Response To Literature Questions

For one of the two books you will be required to read for each trimester, you will be asked to complete some questions that will require you to respond to the story.   From the questions below you are to pick any three. Your answers need to be as complete as possible, by including as many specific examples as you can.  One paragraph minimum, but more will improve your grade. Your answer will be scored using a 6-point rubric.

Write your answers in blue or black ink.  If you are typing it, use Times New Roman font, size 12.   The answers will be written in paragraph form and all parts of the questions need to be answered.  Write the question number before your answer.  You do not need to write the question on your paper – just the answer.


 1. What character(s) was your favorite? Why?

 2.  What character(s) did you dislike?  Why?

3.  Does anyone in this work remind you of anyone you know?  Explain.

4.  Are you like any character in this story?  Explain.

5.  If you could be any character in this story, who would you be?  Explain.

6.  What quality or qualities of which character strikes you as a good characteristic to develop within yourself over the years?   Why?  How does the character demonstrate this quality or these qualities?

7.  Overall, what kind of a feeling did you have after reading a few pages of this story?  Midway?  After finishing the book?

8.  Do any incidents, ideas, or actions in the story remind you of your own life or something that has happened to you?  Explain.

9.  Were there any parts of this novel that were confusing to you?  Which parts?  Why do you think you got confused?

10.  Do you feel there was an opinion (theme) expressed by the author in this story?  What is it?  What makes you say this? Do you agree?  Why or why not?

11. What do you think the title means? Do you think the title of this work is appropriate?  Is it significant?  Explain.

12.  Would you change the ending of this story in any way?  Why would you change it?  Tell your ending.

13.  How did this story make you feel?  Explain.

14.  Do you share any feelings of the characters in this novel?  Explain.

15.  Sometimes stories leave you with the feeling that there is more to tell.  Did this story do that?  What do you think happened?

16.  What do you think is the most important word, phrase, passage, or paragraph in this story?  Explain why it is important.

17.  If you were an English teacher, would you want to share this book with your students?  Why or why not?

18.  Draw a picture of something important from the book.  You may illustrate a scene, a character or an idea.  Explain your artwork in a brief, written explanation.  Please do not choose this if you can only draw stick figures.





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