Third Graders in Hawaii and Maine Connect via Skype!

The third graders in Ms. Everett’s class connected with Maine. They have made many connections using Skype this year, and we had an awesome time learning all about our friends in Maine. We learned that:
Their state animal is the Moose!
Maine is the only state that borders one other state!
There are over 6,000 lakes and ponds in Maine (WOW!)
Their state flower is the pine cone (We didn’t know that the pine cone was a flower!)
Their state bird is the Chickadee.
Maine is five hours ahead of Hawai’i.
And, it was 24 degrees when we were talking to them, brrrrr!!!

Below are some pics and video clips of our Skype!
And to see the conference from their perspective check out their youtube video by clicking here!

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First Grade Huaka’i Slideshows

Our first graders have been hard at work learning how to use imovie to create slideshows of their last two field trips. All I can say is, WOW! They did an awesome job! Check them out for yourself below.

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“The Shark and the Milky Way” A Hawaiian Legend

Ms. Everett’s third grade class has been busy making digital stories for their buddies in Wales. Here is one of the stories we have created. It is a retelling of the the Hawaiian legend “The Shark and the Milky Way.”

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Illinois and Wisconsin and Indiana, Oh My!

Our third and fourth grade students have had three exciting experiences recently.

Ms. Everett’s class skyped with a class in a suburb near Chicago.  They learned all about the “ABC’s of Winter Weather!”  The students shared everything from blizzards, snowmen, cocoa, ice skating, hibernation, gloves, to mittens and zipping up with us.  The descriptions gave us a very clear picture of what their 20 degree weather must feel like!

Kumu Silva’s class taught a group of students in Wisconsin about volcanoes.  The students at Sunset Elementary School in Whitehall, Wisconsin were amazed by some of the stories that we told about Kilauea volcano.  Kumu Silva’s students also had a chance to ask some questions about what life is like in Wisconsin.  We learned that they enjoy many of the same sports and activities that we do.  We also learned that Wisconsin is four hours ahead of Hawaii.  And guess what?  It was snowing outside as we were skyping with them!

Kumu Kala’s students participated in a “Mystery” skype that was very challenging for us indeed!  It wasn’t long though, before our partners guessed that we were from Hawaii.  We learned that in their state they grow corn and soybeans.  Their state borders Lake Michigan, and they are located in the midwest.  We were finally able to guess Indiana!  We had so much fun with our friends at Northview Elementary School!

Check out some pics and video clips of all three of these skypes below!  A big, big, thank you goes out to the students who took notes as well as to our student photographers and videographers!  Well done!

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Aloha Flat Stanley!

Ms. Fullerton’s class said Aloha to our Hawaiian Flat Stanley as we put him in his envelope and sent him across the ocean to Massachusetts.

We are so excited to see the many adventures that our second grade friends in MA will take him on!  And we are even more excited to be able to Skype with our friends after we show their Flat Stanley around Hawaii.

Here is our Flat Stanley ready for his trip!

To follow along with this project check out the project wiki by clicking here!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade | Tagged , , , , | 16 Comments


I have moments as a teacher when I think “this is the way it should be!” The students are engaged, excited, and working collaboratively on something meaningful. In those moments I truly realize the power of teaching.

Today I had a moment like that with one of my first grade classes. The first graders have a number of pics that they took on their last two field trips. They had previously used PPT to create a book of a previous field trip. This time I knew I wanted to do something a little more challenging.

So, working in pairs, the students chose pictures from a shared Dropbox photo gallery. They imported the pictures into iMovie and got creative! I wish you all could have felt the excitement in the room as the students played with the different titles, transitions, music, and sound effects. They were having fun, I was having fun, they were learning, and I was learning.

I was so proud of them. It was a GREAT day!

I cant wait to post their completed movies on my blog. In the meantime take a look at a few pics from today’s class.

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Hawaii/Massachusetts Collaboration Begins!

The second and third graders have begun some very exciting projects with Heights Elementary School in Sharon, Massachusetts.  Read on to see what each class is doing!

Mrs. Oyama’s class will be teaching the second graders about native Hawaiian animals while the students in Sharon teach us about animals that live in Massachusetts.  We can’t wait to learn about animals that don’t live in Hawai’i!  You can follow along with the project and see the work we are doing by visiting the wiki page we are using for the collaboration.  Just click here!

Ms. Fullerton’s class will be participating in a Flat Stanley exchange with Mrs. Stewart’s class in MA. We had a wonderful time getting our Flat Stanley ready to take his trip to MA. You can follow along with this project on the project wiki by clicking here! On the home page of the site you can compare the weather and time in Kea’au and Sharon. Check out the difference, it’s amazing!

Ms. Everett’s class is comparing the different seasons and photoperiod changes of HI and MA with Mrs. Kuppersmith’s third graders. Check out our site to see how much daylight we have had the past few weeks compared to them! Just click on the Photoperiod Data page. Also, look at some of the questions they have posted for us:

Finally, Ms. Manliguis’ class is doing an alien exchange project with Mrs. Arcand’s class. We are using KidPix to draw some very creative aliens. We will then write descriptions of our aliens, share our descriptions with each other, and see if we can draw each other’s aliens. Check out the site for this project here!

We are so excited to be involved in these awesome projects with Heights Elementary school. And we can’t wait until the end of our projects when we will Skype with them and meet them live face to face!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade, Third Grade | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

We LOVE Connecting with Others!

We love connecting with people from all over the world!  During the past two months our school has made so many connections with students and people in other places that it has been impossible for me to blog about each and every project!  But, I must share some of the amazing things we have done in just the past two months!  I created a Google Map so that you can look at the places we are “virtually” visiting and read about the awesome things we are doing.  Also click here to see some pics of the students during their skyping sessions – (Fourth graders I created this using iWeb!)

Be on the lookout for a future blog post about the awesome projects that we are embarking upon this semester!

View Virtual Visits Around the World! in a larger map

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade, Third Grade | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Why Blog?

My wonderful fifth graders,

I spent some time catching up on your blogs over Christmas break.  I am proud of what you are doing!  So many of you are using the web tool in wonderful ways.  We are going to spend some time looking at the kinds of things students and teachers from other schools are doing with their blogs.  Then we are going to talk about the potential of using this tool in our own school.

Our main question will be:  WHY BLOG?

I know why I blog.  I love sharing all the wonderful things that we are doing in technology class with the world!  But, I also like that the fact that if I come across something that I find interesting or inspiring, I can immediately share it.

Speaking of something interesting and inspiring… Check out the video below.  It is totally awesome!  Do you think it is totally awesome? Do you know why I think it’s totally awesome?

Posted in Fifth Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , , | 24 Comments

Founder’s Day 2011

On Monday, December 19th, the students at Kamehameha Schools Hawai’i Campus came together to celebrate the founder of our school, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

We celebrated the 180th anniversary of Princess Pauahi’s birth and we began a year long celebration of the 125th anniversary of Kamehameha Schools.

Our keiki from the Kula Ha’aha’a offered their gift of song with “Pauahi Nona Ka Lei.”  Below is a video of them singing.  It was a very special day.  We are all grateful for the gifts that we receive because of our wonderful, intelligent Princess.

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade | Leave a comment