‘Ohana Announcements


11.21.18 Lā ‘Imi Na’auao Hand-outs

This sheet lists only the 12 steps to increase your child’s math achievement:

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This document provides more information about each step:

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Today’s powerpoint presentation:

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First Trimester Student-Led Conference Agenda

Nov. 15-16, 2018

  1. Student share Digital Progressfolio

  2. Review Report Card

  3. NWEA/MAP information

  4. Questions about Student’s Academic and Social-Emotional Progress

  • Wednesday, November 21, 2018

  1. Thanksgiving Chapel Starts at 8:00am in Lunalilo Hale 
  2. First Trimester Celebration Starts at 10:00am in Lunalilo Hale
  3. Lā ‘Imi Na’auao Starts at 12:00pm in the Charles Reed Bishop Learning Center
    • Lā ‘Ohana Activity Focus: Mindset Mathematics – Using operations flexibly

Successful users of mathematics have something – a comfort, a confidence that helps them jump into any situation that needs solving and apply their mathematical knowledge. These successful students do not necessarily know more, but their approach to mathematics helps them in every learning situation which requires that they choose which method they use. When we only ever teach students by showing them methods that they practice, they never learn to make choices about methods or enter a mathematical situation with the realization that they can make designs about the mathematical direction. At all times, it is important to remind students that they are mathematical problem solvers or investigators and that part of their role is to make decisions about topics, to think about areas to pursue, and mathematical methods to use. ( Jo Boaler, 2017)

  • Huaka’i 2018-2019

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  • ‘Ohana Survey Follow-Up

  • We will invest in an online program called Seesaw to…
    • be transparent and open on “what” and “how” students are learning in school.
    • provide better follow up on student progress, both socially and academically.
    • show how homework connects with schoolwork.
    • build active engagement between home, school, and child through video, photos, and self-reflections in Seesaw’s journal.
    • support better triangulation between school, home, and child through blog communication in Seesaw.

Approval to use this program was granted by administration a week ago. We hope to share more information with our ‘Ohana soon. As required by our administration, we need to get trained prior to launching it with our classes.

  • It’s a Kākou Thing in Papa ‘Ehā Sheet –Due Tuesday 11.20.18 in envelope 

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  • Mahalo!









Aloha e nā ‘Ohana,

We will post grade level announcements on this page to enable an easier navigation through our blog. Please call, email, or send a note to share any question or comments with us. Mahalo Nui.

**9/18/18  – Huakaʻi Update

E kala mai e nā ʻohana – we are very sorry for not communicating this with all of you sooner. We are sorry for this lack of communication. We will work on sending home information sooner!

Tomorrow we will be going on a huakaʻi to visit KTA, Big Island Candies, and Liliʻuokalani Gardens. The purpose of this huakaʻi is to capture images of arrays to link with our multiplication/ division unit. We are using arrays as a foundational strategy to help build conceptual understanding of multiplication/ division. The students have been working with arrays in different capacities over the last two weeks. We want to bring relevancy/ application of math in our classroom to the larger community.

We don’t have any special requirements for this huakaʻi. Students will come to school in uniform with their backpack, planner, iPad, water bottle, and jacket.

Again, we apologize for the lack of communication and please know that we will send home ahead of time in the future.

Mahalo nui for your understanding,

Kumu Kala & Kumu Hokoana


Open House Powerpoint– click  here

Please review our Open House powerpoint for grade level expectations and instructions on our ‘ohana shrink art.

Due Dates:

‘Ohana Shrink Art-Due 9/11

Kūpuna Collage or Picture on 8.5×11 size paper- Due 9/6

Double-sided information sheet- Due 9/4

Updates to Homework Expectations- please visit homework/communication page



Math Homework Sheet


September Math Choice Board Sheet

Math Approval Sheet  

All Purpose Product Rubric

  • Approval sheet is only used when a students selects the free choice box.
  • Rubric sheet are used to encourage self-assessment after the completion of each activity.

**Answer to a question about prime and composite number or box 2:

Option 1: Students can write number 1-100 in each box using a pencil. Then the student can color with a crayon or color pencil. Do not color with a marker because it’ll be difficult to see the number written in pencil.

Option 2: Student can use color pencils or markers to write the prime and composite numbers from 1-100 in each box.

Reading Homework Sheet

August 17, 2018 – Click on the link below 

Readers Tic Tac Toe – Beginning of year

Readerʻs TicTacToe Approval Sheet


September 4, 2018- Blackout Bingo Sheet due 9/28/18

We will continue with their tic-tac-toe sheets from last week and work towards blackout bingo. This revised timeline provides additional:

  •  chapter book reading time!
  • writing practice to include text evidence and personal connections of HOW and/or WHY readers feel their selected book or text is just right for him/her.
  • observation and exploration practice with book BEFORE committing to reading the book or text all the way through.

Please DO NOT sign your childʻs tic-tac-toe box, if the Kumu approval is not signed.

During the month of September, writing a summary or completing a reading response after their 25 minutes of nightly reading is optional. Our focus this month is to develop within our students an awareness of how and why theyʻve selected their books and citing evidence from their selected text to show how theyʻve determined their book or text is a just right fit!

In October, we will move into reading/written responses to their nightly reading.

(Update 9/4)

-We’ve decided to have students complete all book approvals in school to encourage more reading time at home.

-We want to clarify that all books a student reads does not need an approval sheet. We’ve shared the difference between FREE READ and ASSIGNED READ.

Free read means students can explore or browse through a variety of text without committing to it. We used the imagery of tasting the food samples at Costco. Food samples are free and enables the customer to determine if they will buy or not! Assigned reading means a student commits to the text! This commitment is shown with an approval sheet because they are committed to reading the text all the way through. With our Costco example, this means the costumer has decided to buy the food item and must purchase it at checkout. This is the customers commitment to that product!

Papa ʻEhā Curriculum

Scope and Sequence

Our scope and sequence outlines our curriculum alignment to our manaʻo nui or big idea/theme of the school year. Our manaʻo nui for the year is –

By focusing on our ʻŌiwi Hawaiʻi identity, haumāna understands that the intelligence of our Kūpuna (those passed/living) carries forward through them as a servant leader.

We integrate language arts with social studies. Our social studies focus is Hawaiian studies.

We kindly ask for your patience as we plan and prepare our huakaʻi schedule for the year. We will schedule most of our huakaʻiʻs on Wednesdays. We hope to share more about our huakai schedule by the end of August.

Papa ʻEhā Curriculum – Scope and Sequence_


Daily Schedules

Daily schedules share the daily flow of instruction.

4A Daily Schedule

4B Daily Schedule


Grading Policy
60% Effort     
(Invests time and care to produce quality work in a timely manner,  applies critical thinking and problem-solving skills, active participant, effective collaborator, reflects on learning/makes corrections as needed to improve, listens and respects others and their ideas, fulfills commitments, prepared for the day, and creates an organizational system to manage daily tasks.)

20% Assessments   (Written, verbal, or performance based. Retakes will be offered.)

15% Classwork        (Submits quality work in a timely manner.)

5% Homework         (Fulfills homework goals, completes daily reflection.)