Week of 10/9/12

We’re back in session!  And so much more to learn and do!  Don’t forget to be planful and work on earning your 5 mathletics certificates this quarter.  We are also starting new units and have new seats and arrangement in our class. 

7th Grade:
Tu:  Math Journal / Mad Minute / Binder Check / Mathletics
W / Th:  Math Journal / Expo & Sci. No New Unit / Prime Factorization 39 & 2
F:  Sci. No. / 61 & WS A / Mathletics certificate for the week!

8th Grade:
Tu:  Math Journal / Mad Minute / Binder Check / Mathletics
W & Th:  Expo & Sci No Unit / Big & Small # / 15 & 37 / Powers of 10 Video
F: Comparing & putting in Proper Sci No / 30 & 5.14 order each section / Mathletics Certificate for Week!

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Welcome back from Fall Break!

Aloha Haumana!
Hope you had a restful Fall Break and are rejuvinated and recouperated from the Fair. I’m excited to start a new quarter with you and know we will all be off to a great start!
A hui hou,
Kumu Aiwohi

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Versatile Activities

7th Grade Period 1A Versatile Activity

8th Grade Period 2A Versatile Activity

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7th Grade Versatile Activity on Order of Operations

Period 1B

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Week of 9/17/12

Just a reminder to all, this is the last week to make up missing, absent, back work and extra credit.  It’s also the last week to earn a mathletics certificate to count towards 1st quarter!  You can do it!! 

It’s also a busy week with back-to-school days for 7th and Go-to-Work day for 8th.  We will also be taking a look at Careers in Math for 8th graders as well. 

7th Grade:
M & W:  Properties Review and Quiz / Wrap up Unit / USS due NT / Mathletics!
T & Th:  Back-to-School Days with Parents or Enjoy your day off!
F:  Graphing Progress NWEA & Goal Setting / Start Marfil Investigation

8th Grade:
M & W: Solving Inequalities 85 & 86 / Careers in Math WS / Career Interview with Host / Inequalities Around us / Unit TEST F or M
Tu:  Goal Setting for Math Portfolios & NWEA
Th:  Go to Work Day!  Don’t forget to look for ways MATH is used on the Job! 🙂
F:  Review Inequalities and Unit / Unit TEST / USS due NT

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Week of 9/10/12

We are getting closer to the end of Q1!  Only 3 weeks left!  Don’t forget you should have been working on earning your 3 ML Certificates in this quarter.  The deadline to earn certificates that will count in this quarter is Sept. 23.  Also all Extra Credit, make up work or quizzes must be taken care of by Friday, Sept 21.  Re-dos on past quizzes have deadlines coming up too.  Please schedule a time to come in and see me to take care of that.

7th Grade:
M:  Order of Op / Quiz NT / Versatile Act CW / HW: 1.4 show work / Currency Proj Act 2 and 3
Tu & W:  Order of Op Quiz / Properties of # / WS 9 and 2.1 / Act 4 – finish Currency Proj
Th & F:  Currency Proj Due / Distributive Prop / WS 2.2 & 59 / Properties Quiz NT

8th Grade:
M:  Order of Op Quiz NT / WS 3 show work / Currency Proj Act 2 & 3
Tu & W:  Solve 1-step Equations / CW: 41 & 42 / HW: 2.5 & 4.3 / Currency Proj Act 4 – Finish Project
Th & F:  Currency Proj Due! / Solve Eq with Fractions / CW: 2.6 HW: 44 / Write & Solve Eq / CW: 4.6 HW: 81

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Week of 9/3/12

Hope you had a great 4 day weekend!

7th Grade:
M:  Labor Day!  Enjoy your day off!
Tu:  Inservice Day!  Enjoy another day off!
W & Th:  Fractions Quiz / Order of Op 12 / Currency Proj Act 1 – Math Mag ExchangeRates
F: Order of Op / Quiz NT / CW: Versatile Act / 1.4 / Act 2 & 3 Currency Proj

8th Grade:
M: Labor Day! Enjoy your day off!
Tu: Inservice Day! Enjoy another day off!
W & Th:  Order of Op 2 / Currency Proj – Act 1 Exchange Rates / CW: Versatile Act
F:  Order of Op Quiz / Act 2 & 3 Currency Proj / WS 3 / ML Certificate! 3 for Q1

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Week of 8/27/12

Can you believe it’s already the last week of August?!  We are well on our way and almost half way through 1st Quarter.  Those of you who wanted to Re-do on a Quiz need to come in and work with me ASAP!  Just a reminder to work on earning Mathletics certificates every week.  Three certificates are required for 1st quarter but let’s shoot for the GOLD!

7th Grade:
M:  Dividing Decimals / Mathletics / 53 and 54 / Decimals Quiz NT
Tu & W:  Decimals Quiz / Add and Sub Fractions / 42 & 29 / Mathletics (ML) skill practice
Th & F:  Integers Around Us Project / Mult & Div Fractions / Mix fraction practice 28 & 29 / Fractions Quiz NT / ML!

8th Grade:
M: Decimals Quiz / ML Skill / 3 Certif in Q1
Tu & W:  Operations w Fractions / Add Sub 29 (1st 2 Col), 31 (1-10) / Mult 28 (1-10) / Div 29 (1-10) / Fractions Quiz NT
Th & F:  Fraction Review / Fractions Quiz / ML Skills / Preview Order of Operations

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Dividng Decimals

Dividing Decimals: U03_L2_T2_we3 Dividing Decimals

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A World of Math

With the Olympics going on the start of our year was full of numbers around the world from Gold Medal Counts to fractions of a second to win.  Students created their own “country flag” to represent them and described how math was incorporated.  Check out how creative they are!


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