Storytelling Speech & Day 1 Homework

January 20th, 2016 by caromero

Everyone has at some time or another been a storyteller. You told your tale to an audience, hoping to get a reaction—laughter, empathy, or maybe even fear. For this speech, you will choose a story to tell the class. Your story options are listed below, but whatever you choose, you need to consider the incidents of the story and the order in which they occur. A story must have details and description to bring it to life and make the story clearer to the audience. Make sure that your story is appropriate for the audience.

Where I am From
Learned the Hard Way
The First Time
Lost and Found
Up the Family Tree

See the attached assignment sheet for more details: Storytelling speech


Select your story and write a detailed, one page description of it. Make sure to include & label a description of the 1) theme–one of the five on the assignment sheet, 2) characters and their relationship to each other, 3) change: how did you change from beginning to end?, 4) stakes: why did this moment matter to you?

Submit to Google Classroom.

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