5/24 Emerging Hawaiian Leaders – Aloha, Kuleana, Hoʻomau

In the grade book, as well as on the report cards, you will see a summative determination on how this student practiced these values in social studies this semester.  Students started an evidence log at the beginning of the semester.  At the end of the third quarter, via email, the student and I came up with a formative evaluation, which was put in the grade book.  At the end of the 4th quarter, using the same email trail, we came up with a summative evaluation.  That is, I was able to do it for students who turned in their evaluation via emails on time.  If parents or students would like to understand the thought process behind these evaluation, they should first go to the email trail.  If it is missing, then I used my best judgement, based upon what I observed in the classroom, as well as what was in the grade book.

Have a restful summer.  It is a good idea to keep your reading skills fresh by having  an interesting book to read a little every day.  The 40 book challenge is coming up in 7th grade.



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5/11 – Social Studies grade book closes 5/18

The last optional Newsela was due on Friday.  I will only accept late ones from the students who put their completed Write in the wrong folder.  Human Rights 16-30 due Monday (see blog for rubric), EHLL email due Tuesday, and Tuesday and Wednesday will be the Modern Governments test (see blog for rubric).



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5/11 – Modern Governments Rubric – Test on Tuesday/Wednesday


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5/12 Human Rights 16-30 Rubric



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5/3 Deadlines

The last mandatory Newsela is due this Friday.  The last makeup/optional Newsela is due 5/11.  The final HR 16-30 is due 5/14, and by 5/15 I should have received your email with your assessment of your values this semester.  The last day of class is 5/21.  Laptops are to be turned in on 5/22.



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4/30 Newsela due dates

The latest Write regarding the Koreas is due this Friday 5/4.  Have your reading and annotations completed by Wednesday.  We will have a Socratic circle to help you with your Write.

An optional Write was also assigned.  This will be due 5/11.  Check the makeup folder for information on this.




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4/30 Turning in your Powtoon today

Period 1 Google classroom is zagb35

Period 2 Google classroom is g9oz1xg


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Copy the link and paste into the comment section of your google classroom.


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4/24 Rubric for Human Rights Powtoon


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4/23 Exemplars for the tariff Write

I was surprised to see several students use tariffs as an advocacy for Freedom of Expression.  This freedom applies to the right to use any form of media for example, to express themselves.  If you wanted to dance, or sing, or write poetry, these are different types of expressions.  Tariffs are simply a way for a nation to earn money, and it has other consequences beyond that.

This was a typical 3 submittal:

A tariff can advocate for universal human rights because it can make the government more money. In paragraph 5 it states, “These days, tariffs are still used to raise money for the government, as well as to protect businesses within the country.” This can work to advocate because maybe the government advocates for the want of money for their country and they want to keep their businesses. It can detract universal human rights because then the exporters would be forced to lower their prices so people will keep buying from their country. In paragraph 12 it says, “Second, the tariff could hurt the exporting country. The growers in Ghana would have to lower their prices so that people would keep buying their beans. That means farmers in Ghana would make less money than before.” And also this could violate worker’s rights and the right to play because then the worker’s would have to keep on working without rest. If they wanted to rest they couldn’t because they are working to make enough money for their family’s, jobs, or other needs.

This was a logical answer but used more creative/original evidence:

One way tariffs can advocate for universal human rights is found in (paragraph 17) stating “A large country can, in some cases, be better off with a tariff. This fact has led some to suggest that such nations ought to, when necessary, impose “optimal tariffs” against countries they trade with. ” One other way tariffs can detract from universal human rights is in (paragraph 18) saying “The problem with such strategic tariffs is that, in addition to frequently being illegal under international trade law, they can cause a harsh response. The other country is likely to respond with their own tariffs.” Also stated in (paragraph 18) it said “This is in part why trade economists are typically against restricted trade and in favor of free trade.”


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4/19 Informed opinion exemplars

These extended responses all had better uses of evidence.  Common problems were misunderstandings about import/export and who was affected by tariffs.  You needed to provided two opposite perspectives and not all did.  Also, most people need to work on a conclusion that strongly supports their opinion.

These were 3s that all used the same type of evidence.  I didnʻt use the entire text, but I like how the evidence was simply explained:

My opinion on tariffs are that they are bad, because once you put a tariff on something, a trade war may start.  But a good thing is that the U.S. can make profit, or gain revenue.  That is the reason why Trump put tariffs on things anyway.

My informed opinion on tariffs is that I am against it.  A con would be that tariffs could start a trade war.  But a pro would be that in the text, Donald Trump says that tariffs help American businesses make money.

This had a strong, logical conclusion that supported the opinion:

I think that tariffs are a way to create turmoil between countries.  President Trump hopes the United States will profit off these tariffs.  There is also a possibility of a trade war which can affect the entire country.  Workers pay could get deducted, or would have to work longer hours.  This would be a violation of Workers Pay and Right to Play.  Because of these violations of universal human rights, and the possibility of trade war, I donʻt support tariffs.

Here is a 3 that is explained well and has a logical finish:

My opinion on tariffs is undecided.  From evidence I know that they can be bad and good.  The pros of tariffs are that they can help businesses in that country by making it cheaper to buy in the country than out.  Also a tariff can help the government raise money to give people social security and money for schools.  For the other country it is not as good.  In order for the other country to make up for the tax, they can pay the employees less, or bring up the price.  Because of the many pros and cons, I am undecided.

Here is a 3 that agree with tariffs, but would have benefitted from a stronger finish:

My opinion is that tariffs can be a good thing.  Because in the long term, it can generate more money that before, because every shipment you get more money.  Like how overtime steel comes to the U.S., China has to pay a tax.  A con can be that a country can then put a tariff on you, and then your economy is hurt.  Tariffs can be good, they can help in many ways.






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