Speech Syllabus

February 2nd, 2012 by caromero

General course description:

This introductory course teaches students to use their voice, body language, writing skills, and presentation aids to become effective speakers and listeners. Topics covered: informal and formal speaking, organizing speeches for various topics and purposes, and the effective use of digital visual aids.

Student Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
• tell a story
• write a variety of speeches with appropriate organization (introduction, body, conclusion).
• deliver a variety of speeches with confidence.
• use visual aids to enhance a presentation.

In addition, the vision and mission of KSM High School will guide our classroom experiences.

Vision: Hawaiian Leaders prepared for college and a global society.
Mission Statement: KSM HS is dedicated to developing
• Students who take initiative and persevere towards a clear purpose and focus; they are resilient, resourceful and self-aware.
• Well rounded students who demonstrate problem solving skills and meet minimum admission requirements to our state flagship post-secondary educational institution.
• Globally informed students who can confidently navigate and engage in other cultures and environments.
• Students who embody Christian Hawaiian values who are leaders in their community and demonstrate moral courage.

Major texts, literature, or resources:

Provided by the school:
• Speak Up! Third Edition, by Douglas M. Fraleigh and Joseph S. Tuman
• Handouts

• Provided by the student:
• blue or black ink pens
• folder paper
• dedicated speech folder
• 3×5 index cards•

Course outline:

Students will develop and practice their speech-making skills through a variety of activities culminating in a formal presentation in the following areas:

1. Introductory Speech
2. Storytelling
3. Poetry Interpretation & Recitation
4. Informative Speaking
5. Persuasive Speaking
6. Group Presentations


Every student has the opportunity to earn an “A” in this class. Grades will be issued based on a point/percentage system. Each assignment will be given a point value. Assignments that require more effort will have a higher point value. At the end of the quarter and semester points earned will be tallied and divided by the total possible points. There will be no rounding up of percentages. For example, a 79.9 % will be a C+, not a B-. Grades will be given out based on the following scale.

Grade %
A 93-100
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F 0-59

Grades will be updated on KS Connect on the regular Grade Check dates listed below. Please report any discrepancies as soon as possible so they can be addressed.

Quarter 1:
August 15, 2016
August 29, 2016
September 12, 2016
September 26, 2016

Quarter 2:
October 31, 2016
November 14, 2016
November 28, 2016
December 12, 2016

Attendance, participation, and work make-up policy:

Regular attendance and participation in class is important in order to be a successful student. Students with excused absences will have two days to make-up an assignment missed in class. If a project was due on the date of the excused absence, the project is due the day the student returns to class. If the excused absence is prolonged, the student will make an appointment to discuss deadlines for work missed upon return to school.

Students must ask for missed work outside of instructional time. Assignments can also be found on Google Classroom or blogs.ksbe.edu/caromero. It is unfair to take class time away from the students who were present.

Written assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Field trips and athletic competitions are considered school activities and all assignments due on that day should be turned in prior to leaving campus for the activity.

Scores for assignments turned in one (1) day late will be reduced by 10%; two (2) days late 20%; three (3) days late 30%; four (4) days late 40% and five (5) days late 50%.  Assignments turned more than five days late will receive a zero (0).

Computer-related excuses will not be accepted. It is advised that students work in Google Docs to avoid losing papers, etc.

Speech Presentations
Students are expected to be ready to present on the day assigned. If you are not ready to speak on the day assigned:
• You will receive a “0.” You are expected to present the following day or when the teacher schedules you.
• The “0” will be reflected in your grade for the speech once the presentation is delivered. The final grade for the presentation WILL NOT BE HIGHER than a D (66%).
• Should you be unprepared the second day the “0” stands as the grade for that assignment.
Should you need to miss class to visit a counselor, etc. on a day a speaking assignment is due, you must receive permission from Ms. Romero BEFORE obtaining a pass from the office or proceeding to the counselor’s office, unless the visit is due to an emergency. If you fail to do this, the above policy will be applied.
All major speaking assignments MUST BE COMPLETED in order to earn credit for this speech class. Speeches not presented after the second opportunity must be completed no later than one week after the end of the class presentations for that particular speaking assignment or the student will fail the course.

Expected classroom behaviors:

I will abide by the following code while in the classroom:
As a student,
• I am respectful.
• I am responsible.
• I am cooperative.
• I communicate in an effective manner.
• I follow the rules and guidelines in the KSM Student/Parent Handbook.

If I choose to disregard classroom and school rules, I will be subject to consequences outlined in the KSM Student/Parent Handbook.

Laptop Rules

• I must ask for permission before using my laptop.
• I will use my laptop for class purposes only.
• If I am messaging, emailing, gaming, downloading photos or music, or engaging in any activity not related to class, my computer will be confiscated.

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