Tag Archives: 30 Day Challenge

Blogging in 2012

I don’t really like New Year’s resolutions.  I find they make me feel guilty if I don’t follow through with my lofty goals for the new year.  And really, why do we need a new year to come around to set goals for ourselves?  So luckily in early December, I read a great blog post via Edutopia, Trying Something New in Your Classroom for 30 Days, by Heather Wolpert-Gawron.  A 30 day challenge, now that’s doable!

So here’s my 30 day challenge for myself.  As I was perusing tweet deck this morning, someone shared Top 100 Sites of 2011 from Tech&Learning.  I’m going to use one of those sites each day for the next 30 days and if it’s spectacularly awesome, I’ll write about it on my Blog.  So I will be blogging more in 2012, but just to clarify, it’s not a New Years Resolution, it’s a general goal…

Here’s the Ted Talk that inspired Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s Edutopia Post: