Second Graders Compare “Island Living”

The students in grade 2A were able to compare their “island” lives with second graders in Martha’s Vineyard, MA.  Before our Skype we used GoogleEarth to get a glimpse of this wonderful little island all the way on the other side of the United States!  The second graders thought that it was so cool that they live on an island and we live on an island.

Here are two screenshots of what we saw in Google Earth.  The visuals led us to wonder about all sorts of things!
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Screen shot 2011-10-26 at 12.29.55 PM

During our Skype we were able to ask them questions as well as share some of the things that we think make Hawai’i special.  Students from both classes shared pictures and drawings and did an excellent job discussing themselves and their communities.

We learned many things!   Here are a few of the things we learned about our friends:
It takes 45 minutes for them to ride the ferry to the mainland.
They call the mainland, the mainland, just like we do!
The have big red crabs that they catch and eat.
They have a crab called the horseshoe crab that looked very scary!
They have a lighthouse that is 90 feet tall.
They have a skunk problem on their island.   The didn’t have skunks on their island until someone brought two skunks there.  Now they have a problem because there is no predator that eats the skunks!
They have a fish that they catch called the Striped Bass.

We want to say a big mahalo to our new friends in Massachusetts!  Thank you for taking the time to teach us about your home.  Here are some pics and video clips of our Skype.

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Kea’au and Kapālama: An Awesome Collaboration

On Wednesday morning Mrs. Ah Hee’s fifth graders continued their collaboration with high school students in Mr. Culley’s Science class at Kapālama.

The fifth graders began this collaboration with our neighbor island friends with a class to class skype a few weeks ago. They were introduced to their project partners by getting a “close up” view of the science students as they worked on different activities and experiments in class (check out our blog posting on the experience by clicking here!)

In the next phase of the project, the fifth graders brainstormed some topics about the human body in which they were interested in learning. From that list the high school students decided to teach us about cancer. The high school students and fifth graders were separated into groups and began using a Web 2.0 tool called Edmodo to introduce themselves and begin communicating with each other. The high school students then started creating websites with their first assignment being a general “About Cancer” page. You can view the websites by clicking on the links below.

Pink Team – Breast Cancer
Blue Team – Stomach Cancer
Green Team – Brain Cancer
Orange Team – Colon Cancer
Brown Team – Lung Cancer
Red Team – Leukemia
Yellow Team – Pancreatic Cancer
Purple Team – Skin Cancer

We viewed the websites earlier this week and were very, very impressed. We could tell that a lot of work went in to the creation of those sites! A follow up to our viewing of the websites was the small group skyping opportunity on Wednesday morning.

In the computer lab, four different computers were set up so that each team of fifth graders could skype with their high school team members. What an amazing experience for all of us, students and teachers alike! During their small group skype each team was able to build relationships by further getting to know one another. They asked questions about what sports they played, what they did for fun, what each campus was like, and more! The fifth graders asked questions about the websites and began talking about the type of cancer they would be learning about.

This project is becoming a wonderful opportunity for learning and collaboration. The students are excited to continue into the next stages of this amazing project. The thing I am most proud of is that our students are using technology to work collaboratively in a learning experience that is meaningful, relevant, engaging, and inspiring.

I am so lucky to work with amazing teachers like Mr. Culley and Mrs. Ah Hee. I am also lucky to have the wonderful support of our administration and technology department. But, most of all, I am lucky I work with a group of students who is inspired by and appreciates these experiences.

Check out some pics of our small group skype below:

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More Skyping, Yippee!

Kumu Silva and Mrs. Ah Hee’s classes each had an opportunity to Skype with other students today.

The fourth graders began their day by continuing their study of other communities with a Skype visit to a fourth grade class in Boston. We learned many interesting things about our Boston friends including:
They are 6 hours ahead of us! It was 8 am for us and 2 pm for them.
It was around 40 degrees! Brrrrrr!
There were many Red Sox fans among the students.
They study Spanish at their school.

The fifth graders continued their collaboration with their Baltimore friends by Skyping in small groups. The Baltimore and Hawaii students are participating in a variety of projects in small groups. Today they got to see their small group partners face to face and ask them a few questions. They will continue their collaboration in the next few months using a neat educational tool called Edmodo that enables them to communicate, collaborate, and share projects online.

Check out some pics of the fourth and fifth graders below!

Posted in Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | 1 Comment

First Grade Kicks Off Sky Tree Project with Skype!

The first graders had a wonderful experience Tuesday morning as they kicked off the beginning of their Sky Tree project by Skyping with a first grade class in Vermont.

We had a wonderful time saying Aloha to our nice new first grade friends. We are very excited about the project we will be doing with them. It is based on the book “Sky Tree.” The book takes us through four seasons of the life of a tree as it goes through many changes. Our friends in Vermont are picking their own sky tree and will take pictures of it all year long. The pictures will then be put together to create a time lapse video so that we can see all the changes the tree goes through from now until the end of the school year.


We are also picking our own sky trees to take pictures and create videos of. We know that we will see some changes in our trees, but we think that our changes will be very different than the changes of the maple tree that our friends are photographing. We are going to be using the following trees on our campus:
An Ulu or Breadfruit tree,
And a Kukui Nut tree.
An addition to the time lapse video of the trees we are also going to create a digital story that teaches others how these trees are important to us as Hawaiians.

Below you will find some pics and video of our Skype. Here are some highlights of our learning from the first grade students themselves. We learned that…
It takes 40-50 buckets of Maple sap to make one bucket of Maple Syrup! – Rusty

They grow apples and pumpkins in Vermont! – Kircia

There are nice people in Vermont. – Kealohilani

A Maple tree is going to be their sky tree. – Kai

They have many different animals in Vermont like deer, rabbits, moose, black bears, chipmunks, squirrels, foxes, skunks, and possums. – Micah

And everyone agreed that skyping was fun and made us feel like we could talk to people from all kinds of other places. We cant wait to skype again!

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Visiting a Robotics Class on Maui

Aloha! The specials kumu were fortunate to be able to visit the Maui campus and meet with the wonderful teachers there. We missed you all very much but had a great time sharing the cool things that we are doing on our campus and learning about the things that Maui and Kapalama are doing.

One of the special things about my visit was being able to drop in on a high school robotics class. It was so cool!!! The students were working with partners to program robots to travel on a certain path. The students had to build the robot first and then they used the computer to write the instructions for the robot. While I was there they were testing and re-testing to try to get the robots to turn at exactly the right time. Check out the animoto I made below to see them in action!

Oh, and guess what! I wrote this post and created the animoto all straight from apps on my iPhone! Pretty groovy, huh?

Posted in Fifth Grade, First Grade, Fourth Grade, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged | Leave a comment

Second Grade Skypes with……

You guessed it! Baltimore!
As you may know, Ms. Fullerton’s Class (along with Mrs. Ah Hee and Kumu Kala’s classes) is collaborating with a class in Baltimore.

On Tuesday it was the second graders turn to meet their new friends in Baltimore.   And they were VERY excited!  That morning I had bus duty and the keiki kept reminding me that we had a Skype at 9 am 🙂  As if I would forget!
Our first step before Skyping was using Google Earth to get a visualization of Baltimore!   Much to our surprise look at what we found when we typed in Baltimore.   Wow! Many of our initial wonderings were about what life might be like in such a big city.
Screen shot 2011-10-18 at 9.22.43 PM

In the video below you will see some pics and short video clips of our Skype. Below the Skype video there is a short slideshow of the second graders hard at work on their first project that they will be sharing with the students in Baltimore, an All About Me PowerPoint slide.  The students will use a neat web tool called Edmodo to share their slides.  Then they will be able to ask questions and have discussions with each other.

Don’t you love the amazing ways technology can help us learn and connect with people far away!  I sure do 🙂 And a big Mahalo to Emily for helping to take photos and video. Great Job!

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Fourth Grade Skyping Pros!

The fourth graders in Kumu Kala’s class participated in their first skype of the school year this past week.  They did in awesome job, showing they were old pros at Skyping after participating in the “Chat Across the USA” project in third grade.

This Skype was with fourth graders in Baltimore.  You may have read the posting about the fifth grade Skype with Baltimore.  Our fourth graders will also be collaborating with students in Baltimore using different tech tools to teach and learn.  The fourth graders were able to introduce themselves and see their Baltimore group members face to face!

Here are some pics and video clips of the fourth graders Skyping.

Fourth Grade Baltimore skype from Carmen Stack on Vimeo.

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“Hawai’i, Our Home” Third Grade Digital Stories

Each of the third grade classes has completed a digital story titled “Hawaii, Our Home” to share with the many classes they will be collaborating with around the world.

Before we share our stories with them, we would like to share our stories with you! We hope you enjoy reading about the many things that make us proud to call Hawai’i our home.

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Fifth Grade Videographers

The fifth graders spent some time around campus this week looking for moments of kindness and respect. While practicing their photography skills the fifth graders were able to visit other classrooms for a little while in the hopes of finding children and adults practicing the values that are important at our kula.

In our discussion after the filming we noticed that kindness appeared around our campus in many ways. Kumu helping other kumu, keiki helping keiki, keiki listening to kumu, and more. Sharing, giving, helping, congratulating, celebrating – these were all things that the fifth graders saw during their day of filming.

With the footage, the fifth graders will be putting together videos that showcase the many ways we show aloha to each other at our amazing school.

Awesome job fifth grade! Thank you for acting like true professionals!
Here are some action pics of those cool fifth graders 🙂

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Another ABC Book!

Mrs. Littrell’s class has finished their ABC book!

Take a look!

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