World Maps: Label and Locate: Due 9/16 (Odd) and 9/19 (Even). Find the list of places here: Three Worlds Meet Flier, on the second page. Locate places using maps online and in your booklet. Label neatly in pencil. Draw in country borders, rivers, and mountains. Blank outline maps are being handed out in class.
From Last Week (sorry I missed a day)
Nystrom Atlas pages 9ab – 12ab. Due 9/12 (Odd), 9/13 (Even) Click Nystrom 9a-12b Answers for answer sheets. (Students are to check their work themselves.) Completed booklets will be collected in class 9/14 and 9/15 for formative credit.
Three Worlds Meet Flier. Due 9/12 (Odd); accepted at the start of class on 9/14. Not yet assigned to Periods 2 and 6.