Don’t Just Ask Google

I just watched this fabulous ISTE Ignite Presentation by the fabulous Will Richardson and one of the points he makes is to stop asking Google for all the answers.  He says,

Probably one of the most transformative things that happened to me over the last five years is that I don’t go to Google to ask questions anymore, I got to Twitter. I go to a network of people who are really interested in the types of things that I am and can answer my questions better than Google can.


Now, don’t get me wrong. I actually love Google, but I can not agree with Will more. It is so important that we as educators build a Personal Learning Network where we can learn from each other in ways that make use better at what we do.  But I want to add to Will’s advice and say that while Twitter is an awesome place to go to ask questions, there are other fantastic places as well:

Edmodo – Edmodo is full of communities where teachers can connect with other teachers and exchange ideas and recommend content.  In some cases, I’ve found I get answers to some of my questions faster with using Edmodo than I have when asking on twitter.

Nings – A ning is social website that brings like minded people together.  I belong to a couple of nings I find very helpful:

  • Classroom 2.0 is a social network for those interested in Web 2.0, social media, and participative technologies in the classroom.  Yup…that’s me.
  • Flipped Learning Network – an online community of practice for the flipped classroom educator
  • The Educator’s PLN – a ning dedicated to the support of Personal Learning Networks for Educators

Facebook Groups – I belong to an excellent Facebook group called iPad Education Dreams.  My colleague and friend, Lynne Horiuchi, recommended it to me and I’ve found it to be a great resource and a place to ask questions to connected educators.

While it’s important for us to learn where we can find answers to our own questions, we need to teach these skills to our students as well.  Where are they going for their answers?

Teachers Teaching Teachers Technology

I am so lucky to work at such a fabulous school where teachers are teaching teachers about technology.  Last Wednesday, Kumu Kanani taught us how to create headers for blogs using Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.  It was so much fun and teachers left with a new tool to use to enhance their blog, but they also discussed how they could use Photoshop Elements to enhance their curriculum.

This is only one of the many examples of the awesome sharing that’s happening at Kula Ha’aha’a.  Click here for Kumu Kanani’s Blog Post about the training session.

How are teachers sharing at your school?

Connected Educator?

Credit: The Daring Librarian

This month is Connected Educator Month and what makes being a connected educator so awesome is the ability to have access to top educators around the world and see what they’re reading, what they’re writing, who they’re following without having to fork out the big bucks to attend a conference.  Connecting for me has been invaluable for my professional life and I wanted to share some of the ways I stay connected.  I’ll have more in depth posts/tutorials on each of these tools coming soon.

Twitter – Twitter has changed my life, especially once I figured out how to use a hashtag!  Top educators around the globe use twitter to SHARE resources.  When I have an edtech question, I ask my tweeps on twitter and often get numerous responses.   I usually browse twitter while I’m having my morning coffee to see what’s going on in the edtech world.

Just a note – you don’t even have to be on Twitter to what gurus in education are sharing,  Are you a fan of David Warlick?  Check out what he’s sharing at

Diigo – Diigo is a social bookmarking site I use to bookmark resources.  What I love about Diigo is my bookmarks are not housed on my computer, but I can access them from any computer as well as pretty much any mobile device.  But what’s even better, is I can see other people’s resources…the people who are smarter than I am.  In 2011-2012, our High School was in the planning year for a one-to-one project.  Rather than spending hours and hours hunting for resources, I just found other educators who were on Diigo and used their bookmarks.  Diigo also allows users to tag their bookmarks which makes locating that awesome resource you remember bookmarking a couple months ago really easy to find.

Facebook– I use facebook primarily for socializing and keeping up with my friends, but I also am part of some edtech groups and “like” many edtech pages.  Like twitter, there are leaders in education who are sharing resources and talking about hot topics in todays education on Facebook.

Edmodo – Edmodo is secure social networking site that can be used as a course management system for students.  Edmodo is an excellent source for Professional Development.  There are multiple groups users can join and share resources as well as post questions and have discussions.  Glogster has a group in Edmodo I have tapped into quite often.  When I’ve asked questions to the group, not only have I had responses from other Glogster members, but from Glogster themselves.

iGoogle – I use iGoogle as my blog reader.  I used to use Google Reader, but I like the way iGoogle displays the blogs better than reader.  iGoogle is a great way to organize multiple email accounts, social networking accounts, aggregate blogs, and so much more.

Ning – Ning is another social networking resource where like minded educators get together to share resources, talk about common interests.  My Favorites are Classroom 2.0, Flipped Learning Network, and The Educators PLN.

By the way, Classroom 2.0 is hosting a Social Learning Summit as I write this post.  I’m heading over as soon as I publish.

Evernote – I love using Evernote to take notes on multiple devices, but what I like even better is when there’s someone else who takes notes and shares their notes with me!  I can tag my notes so they’re easy to find.  I can include pictures and weblinks in my notes which is great for a visual learning such as myself.

IFTTT – This tool I discovered this summer and wish I would have invented it!  IFTTT stands for “If this, then that”.  Basically, you can make a recipe to organize your online tools.  For example, When I favorite a tweet in twitter, it bookmarks the url in my Diigo account.  Jackpot!  I usually browse twitter on my phone or iPad so I used to email myself the resources I wanted to bookmark and then bookmark them later once I got to my computer.  Now, I just press the little star and voilà, it’s done for me!

I would like to mention, that there’s no right or wrong way to connect.  The tools I use may be different than the tools someone else may use.  Most of these tools I discovered because of my connections.  I’m only as good as the people I surround myself with and with the Internet, I’m surrounded by some pretty amazing edtech people who are willing to share so we can all be better.  That translates into helping kids and isn’t that why we’re educators?

How do you stay connected?

Introduction to Blackboard – Course 1 of 3

Course Dates: August 30 – October 11 – Every Thursday
Course Meeting time: 3:15pm – 4:30pm
Seats Available: 8 KSH, 8 KSK, 8 KSM

Course Description for Introduction to Blackboard :

“Introduction to Blackboard” is the first course in a three part series to prepare Kamehameha Schools teachers to use online instructional and/or blended learning strategies.* The “Introduction to Blackboard” course will allow Kamehameha Schools faculty to survey best practices in integrating the Blackboard course management system(CMS), into the classroom setting. Participants will explore the basic features of Blackboard as well as the NETS standards. This exciting course will be offered Tri-Campus via Adobe connect and feature teaching methods such as instructor demonstration, guided, hands-on instruction, small group activities, online tutorials and homework assignments. As a final component, participants will create a lesson plan using the Project Planning Guide developed by ETS-i aligned to standards as well as the Working Exit Outcomes(WEO). There will be 8 instructional hours and 8 hours of required homework assignments.

* Blended Learning – 80% online and 20% face to face as identified by the Tri-Campus Blended Learning Project Charter.


Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Effectively navigate through Blackboard
  • Create course content in Blackboard
  • Understand and utilize basic Blackboard course tools
  • Understand basics of the Blackboard grade center
  • Manage users and groups in Blackboard
  • Create and share a lesson within Blackboard utilizing the ETS-I project planning template aligned to NETS standards and the WEO


Course Requirements:

In order to receive 1 B credit, participants will be required to complete the following:

  • 8 hours of synchronous instruction through Adobe Connect
  • 8 hours of class work
  • Creation of lesson demonstrating technology integration and relevant standards alignment
  • Presentation of lesson to cohort and instructor

In addition to coursework, participants must be able/willing to:

  • Meet once per week after school for 1 to 1.5 hours online for instructional purposes (dates and times TBA)
  • Have reliable internet access during instructional time
  • Integrate the created lesson into at least one of their current courses


Application Process:

KSH & KSM Campuses: Log-on to My Learning Plan to register and gain approval from your supervisor.  Course Listing will be available August 16, 2012

KSK: Complete your Pers-35 form to gain approval from your supervisor. Once you have approval, please contact Tim Freitas (see below) to secure your spot in the course.

Please be aware that space is limited.

For more information and/or questions, please contact your respective campus ITS or ITRT.




Ellen Cordeiro Hawaii
Kelly Cua Maui
Tim Freitas Kapālama
Lance Ogata Kapālama