Kahiau: Service Learning
In the spring 2010 collaboration between the Character Education coordinator and the Student Support Center staff yielded a few ideas of how the potential of the SSC could be harnessed to support service learning projects. Below are a few of the ideas that were generated from those early brainstorming sessions:
- Students could attend during Activity Period and projects could be tailored to be available for participants during all periods.
- Once a month workshop style activities themed each quarter; possibility to have link with academics (with collaboration from departments)
- Advertisements: Signage and Pukamaikala
- Student driven- survey to be created at beginning of year and implemented perhaps during guidance session when introduced to the center.
Another idea was to pair activities with media- movie or book or both that address a theme! Special showings could be done and talk story sessions to accompany.
What was birthed were the following:
Quarter 1 Service Learning project: Bead for Life
Quarter 2 Service Learning project: Stone Soup (Gift of Giving)
Monthly Movie Showings of Scientific Documentaries regarding animal rights and the food industry.
Earth Day event- “Egg-xpress yourself”
Technology Workshops- Keynote and Prezi