Assignment 3/28, 3/29

Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments, or changes, to the U.S. Constitution. It was approved in 1791, and reserved certain individual rights to U.S. citizens in an attempt not to give the federal government too much power. The online game we played (or started) in class is designed to teach what these rights are. If you missed it, please:

  1. Email me to get your username and password.
  2. Go to
  3. Login.
  4. Click on My iCivics (tiny purple text in the top right corner).
  5. Create your avatar (many choices are locked until you gain points playing).
  6. Go to Classes on the orange menu bar.
  7. Select the BILL OF RIGHTS game.
  8. Play! You are a lawyer building up a law firm that protects people’s individual rights. You must get familiar with these rights, hire lawyers who specialize in them, handle clients, and keep up with the traffic in your office. Either learn to play by using the instructional tutorial, or learn as you go.
  9. Screenshot your final results.

Your homework is an extra credit formative assignment: find examples of  the Bill of Rights in the news. Fill out the attached worksheet Bill of Rights in News and turn it in to me with a copy of the article. Due 4/3 (Odd), 4/4 (Even).

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