Kindergartners Participate in Awesome Collaborative Project!

The kindergarten students in Mrs. Littrell’s class participated in a skype session today that was the culminating activity for a wonderful project that we have been calling “The Mitten Project.”

This project was based on two different kindergarten classes, one from Hawaii (us!) and one from Baltimore, reading “The Mitten” by Jan Brett and then recreating their own versions of the story with a local touch.

Our first step was to read “The Mitten” which we thought was a wonderful story! Then we brainstormed ways that we could create our own version using local animals and a local setting. Next we wrote our version, created the illustrations, and recorded our voices!

Then we sent our version to the students in Baltimore and they sent their version to us! We just loved watching the creative things they did. Our final step was a Skype session where we told them some of the things we loved about their story and got to ask them questions. We also sang songs for each other! What fun this project was!

Below you will see both versions of the story as well as pics and video clips from our Skype. Enjoy!
Here are some pics and video clips of our Skype!

Here is our version: “The Boogie Board”

Here is the version created by our friends in Baltimore, “The Skipjack”

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Kindergarten | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Math Night Mini Musical!

What fun! Great job everyone! Elaine – I’ll be your partner anytime!!

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade | 8 Comments

This Week’s Skyping Adventures

Our lucky students have participated in a number of skypes in the past few days. Here is a summary of some of them.

Mrs. Nihipali’s Kindergartners loved sharing their digital story “The Boogie Board” with their Kindergarten friends in Baltimore, MD. The children in Baltimore created a wonderful book for us in return. We loved reading their book and had so many questions about the book and their community. We got to Skype with them one last time to ask our questions and answer some of theirs!

Mrs. Ah Hee’s fifth graders skyped in small groups with their Baltimore Buddies to discuss the endings of the stories they were writing together in Google docs. They did an awesome job communicating together and leading their own discussions in small groups to make shared decisions about their writing.

Kumu Kala’s class and Mrs. Ah Hee’s class participated in Read Across America day with their Baltimore buddies. The fifth graders read two of their collaborative stories and kicked off their next project, a Math project, with a shared reading of “Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angeland.” The fourth graders recited a number Hawaiian legends to their Baltimore friends and listened to some very interesting stories about Maryland.

Here is a slideshow with pics and video clips from each Skype!

Posted in Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype, Kindergarten | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Third Graders Continue Skype Adventures with PA and SD!

Our lucky third graders continued their exploration of other places during Skype sessions this week with students in Pennsylvania and South Dakota. We loved sharing with them and we learned so much as well.

From our friends at Evergreen Elementary in Lake Ariel Pennsylvania, Ms. Manliguis’ class learned several interesting facts. We learned about the wonderful history of Philadelphia where the US Constitution was signed! The Liberty Bell is in Philadelphia. We also learned some very interesting facts. Did you know that Pennsylvania’s state beverage is milk? Or that the state insect is the firefly? Did you know that bubble gum, Crayola crayons, and the Ferris wheel were all invented in Pennsylvania? We thought those things were very interesting!

From our friends in South Dakota we learned some amazing things as well! Did you know that South Dakota has a state dinosaur? It’s the Triceratops! There are some very beautiful mountains in South Dakota, including one very famous one called…. Mount Rushmore! The students we skyped with only had 5 people in their class! They live in a very rural area and every one of the students owns a horse! While we were skyping with them it was snowing. In fact, they started school two hours late that day because of a blizzard! We thought that was amazing!

Check out some pics from our PA and SD Skype sessions below.

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

“The Boogie Board” by Mrs. Nihipali’s Kindergarten Class

Our Kindergarten classes are participating in a wonderful digital storytelling project with a few schools in Baltimore, Maryland. We have read “The Mitten” by Jan Brett and are creating our own local versions of the story.

Mrs. Nihipali’s class is partnering with Ms. Myers’ class from Hillcrest Elementary School. We were able to say hi to them a few weeks ago (check out my blog posting on that skype by clicking here). Now we are ready to share our version of “The Mitten” with them! We can’t wait to see their version and Skype with them again!

Our version is called “The Boogie Board.” We hope you enjoy watching it!

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Skyping with Wales!

Ms. Everett’s third graders participated in an amazing opportunity on Thursday. We got to finally meet our friends in Wales face to face via Skype! We have been working with Mr. Jones and his student over the past year on a number of projects. We were so excited that the students were able to go to school at 5:45 pm so they could Skype with us. It was 7:45 am for us, that’s a 10 hour difference!

During our call we got to tell them how much we appreciate the hard work they’ve put into the creation of their movies and digital stories. Play the video below to see some pics and video clips of our Skype!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

5th Graders use Voicethread to Create Digital Book Reports

Check out the book reports by our fifth graders in Ms.Pai/Ms.Khoehler’s class below! They used voicethread to “digitize” their monthly book report assignment. Good job fifth graders!

Chasen Jay

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Kindergarteners Participate in their First Skype!

Mrs. Nihipali’s Kindergarten class was very excited last week Thursday as they came into the computer lab. They couldn’t wait to Skype with their new friends in Baltimore from Hillcrest Elementary School. The students are working on a book project together which will culminate in a Skype later on in the month. During this, our first skype, we said Aloha to them, asked them a few questions, and got to sing a song for them! We had so much fun and can’t wait to skype with them again! Check out the video below to see some of the action!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Kindergarten | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Fifth Graders Finish Videos for Baltimore Buddies

Our fifth graders have finished the videos they created for their Baltimore buddies! Check them out below. Great job being photographers and videographers. And you did well using imovie, fifth graders! I’m sure our fifth grade buddies in Baltimore will enjoy seeing our campus.
Francis Scott Key Group’s Movie

Ho’omau Group’s Movie

Kamehameha Group’s Movie

Lacrosse Group’s Movie

Mason Dixon Group’s Movie

Pilina Group’s Movie

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | 4 Comments