Fifth Grade Mystery Skype!

Where are you from?  This was the question Mrs. Ah Hee’s students asked themselves on Tuesday as they participated in a Mystery Skype activity with a fifth grade class on the mainland.

Students in each class asked questions and with the answers began to narrow down where the state they were Skyping with might be located.   The clues that our friends on the mainland gave us included:

The Atlantic Ocean borders their state;
Crabbing is a major industry;
Another state that borders their state is Delaware;
The Appalachian Mountains are in their state;
They see wild deer;
The National Anthem was written in their state;

With those clues and more (and after much scrutinizing of the maps in front of them) our students were able to narrow it down to Maryland.  We think that the fifth graders in Baltimore were able to guess Hawaii a little sooner than we were able to guess Maryland!

This was only the beginning of our partnership with our new friends in Maryland.   We will be collaborating with them on a number of projects using different Web 2.0 Tools this year.  The Skype session was a great way to kick off our collaboration!  A big MAHALO to the wonderful teachers, Florence Falatko and Dana Novotny, and their fabulous fifth grade students at Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet School of Technology in Baltimore.

Check out some pics and video clips of our Skype session below!

Here is a video that one of the teachers took in Maryland! I think it is very neat to be able to see their point of view!

Posted in Fifth Grade, Global Collaboration/Skype | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

You Matter!

I hope that everyone has been having a wonderful Fall break!  What have I been doing? Well……my to do list was quite long and I will admit that I have not gotten everything done.  However, I did make time to do something that has me so inspired, I just had to blog about it!

As you can see, on the right side of my blog, is my twitter feed.  I spent time this break using TweetDeck to get caught up on the latest happenings in the educational technology world.   I must say that I am blessed to be connected to so many amazing people!

The ideas, articles, opinions, and questions…. I was so inspired! I made contact with teachers to begin awesome new collaborative projects.   I read some amazing blogs written by students as young as third grade (check out the link to our fifth grade blogs and to other student blogs at the top of this page.)  And…

I came across the hashtag #youmatter.  (If you use twitter then you know what I mean by hashtag. If you don’t use twitter then you need to come see me or email me!)   I have discovered that #youmatter is a movement, thank you Angela Maiers, and it’s a movement we all need to be a part of. Everyone needs to know that they matter.  And we are the ones that need to tell them!

So, here is my challenge to you. Tell someone, everyday, “You Matter!” And help them feel joyful and appreciated.

Because the truth is YOU MATTER! I miss you all! Every single one of you! I can’t wait to see you next week. you matter

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First Graders Finish Digital Stories!

Want to know what our first graders love about living in our beautiful state of Hawai’i? Just take a look at the wonderful digitial stories they created below!

We will be sharing our stories with the first grade classrooms that we collaborate with from around the world!

Enjoy watching the digital stories from Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Fortuna’s classes!

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“I’m Lucky I Live in Hawai’i” Digital Story by Grade 2

The second graders in Ms. Fullerton’s class have completed their digital story “I’m Lucky I Live in Hawai’i.” We have created this to share with our friends around the world that we will be collaborating with this year. We hope you all enjoy learning a little bit more about the wonderful place we call home.

The second graders had an awesome time designing and creating their pages. And they also had a fabulous time picking sound effects to go with their writing. Truly excellent work second graders. Maika’i nui loa. I am very proud of you. Now your work will be shared with the world! We welcome comments from everyone. Please feel free to tell us why you are lucky you live where you live!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Third Graders Begin Collaboration with ‘Iolani School with a Skype Conference

Both third grade classes began their collaboration with ‘Iolani School in Honolulu this past week. We will be working together all year to compare the urban community they go to school in and the rural community that our school is in. Each student was able to say their name and something interesting about themselves. The students then had time to ask a few questions of each other. We found out that there are many things that the students in Honolulu get to do that we don’t, including going skating at the Ice Palace! We also learned that the traffic can be very hectic right before school starts. We are looking forward to the future projects that we will be working on with our new friends at ‘Iolani school!

We used Google Earth to compare the areas that our schools are in! Here is a pic of the area surrounding our school in Kea’au.

Here is a pic of the area surrounding ‘Iolani school in Honolulu! What a difference!

Here are some pics of our Skype. Enjoy! 🙂

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Fifth Grade Skypes in to Mr. Culley’s High School Class at Kapālama

The fifth graders in Mrs. Ah Hee’s class were treated to an extra special educational experience on Wednesday morning. They were able to Skype in to Mr. Culley’s Human Anatomy and Physiology class at the Kamehameha Schools Kapālama Campus. We learned so much from Mr. Culley and his students!

The students in Mr. Culley’s class answered all kinds of questions for us about the human body, the way our bodies create and transport blood, and why blood is so important. We saw the students as they were working on different blood, liver (we were treated to the viewing of a bag of animal livers), and enzyme activities!

One of the most amazing things about our video conference was that our fifth graders got to see high school students at work in a science lab. It was a glimpse into their own future! And it was a wonderful experience for them to make a connection with other students that are a part of Kamehameha Schools, even though we are on different islands.

Mahalo nui loa to Mr. Culley and his AWESOME students for the opportunity! Click here to check out the blog post Mr. Culley wrote about the experience!
Also check out the pics and info from Mrs. Ah Hee by going to her blog!

Here are some photos and video clips of the Skype.

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Grade 2A Skypes with Canada!

Mrs. Oyama’s class spent the morning on Thursday learning all about their new Canadian friends! We are so happy that we have wonderful technology tools that can allow us to connect with students far away! The Canadian students told us about some of the interesting animals they have in their small town of Minden, including bears, moles, purcupines, blue herons, and Canadian geese. We were very interested to see the Canadian goose because we know it is related to our very own Nēnē Goose.

The students in Mr. McCutcheon’s class also told us about the many lakes that surround their town. They told us about the cool winter sports they get to play and in the winter time the 9th to 12th graders get to ride their snowmobiles to school!

Here are some pics and video clips of our fabulous Skype!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Second Grade | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Aloha to Wales from the Keiki of 3A

The third graders in Ms. Everett’s class spent a wonderful time on Wednesday finishing up a video for their new third grade friends in Wales. We can’t wait to learn about what life is like in Wales. We hope our friends enjoy watching our video! We look forward to the questions you might have for us. 🙂

We also look forward to any comments by people from other places around the world!

Posted in Global Collaboration/Skype, Third Grade, Thoughts | 1 Comment

Take a Look! It’s an ABC Book!

Mrs. Nihipali’s Kindergartners just completed their first digital storytelling project!
Please read their ABC book below! They hope you enjoy their work!

Posted in Kindergarten | 26 Comments

Skype Allows for Second Grade Exchange Between Hawaii and Australia!!

This past Thursday the second graders in Ms. Fullerton’s class participated in an exciting experience.  Last week we said “Aloha” to some first and second graders in Australia.  Well, this week we were able to Skype with them again to teach them about Hawaiian animals as well as learn about Australian animals.

We learned so much about many of the interesting animals that live in Australia!  Some of them we have never ever seen before.  We learned about emu, koalas, kangaroos, magpies, and even the red-bellied black snake!

It was truly a wonderful experience for all involved.  We are so fortunate to have the technology tools that allow us to connect with learners from far away places.  We look forward to checking in with our friends in Australia later on in the year!

One of the most exciting things was that even though it was Thursday afternoon for us, it was Friday morning for them!

Check out some pics and video clips of our conference:

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