Be Passionate about your Education!

Aloha Students,

Last week during morning announcements Mrs. Debus’ explained that I had completed my Master’s degree in Education after two years of hard work, and an 83 page long thesis!  This past Saturday, I graduated from the University of Hawaii at Hilo.

Even though I am a teacher and have already gone through years of college I went back to school to learn more.  I will never stop wanting to learn.  Many of you have asked me what I was studying, so here is a brief explanation of my research.

The purpose of my research was to look at the impact of the performing arts on students’ lives.  I wanted to study how being involved in a musical theatre production impacted students’ social and emotional learning. Social and emotional learning includes things like responsible decision making, working cooperatively with others, appreciating diversity, having self-confidence, having self-discipline, and more.

Through my research I discovered that the environment that evolves during the course of a musical theatre production provides the ideal atmosphere for the positive support of social and emotional learning.

We are very lucky to be at a school that supports the arts.  You all participate in art and music as part of your basic education.  And you have the opportunity to be in musicals and other performances.  Be thankful!  Many schools do not have those opportunities.  Performing arts opportunities are very important.  There are some of us who need to participate in the arts because the arts are a part of who we are!  The arts help give meaning, joy, and fulfillment to our lives.

During the course of my research I realized that passion is everything.  Each and every one one of you deserves to participate in experiences that you are passionate about.   Here is one of my favorite quotes from the pages and pages of research that I compiled. It is by a very smart man named Sir Ken Robinson. He says:

“If we do not support students in the things they are passionate about we will be creating groups of people who grow up and don’t’ know who they really are.”

So, I ask you, my wonderful students. Are you supported in school in the things that you are passionate about?   I am passionate about the arts!  I am passionate about innovation and creativity in technology!  I am passionate about learning!

What are you passionate about?

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Collaborative Poetry Project Culminates in Exciting Sharing Via Skype

Have you ever written a poem with someone 4,772 miles away? Well, our fifth graders have! Today the students in 5b participated in the culminating experience of a collaborative poetry project with their Baltimore buddies.

We began the projects a few weeks ago with a Skype session in which Mrs. Falatko, the fifth grade teacher in Baltimore, talked to both classes about poetry for two voices. You can see my blog posting on that skype session by clicking here!

The fifth graders then used Edmodo and Voicethread, two Web 2.0 tools, to collaborate in the practicing and writing of poems for two voices. The students worked with a partner, one student from Baltimore and one from Hawai’i, to create their own poem for two voices.

The positive communication that took place during the writing of the poems was amazing! They were very excited to be speaking their poems aloud with each other during their small group Skype sessions.

And guess what! There was a local news crew filming in Baltimore. We made the news! Check out the video of the news segment, and below that check out some pics and video clips of our Skype.

To access the video on the Baltimore News Website Click Here!

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | 21 Comments

First and Second Graders Connect with Buddies

The first and second graders in Mrs. Moore’s and Ms. Fullerton’s classes skyped this past week with their Baltimore buddies.

The first graders shared movies they had made about what the season of Fall is like in Maryland and Hawai’i. The movies inspired us to think of many questions to ask each other!
Click here to see the movies that we made for each other!

We also were able to thank our friends for the box of cards and goodies that they sent us! We got to taste Baltimore’s own Burger’s Cookies and much more!
Click here to see a video slideshow of our Baltimore friends opening their box from us!

Then, the second graders were able to skype with their buddies. They shared different physical and man made features of our communities. We learned so much about the wonderful place that our friends go to school in.

Here is a brief look at the first and second grade skypes:

Posted in First Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | 4 Comments

Our Talented Kindergarteners

During the past few weeks the Kindergartners have been working on a “music video” to one of the songs they sang in our Christmas Concert.  Take a look below at their rendition of “Up on the Housetop!”

Posted in Kindergarten | 6 Comments

A Video Gift for our Kindergarteners

Last week Mrs. Littrell came up to me and said, “Mrs. Stack, I have a great idea! Will you help?”

And I said, “Of course!”

So, Mrs. Littrell, Mrs. Nihipali, Kumu Kanani, and I got together and created something extra special just for you! Take a look!

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First Graders Compare the Season of Fall

First graders in Baltimore and Hawaii created videos to share with each other.   The purpose of the videos was to show the Season of Fall to our friends!  We will be creating a video for each of the seasons to learn about the changes that happen in each place.   The group of students who made our Fall video did a fantastic job!  You can watch both the “Fall in Hawai’i” and the “Fall in Maryland” videos below!  What differences and similarities do you see?

Posted in First Grade | 28 Comments

Fifth Grade Collaborative Poetry Project Begins!

The fifth graders of 5B have begun a new project with their Baltimore Buddies.  As you may know from reading this blog, we have developed a wonderful relationship with our friends in Baltimore using a variety of web tools.  Our latest collaboration is a poetry project.  We kicked off the project on Wednesday with a Skype session.  Mrs. Falatko, the fifth grade teacher from Baltimore, talked about the importance of rhythm and beat in poetry.  We thought the music she shared with us was really groovy!   During this first lesson we also got to practice reading poems written for two voices.

The fifth graders have now partnered up, one Baltimore fifth grader and one Hawaii fifth grader, to write their own poem for two voices.  Using an online tool called edmodo the partners will plan, write, and edit their poems.  Then, they will perform their poems via Skype for the rest of the class.  Check out some video clips of this first lesson in the two movies below, one from each of our classes.  Thank you Mrs. Falatko, Ms. Novotny, and the fifth grade keiki from Baltimore for being so awesome!

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Third Grade Mystery Skype

Ms. Everett’s class had a fun time skyping with some new friends in New York State. We were able to ask them geography questions and guess what state they were in! Check out some pics of our Skype session below!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | Leave a comment

Aloha to our Friends in England!

Mrs. Fortuna’s first grade class was busy before Thanksgiving break filming a short video for our new friends in England!  We hope our friends enjoy learning about us and we can’t wait to watch their video and learn about them!

Take a look at our video below!

Posted in First Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Leave a comment

Student Led Small Group Skyping = Engaged Learners

In the culminating activity of a project with their Baltimore buddies, the fourth graders in 4A participated in small group Skype sessions during technology class today.   Last week the fourth graders wrote a descriptive paragraph and uploaded it to Edmodo.   The students descriptive writing skills were then “put to the test” as their partners on the other side of the United States drew pictures based on the clues given in the descriptions.

Today, partners shared pictures drawn based on each others descriptions.

The fourth graders loved having this opportunity to lead their own discussions with their Baltimore friends.  They were engaged in the project from beginning to end, knowing that their work was going to be read and used by an important audience far away.  During the Skype session the students were very excited.  As I was listening to conversations I couldn’t help but feel proud of our students as they successfully communicated with peers thousands of miles away.  I am so inspired by all our Baltimore and Hawai’i keiki! You are awesome!

Great job student filmers and photographers. Check out some video and pics of our small group skyping below!

Posted in Fourth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Tagged , | 7 Comments