Data Analysis Surveys

Many students have created google forms or surveys to collect their data for our project.  Please use this post to “list” your survey under comments for others to take and do.  Please kokua your classmates by taking their surveys as well.

Instagram Survey:

Vaping Survey:

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Week of 5/4/15

Only 14 more days of school!!  Make every one count!!  Lotʻs of big things still going on.  Data Analysis Project this week.  Be sure you are keeping up and understand all the different graphing methods for your unit exam next week!  No re-dos.  Also, last week to earn ML certificates for the quarter! You will still have access to ML for the rest of the year as well as over the summer.

7th Grade:
M: Line Plots and Circle Graphs 9 & 7 / Data Analysis Project – Due Th & F
Tu & W: Stem & Leaf – 3 / Measures of Variation – 8 / Project Due NT!!
Th & F: Data Analysis Project Due in Edmodo / Box & Whiskers 10 / Histograms 12/ Unit TEST NT / Math Portfolio Due NT

8th Grade:
M: Line Plots and Circle Graphs 9 & 7 / Data Analysis Project – Due Th & F
Tu & W: Stem & Leaf – 3 / Measures of Variation – 8 / Project Due NT!!
Th & F: Data Analysis Project Due in Edmodo / Box & Whiskers 10 / Histograms 12 / Unit TEST NT / Math Portfolio Due NT

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Data Analysis Brainstorm – 2A

List your top 3 ideas from your brainstorm for your project.  Your first idea is secure and your other 2 are open with permission.  Click here for the full padlet.

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Data Analysis Brainstorm – 1A

List 3 of your brainstorm ideas on this padlet.  Your first idea is secure and the other two may be used with your permission.  Click here for full padlet. 

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Data Analysis Brainstorm – 2B

List up to 3 ideas for your project.  Your #1 idea is secured and the others are open to be used with permission from you.  Click here for full site.

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Data Analysis Project

Post 1-3 ideas that you would like to do for your project.  Your #1 choice cannot be done by others but your other 2 or 3 may be considered if they talk to you. Click here for full padlet.

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Week of 4/27/15

NWEA testing this week!  M & Tu for Math, W for Reading.  Please take it seriously, get a good nights rest, and eat breakfast.  Good luck to all of you!

7th Grade:
M & Tu:  NWEA Testing
W & Th: NWEA overview / Data Analysis Brainstorm – Padlet / Bar and Line Graphs 3 & 7
F: Line Plots & Circle Graphs 9 & 7 / Data Analysis Project Work Time

8th Grade:
M & Tu:  NWEA Testing
W & Th: NWEA overview / Data Analysis Brainstorm – Padlet / Bar and Line Graphs 3 & 7
F: Line Plots & Circle Graphs 9 & 7 / Data Analysis Project Work Time

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NWEA Practice

To practice for NWEA click on the links below.
Select the strand youʻre interested in practicing and follow the links to practice.

Also remember you can practice the different strands in ML.
Hereʻs the NWEA strands and the ML strand you can find problems for it.
NWEA Strand / ML Strand to Practice in
Operations & Alg Thinking / RP, EE, F
Real & Complex # Sys / NS
Geometry / G
Statistics & Probability / SP

Good luck!! Remember testing is Monday and Tuesday Morning! Come prepared, well rested and NOT hungry!  Bring something to read or study.

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Week of 4/20/15

Last week to take advantage of my extra incentive on earning ML certificates!!  Last week to use this tool to practice individually for your NWEA test.  Testing will start on Monday of next week so please prepare.  Eat a good breakfast Monday morning and get a good nights rest.

7th Grade:
M: Tables Slope and Graphing 76, 77, 40 & 54 practice / Unit TEST NT
Tu & W:  Review & Unit TEST / HW: ML in low RIT area
Th & F:  NWEA REVIW & Practice

8th Grade:
M: Analyze What’s Function & Tying Knots / 10.6 / Review for Unit TEST / Unit TEST NT
Tu & W:  Review & Unit TEST / HW:  ML in low RIT area for NWEA
Th & F: NWEA REVIW & Practice

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Week of 4/13/15

Full week this week!  Awww!  I know.  Hope youʻve been checking out the resources especially the new slope video I posted.  Also donʻt forget Discovery Block schedule on Monday.  Have a great week!

7th Grade:
M & Tu: Slope Project Due / Equations with One Operation / Speed Investigation & Graph
W & Th: Stack Cup Lab / Linear Situations Tables & Eq / 56 & 57
F: Linear Patterns & Slope from points 40 / 76 / 77 / 56 / Test NT

8th Grade:
M & Tu: Slope & Intercept Quiz / Writing a Rule / Versa Act 18 / 2 ML Skills
W & Th: Write Rule from Situation / Tying Knots Lab / Whatʻs my function Team Act
F: Review Day / Unit Test NT

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