prerequisites.
Will grades from online courses impact a student’s GPA?
Grades earned in online courses will be reflected on a student’s transcript and calculated as part of the student’s GPA.
Will there be a synchronous component to online courses?
Coursework is primarily asynchronous and done independently by the student. However, a student may occasionally have a synchronous call to check-in with their instructor or learning support coach. Students are expected to attend these check-ins.
Because of the asynchronous nature of the course, students will not be required to report to a physical space on campus to complete coursework; however, students are encouraged to use available quiet spaces on campus to complete coursework during open periods in their schedules.
Who should I contact if I have a question about grades in an online course?
Questions/concerns about a student’s grade or current progress in an online course should be directed to the instructor of the course, which may not always be a KS kumu.
Who should my student contact if they need help with an assignment in their online course?
Students are responsible for contacting the instructor of the course for help with assignments, which may not always be a KS kumu.