Week of Sept. 4 – 7

Open House: Mahalo to all ‘Ohana for attending our Wehena Kula (Open House), I appreciate everyone making our rescheduled event. For those who didn’t have an opportunity to join us, I will send home handouts that was shared with ‘ohana.

Raz Kids and Epic: I have created accounts for our keiki for Raz Kids and Epic. I am sure that you are all familiar with these awesome reading sites from last year. I will be sending home login information so that your keiki will have access to these reading resources at home.

Prodigy: Prodigy is a math resource for our keiki to practice math skills. Login information will be coming home once I am sure that are keiki can independently navigate through this app. It is a new math app for me, so we will be learning together. Many of you are use to IXL, we have not yet set up accounts for our keiki, I do want to explore Prodigy first before considering IXL.

Math: Over the past few weeks, we have been reviewing number awareness up to 20 with the keiki. We have also been learning a variety of math games that will be choices for keiki to engage in during independent work time. One goal we are working on is to subitize. We are trying to encourage our keiki to move from trying to count each item and instead use their natural ability to perceive/see small amounts (such as 2, 3, or 4) as units and use them. In this way keiki are supported to count on, skip-count, use doubles, and make use of the five-structure. For example, the picture of shoes below is structured so that you may skip count by twos (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2), or use doubles (5 + 5) as a way to understand that the picture represents 10.

Spelling List for this Week: 1) with, 2) his, 3) they, 4) pit, 5) sit, 6) hit, 7) bit, 8) fit

Specials: Tuesday: Music/Library, Wed: Art, Thurs: PE/Hawn, Fri: Hawn/PE

**Chapel this Wednesday, please have your keiki in their special attire whites.

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