Fantistic Friendships

After a discussion about the importance of friendship in technology class, two of our fifth grade boys were inspired to create a video about their friendship. The video turned out to be so awesome I just had to share it here! Check it out:

Chasen and Jared: Friends from KSH Kula Ha'aha'a on Vimeo.

Posted in Fifth Grade | 14 Comments

Internet Safety on BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr.

BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. are two sites that provide great resources for parents, teachers, and students. There are many free activities on this site. The links below will take you to age appropriate videos on internet safety. Take the quiz, print some resources, or play a game to test your internet safety knowledge!

Click here to get to the Kindergarten through third grade site!

Click here for the fourth grade and older site!

Posted in Internet Safety | 1 Comment

Lean on Me!

This past weekend Mrs. Rosehill emailed me the video below. Watch the video first and then read on, below the video, for your task.

Find more videos like this on Beijing Stuff

Step 1: Turn to the person sitting next to you and tell them something you really like or thought was interesting about the video.

Step 2: Talk to your neighbor about the “purpose” of the video. What was the point?

Step 3: After you talk to your partner, spend a few minutes thinking to yourself about a friend that needed your help in the past and you gave it, or a time when you needed help and someone else gave it to you.

Step 4: Pick one of the programs on the board to use to tell me about that time you helped or were helped. In your project please make sure you include details about what happened and how it made you feel. Include both words and images in your project.

Posted in Thoughts | 14 Comments

Third Graders Skype with Idaho

The third graders participated in a Skype with Idaho today. And guess what? They do eat a lot of potatoes in Idaho!

Check out our Wallwisher below to see some of the other things we learned and enjoyed about our Skype session.

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade | 1 Comment

Check this out!!

Aloha ē na keiki!

Check out this awesome website and let me know what you think!
It’s called The Scale of Life 2.

Do you think Mrs. Chang would like this site?
Why or why not?
Do you like this site?

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts | 6 Comments

Which Site Did You Like?

Which of the following internet safety sites did you like best?
Here are some questions you can think about when writing your response:
Was it interesting?
Did you learn important lessons about being safe online?
Was it age appropriate?
What did you like?
Was there anything you didn’t like?

Click here to get to the links!

Posted in Internet Safety, Thoughts | 6 Comments

Fourth Graders LOVE iMovie!

You know those days as a teacher when everything just FEELS RIGHT! Well, I have had a few of those with my wonderful fourth graders. They have been using iMovie and they are doing a fabulous job! I love being a teacher! Here are a couple pics of them hard at work!

Posted in Fourth Grade | 2 Comments

Check out our iPad Blog!

A group of teachers here at our kula have been working together to research and learn about the different ways that we can use iPads to engage and excite our students!

You can check out our iPad blog by going to:

One of the recent posts shows one of our favorite iPad apps – Puppet Pals! Here’s the video that fourth grader Buddy made with the Puppet Pals app:

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade | 11 Comments

Internet Safety

Internet Safety is an important part of the technology class curriculum. Kamehameha Schools takes your child’s internet safety very seriously. We are also very fortunate because there are many excellent resources available to help us learn how to be good digital citizens and navigate the internet in a safe way!

Two websites that the students have been using recently are below. They offer a game like experience for students to reinforce their knowledge of internet safety. You can explore these sites yourself by clicking on the links below!

Internet Safety Land!
PBS Kids Webonauts!

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Internet Safety, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade | Tagged , | 2 Comments

First Grade Baltimore Skype #3

Hello! Check out some video clips from our most recent Skype session with our buddies in first grade. We had a blast learning about how our communities are the same and different!

Thank you Mrs. Siegal for putting together the following animoto!

Skype Session 3 with Hawaii: Our Communities.

Posted in First Grade | Leave a comment