It’s Pi Day!

It’s Pi Day!  What’s Pi day?  Pi day is celebrated annually on March 13 in honor or 3.14,  the first digits in the number Pi.  Pi represents the ratio of a circles circumference to it’s diameter.  Visual?  I like this explanation:

Here are some resources that can be used to celebrate Pi day:

Flocabulary’s Pi Day Activities
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I just love flocabulary!  This resource includes three videos as well as six lesson ideas.  My favorite is baking a Pi Pie!  Right now, Flocabulery is having a free, unlimited school wide access deal through June!  Now’s the time to check them out!

Cybrary Man’s Math Page
I like cybrary man because he does all the hard work for us.  He has a great list of Pi Day resources on his Math page.

Click on the activities link for a great list of Pi activities!

Exploring Pi
This Scholastic resource is for grades 1-8 and includes the history of Pi and well as fun activities to use with students about Pi.

Pi Across America
Another great resource with activities and information about Pi!

Find resources and activities on twitted by using #piday.  Not on twitter?  No worries!  Just google “#piday” and you’ll have access to all the piday awesomeness!

Did you know that Einstein was born on 3/14?

Did you know that July 22 is Pi Approximation? If you use the day/month date format, July 22 is 22/7 and 22/7 is an approximation of Pi.  Who knew?

Thousand digits of Pi Image By Tom Murphy (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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