In the Community

Here are a few places in the community where you can find shows/exhibitions with some awesome photography.

The Honolulu Museum of Art and HMoA, Spalding House

There’s currently an awesome exhibition up at the Honolulu Museum of Art, Spalding House (up Makiki Heights Drive).  “Spalding House’s academically aligned exhibition program continues with HI Society, which takes a critical look at social issues such as identity, diversity, and power here in Hawai‘i…Photographic portraits by Cheyne Gallarde and Shuzo Uemoto (who is also the museum’s staff photographer) touch upon issues of ethnic stereotypes and cultural identity…And visitors are encouraged to share their thoughts and conclusions and participate in discourse through an interactive, intellectually safe gallery space featuring an installation by Brandon Ng.”

Treehouse is a local creative arts and film photography shop by Ward.  They have an awesome selection of film, fun cameras, and art supplies as well as a great mini-gallery space where local photographers show work.  They currently have a selection of photographs by Brian Bielmann.

Koa Art Gallery is part of Kapiolani Community College and often shows work by local working/professional artists.