Incoming Class of 2026 Elective Registration Information

Aloha e nā ‘Ohana 2026,

We are excitedly anticipating your child joining us next year at the Middle School!  Below is a link where you will find the KMS Course Catalog for SY 2020-2021.  Please take some time to look through it and have discussions as an ‘Ohana regarding course elective selections for next school year. 

Attached to this memo is a planning sheet, and “How to register in KS Connect” instructions.  This sheet is designed to help you plan what elective courses you want to request.  Registration for elective classes WILL NOT BE LIVE and course request will only be received through parent’s KS Connect accounts from April 14 – April 24, 2020. 

7th Grade Registration Timeline & Quick Links

KMS Course Catalog 2020-2021

 KMS Course Planning Worksheet

KMS Elective Fair Video

How to Register in KS CONNECT Instructions

  Tuesday   April 14, 2020     7th grade registration opens via KS Connect 7:00 am.
  Friday   April 24, 2020     7th grade registration closes via KS Connect 4:00pm.
If you have any questions, please call/email your school counselor or visit the counseling center.  Information can also be found at
School Counselor:          Tiffany Kanahele        842-8572  (A-G)  [email protected]
School Counselor:          Kimo Saito                  843-3469  (H-M)  [email protected]
School Counselor:          Trent Koide                 842-8484  (N-Z) [email protected]
Registrar:                       Steve Cuyno                843-3567             [email protected]

E mālama pono,
KMS Administration


Upcoming College Visits, Grade 8

College is for you.

College is relevant to your career interests.

College is attainable (academically and financially.)

College is fun and an opportunity to learn and try new things and meet new people.

You can start preparing for college now.

University of Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu HI

The University of Hawaii—Manoa is located just outside downtown Honolulu on the island of Oahu. The school’s academic departments include the School of Hawaiian Knowledge, the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, and the School of Pacific and Asian Studies. Outside of class, there are more than 200 student organizations to check out. UH Manoa’s recreation center coordinates kayaking trips, sailing and surfing classes, snorkeling and hiking excursions and more. Most of the University of Hawaii—Manoa’s athletic teams compete in the NCAA Division I Big West Conference.

The school also offers a wide variety of graduate programs, including degrees through its highly ranked College of Education, the William S. Richardson School of Law, the Shidler College of Business and the John A. Burns School of Medicine.

University of Hawaii West Oahu, Kapolei HI

Highlighted Programs: Business, Arts, Public Administration, Early childhood education, Psychology, Secondary Education, Applied Science

Offering four-year bachelor’s degrees in liberal arts, professional studies, and applied sciences as well as certificate programs designed for career success, UH West O’ahu boasts small classes and a low student-to-faculty ratio. With dedicated faculty and staff working together, we offer an intellectually challenging higher education experience in a supportive setting for all students.

Honolulu Community College, Honolulu, HI

Honolulu Community College has established itself as the premier career and technical training center in the state of Hawai‘i. Twenty-three programs are offered that span the fields of transportation, trades, communication, and services. Each of the programs maintains strong ties with industry through the use of industry advisory committees. These committees regularly review the curriculum to insure that students receive the best training possible. Industry also supports the programs through the donation of state-of-the-art equipment for training. Many of Honolulu CC’s program facilities and training equipment are world class. Where appropriate, programs also hold local and national certifications and some have been awarded national recognition.

Popular programs:  Apprenticeship Training, Fire Science, Fashion Technology, Automotive Technology, Auto Body and Repair, Cosmetology, Music Entertainment


Welcome to SY 2016-2017!

Welcome to our counseling blog!  Here you will find resources to help you with your academic, social, and college/career planning as you journey through KMS.

Please feel free to email your counselor or stop by the counseling center with any questions or concerns that you may have!  Imua Kamehameha!!
