Weekly Learning Activities

Mahalo for supporting your keiki’s learning at home! Enjoy your summer!

Enjoy! Be on the lookout for another summer learning packet in the mail from our NKK Division Office in June. Have a safe and fun summer!

It’s the last week of distance learning, gang! Check Epic! for your last reading assignment (note: your Epic! free access ends at the end of June so take advantage while you can) and play this video in the background while you read the book Letter Box by Dr. Jean (trust me!) and then play this one when you read The Alphabet Forwards and Backwards. We can’t wait to see the messages you read or post on the homework Padlet!

Here’s a little song to help keiki learn their address. (You might want want to make up your own, though.) 😅👍🏼

Check Epic! Books for this week’s reading assignments. Don’t forget to upload your short video to the homework Padlet; you can post a photo of the feeling faces you drew in the “Just For Fun” column. 😊😢😠😱😮 **Remember to text Kumu Kimi your keiki’s answer to the question: What does ALOHA mean to you? 😉👍🏼

This is an oldie but goodie from the Papa Honu vault…

Readings for this week include: Old Makana Had a Taro Farm (in this link, the video is cued up to the story; find it on YouTube if you also want to take a walk through Aunty Kaliʻa’s uncle’s farm 🤙🏼) and Old MacDonald had a Farm. Add a pic of your keiki’s home-created farm in the “Just For Fun” column of our homework Padlet; we can’t wait to see the pictures your keiki draw of farm animals! 🐮🐷🐔

Check out the new links this week on our class Padlet; the links and posts change from week to week. Log in to your keiki’s Epic! books account for this week’s “reading assignment”. 😉Got any fun pics of your keiki you’d like to share? Post it in the Just For Fun column on the homework Padlet. Don’t forget to post your keiki’s homework pic in the Week #5 column! 👍🏼👍🏼

Learn about where fruits and veggies come from with Big Bird

Mahalo to all those who participated in Spirit Week last week, that was so fun! If you ever want to send us photos of your keiki at work, please feel free to text them via Remind or post them on our homework Padlet!! We added a column of “Just for Fun” pic posts.

Celebrated on April 22
Kind of thought provoking. Watch this with your keiki and talk about what they think it means.

Click the button for this week’s learning activities. Don’t forget to post your homework pic AND Spirit Week pics (see below) on our Padlet! (If you want. 😉)

What is a leaf’s job? What does a leaf need in order to do its job? What creatures came by the leaf?

Read on Epic: Respect and Take Care of Things

(Oops! The Padlet link moved here, Kumu had to reorganize the blog because things were all over the place.)

🙊😅Also, we apologize for the confusion…you did NOT miss Week #1, Kumu Kimi started the activity sheets at #2. (Why? Because she’s a babooze and technically March 30-April 3 was the first week of distance learning but we didn’t send out an activity sheet for that week.) 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Note: We value student engagement and providing opportunities to learn from one another.  However, at this time, we would like to give all families the option to share student work directly to kumu via email/text or by posting online to our Padlet.  Please do not feel obligated to post anything online if you are not comfortable.  Be aware that there is always a risk in posting as we can not guarantee that your post will not be copied or shared without your permission. Mahalo!