Project Description


The Visual Arts Department offers several Photography courses, where students can learn that magic of film- and darkroom-based photography.  These courses are taught in our school darkroom house in Midkiff Learning Center, and explore visual communication through cameras with a foundational understanding of the nature of light, perspective, composition, and darkroom chemistry, helping them to create and appreciate amazing photographs. 

 Kamehameha Kapālama is one of the few high school campuses on island that still has a thriving darkroom photography program with 3 levels of Photography courses being offered: Photography I is intro-level, Photography II is for advanced students, and Independent Study Photography is where students can pursue passion-based photography projects with exhibition experience.  Courses are taught by Kumu Ualani Davis and Kumu Lynnete Mercado.  Visit Kumu Uaʻs Photography Class Blog for a sampling of student work and project descriptions.

Photography Course Page
Kumu Ua’s Class Blog

Haumāna developing their photos in Midkiff’s darkroom.

He mau nīnau?

Contact our kumu.

Lynnete Mercado
Lynnete Mercado
Yearbook Advisor & Photography Kumu
Ualani Davis
Ualani Davis
Digital Photography Kumu