Mystery Skype Makes Us THINK!

Where are you?
This was the main question the third graders of 3B were asking themselves as they participated in a mystery Skype with a class from…….Wait!
You’ll have to watch the video to find out!

Didn’t our student photographers do an awesome job!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Using Glogster at our School

Check out the short video that some of our keiki and I made about how we use Glogster at school. You can use glogster at home too! Just go to

If youtube is blocked try clicking on one of these links:
Glogster at our School
Glogster at our School

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Learning About Mexico Via Skype

The children in grade 5B had an exciting opportunity this week to learn about Mexico from someone in Mexico! Aunty Amy, a Hilo educator, skyped with us to tell us all about the wonderful things she is learning on her trip to Mexico.

We learned that Mexico’s official language is Spanish. But, there are 31 states in Mexico and in each area the people are trying very hard to keep their native languages, culture, and traditions alive. Aunty Amy showed us some Mexican money and told us about the yummy, and interesting, Mexican food she is trying. For one meal she even ate grasshoppers! We also were able to look at some beautiful Mexican art and Aunty Amy told us about the different natural resources Mexican weavers use to die their cloth.

It was an awesome experience and we can’t thank you enough for sharing with us Aunty Amy!

Here is a short glimpse into our skype session.

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Leave a comment

“I’m Lucky I Live in Hawai’i” a digital story by 2A

The students in grade 2A have completed their digital story “I’m Lucky I Live in Hawai’i.” They did an awesome job using a variety of programs to put the final product together! We hope you enjoy reading and listening.

Posted in Second Grade | 1 Comment

Third Graders Continue Collaboration with Students in Wales

Ms. Everett’s third graders continued their collaboration with a class in Wales on Thursday by viewing a video they created for us.  We got to hear and see the children from Wales as they talked about the different things they do at their school.  It was so interesting to see the ways in which our lives and similar and different.

When we began the project the very first question that the third graders asked was “Where is Wales?”  The third graders discovered that Wales is a country in the United Kingdom. Wales is right next to England!    Our friends live in Swansea, in the South of Wales.  Can you find Swansea on the map?


We will be collaborating further with this class by exchanging digital stories.  The students are also using edmodo, an educational tool, to collaborate and communicate online.  We are very lucky because we will be able to teach them some of the Hawaiian language and they will teach us some Welsh!

Here are a few pics of our friends in Wales.

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Fifth Grade Small Group Skype Sessions are a Great Success!!

On Monday morning our time (Monday afternoon Baltimore time) Mrs. Ah Hee’s fifth graders met with their Baltimore friends once again.   This time, though, it was a little different!  This time the students were able to skype in small groups with their Baltimore group members.  With three small skypes going on at once in the computer lab you could feel the excitement in the air!

The students were skyping with their Baltimore friends to help prepare for the next project they will be doing.  Each small group of students will be creating a video for their friends in the other state.  The purpose of our skyping was to find out what our friends were interested in learning about!  We also had some “talk story” time to get to know one another better.

I was so proud of all our students, from Baltimore and Hawai’i.  You all did an awesome job talking together, thinking of questions, and leading your own discussions.  Mahalo nui!

Below are two videos of our small group skypes, one from their perspective, and one from ours!

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Leave a comment

Mrs. Fullerton’s Class Shares Animals with Baltimore Friends

Mrs. Fullerton’s second graders continued their collaboration with second graders in Baltimore today with a skype session in which they shared different kinds of animals that live in Maryland and Hawaii.

We loved sharing some of our favorite Hawaiian animals with our friends, like the Honu, Hawaiian Monk Seal, and Humuhumunukunukuapua’a.

We also loved learning about Terrapins, Orioles, Blue Crabs, Deer, and Oysters.  Mahalo Baltimore friends!  It was great to see you again!

Here are some pics of our skype:

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade | Leave a comment

Final Performance of “The Sound of Music”

Congratulations to the cast and crew of “The Sound of Music” for a successful production. I had a wonderful time working with all of you!   Now it’s time to think about about next year’s show…. What show should we do next year?   Any ideas?  Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

Here is a collage that I made with a web tool called Photovisi.  With Photovisi you can create collages very easy and very quickly!   Check out a few pics that I took backstage during our last show on Saturday night.

collage Sound of Music

Posted in Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade, Third Grade, Useful Websites | Tagged , | 6 Comments

First Graders Share with Friends in Baltimore via Skype

Mrs. Moore’s first graders Skyped with some new friends in Baltimore this week.  Each of the students shared one of their favorite things about living in their home state.  We loved meeting the students in Baltimore, hearing about their lives, and seeing their artwork!

To prepare for our Skype we used Google Earth to view the city of Baltimore and the school that our friends attend. This is what we saw!

First we zoomed in on the city of Baltimore.
Screen shot 2011-11-01 at 1.30.55 PM
Then we found the neighborhood that our friends go to school in. It is called Towson.
Screen shot 2011-11-01 at 1.30.32 PM
Then we went into street view and saw the outside of their school, Cromwell Valley Magnet School of Technology.
Screen shot 2011-11-01 at 1.28.48 PM

During our Skype we learned many things about Maryland. Some of the things that our Baltimore friends like about Maryland include:
The Baltimore Zoo – which has animals like giraffes, elephants, and monkeys!
The Baltimore Orioles and the Ravens – they are a big sports town!
Ocean City and Port Discovery – these two places were mentioned many times. We can’t wait to learn more about them.
The beautiful Chesapeake Bay,
and much more…

Check out some pics and video of our Skype!

Here is the video from our friends in Baltimore!

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Native Hawaiian and Cree Students Share Culture

On Tuesday Mrs. Pai’s fifth graders skyped with a class of Cree students in Canada.   The students live and go to school on the Poundmaker Cree Reservation.

We learned that there are both similarities and differences in our cultures.   Like Native Hawaiians, the Cree students learn about their culture from their elders.  They have a deep respect for the elders in their tribe.  We discovered that we both show pride in our culture by learning and singing different songs and chants. In school, the students in both areas learn English as well as their native language.

We taught them how to count to ten in Hawaiian and they taught us how to count to 10 in Cree:
One = pēyak
Two = nīso
Three = nisto
Four = nēwo
Five = nīyānan
Six = nikotwāsik
Seven = tēpakōhp
Eight = ayinānēw
Nine = kēkāmitātaht
Ten = mitātaht

It was an experience we will not forget! We felt a close kinship with these students and were proud to share our culture with them as well as learn about their culture.

Here are some pics of our skype!

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