Pythagorean Theorem – Colin Dodds Music Video

Enjoy this catchy tune about Pythagorean Theorem.  You canʻt watch it without learning something!  Donʻt forget Quiz coming up!

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Week of 9/5/16

Itʻs down hill from here til the end of the quarter.  Only 3 more eligible weeks to earn ML certificates and mastered skills for Q1.  Please be sure you meet this requirement and fulfill your kuleana!  Q1 cut off is September 25th (Sunday).  Reports will be pulled the following Monday.  Also last week was Mid-Quarter so please check your grades in KS Connect and be sure you are responsible about finishing the quarter strong!

7th Grade:
M: No school – Enjoy your Labor Day off!
Tu: Currency Project Due / Decimals Quiz / + & – Fractions with Common Denom
Th: Add and Sub Fractions 29 / Performance Task

8th Grade:
M: No school – Enjoy your Labor Day off!
Tu & W: Pythag ML / 9.4 App of Pythag / Quiz NT / Performance Task NT
Th & F: Pythag QUIZ / Performance Task

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Week of 8/29/16

MID-QUARTER!  Yup… can you believe it?!  Weʻre already half way through the quarter.  Please check grades on KS Connect and if you need to come in and see me, schedule to do so.  Also donʻt forget to take advantage of coming in to Re-do a quiz that was NOT meeting proficiency (AP or N).  Iʻm here to help you!!

7th Grade:
M: Review Operations with Deci 54 / Currency project Activity 2 – Proj due Next week / Operations with Deci Quiz NT
W: Review Deci / QUIZ / Add and Sub Fract with Common Denom Act 42

8th Grade:
M & Tu: Estimating Cube Roots / Cube root Quiz / Intro to Pythagorean Theorem 65 #1-8 / Google Classroom Questions
W & Th: Pythagorean Theorem / CW 9.2 and 65-A / HW 9.3

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Week of 8/22/16

7th Grade:
Tu: Review Interger Op / Integer QUIZ / Add and Sub Decimals 109 & 35
Th: Quiz Correct / Add Sub Deci Mini Quiz (MQ) / Mult and Div Decimals 49 & 53 / Start Currency Project

8th Grade: (Includes Adv 7th)
M: Rational vs Irrat / Square Roots 72 & 31
Tu & W: Estimating Sq Roots 36 CW / Versatile Act D-72 & 42 / 2 ML Skills Est Sq Rts & Irrat #s / Quiz NT
Th & F: Rational #s & Roots QUIZ / Cube Roots 74 & 78

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Week of 8/15/16

Welcome to week 3!  Weʻre just getting into things and most routines / procedures are in place.  Please keep up with your assignments and get help if needed.  Donʻt forget… Open house or Wehena on Tuesday  and Chapel on Wednesday.  Also THIS WEEK Iʻd like to get EVERYONE out of the ZERO ZONE in Mathletics (ML).  Please earn a certificate this week.  I will pull the report on Monday to check.  Good luck!!

7th Grade:
M: + and – Integers / Integers Around Us project in G Clsrm
W: Math Portfolios / x and div Integers 17 & 35 / Integers Quiz NT?
F: Review Integer operations / Integer Quiz / Earn a ML Certificate THIS week!!

8th Grade (Includes 7th Adv):
M & T: Rational Numbers 20 & 32
W & Th: Comparing Rat #s 59 / MiniQuiz (MQ) / Lazy Mountain WS / Earn a ML Certificate THIS week!!
F: Rational vs Irrational Numbers / Sq Roots 72 & 31 / CW-Sq Rts Grow Healthy Numbers 39

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Week of 8/8/16

Welcome to week 2!  Yay we survived the first week of school!  This week we have NWEA testing and are still getting into the swing of things like laptops, routines, procedures, and more.  Iʻve also enjoyed seeing and reading your manaʻo about your flag designs.  Mahalo for all your hard work and helping me learn your names!!  Hereʻs whatʻs up this week.

M: (B day) Opening quiz / Mini Metric Olympic Activities
Tu: (A day) NWEA folders / Mathletics (ML) Log in info and expectations / Integer review
F: (B day) NWEA folders / Mathletics (ML) Log in info and expectations / Integer review

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Welcome Back Assembly – Staff Video

Check this amazing video out to see just how awesome your MS Teachers and staff are!


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Welcome Back 2016-2017

Aloha and welcome back to school!!  I am very excited to meet and get to know all of my new students and parents.  Letʻs make this the best year yet!  Please sign and return your welcome letters and check out the course syllabus that are also here on my blog.


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Polanui Hiu – Inservice Day

Wondering what your Kumu (some of us at least) did this past Fridayʻs inservice? Watch this video and youʻll know.  It was a great day of learning, growing, awareness, serving, and making a difference in our Maui community.

P.S. Mahalo Mr. Rob Siarot for putting together this awesome reflective video!

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3D Printing

Most of you are well on your way on your 3D Printer Project.  This is what you will need to do to get your design printed.  Before you even consider printing, please be sure to have a peer review and that youʻve really looked at your design from all angles.  Then  you may proceed.

Please carefully read and follow the directions below from Mr. Kovach.
1.  Name the design.  On your tinkercad homepage  (get there by clicking the logo in the upper left corner) all your designs will be shown as tiles.  Hover the cursor over the design, a dialogue will appear that says “tinker this” and a gear icon next to it.  Click the gear, choose “properties” and then name the design with your name, dash aiwohi (teacher name) and block and save the changes.
Ex. johndoe-aiwohi1A

2.  Download as .stl.  To do this, they will click on the image of their design.  That will pull up a window with multiple options.  Have them choose “Download for 3D printing” and then choose “.STL”.  At this point they should save it to a folder named 3D prints on your desktop.

3.  Email – email the design directly to Mr. Kovack, (  Put 3D print as the subject.

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