World Math Day!!

Today is World Math Day!!  Please log in to mathletics and click World Education Games to participate today in uniting the world in numbers!

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Week of 3/4/13

Happy Spirit Week!! Happy Girl’s Day!! Happy World Math Day!! Enjoy your dress up days but don’t forget that it is also the LAST week of the quarter!! Please stay on top of your responsibilities!

7th Grade:
M & Tu: QR Code Hunt / 2 Step Word Probs / World Math Day / Graphing Ineq 84
W & Th: Solv Ineq & Graphing / 85 & 86 / ML / Quiz NT
F: Review Solv Ineq / Ineq Quiz /

8th Grade:
M & Tu: Solv Multi-Step Eq QUIZ / 2 Step Word Probs / World Math Day
W & Th: QR Code Hunt – 2Step Word Probs / Re-dos
F: OML Contest 3 / Inequalities Around Us / Re-dos

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Week of 2/25/13

Just a reminder… this is the last week to earn a Mathletics Certificate for 3rd Quarter!! You had 12 weeks and are only required to have 5 certificates. Please print all by end of week and turn in next week. Friday is also the last day to turn in make-up work or extra credit.

The world education games has also started their warm up period. You can log in using your mathletics info at to practice. World math day is next week – MARCH 6th! Please plan to participate in uniting the WORLD in NUMBERS!

7th Grade:
M: Solving Eq by mult & div / 4.3 & 42 / Last week for ML!
Tu & W: One step word probs / Solv 2step Eq / 81, 4.6, 43 / Quiz NT
Th & F: Review solving 1 and 2 step and word probs / Solving QUIZ/ ML!

8th Grade:
M: Like Terms & Dist Prop / 2.2, 2.4, 45 / ML last wk!
Tu & W: Solving Multi Step Eq / P7-2, 4.16
Th & F: Solv Variables Both Sides / 2 ML Skills CW / Review for Quiz / 47 & 4.18 / Solving MultiStep Quiz NT

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Week of 2/19/13

7th Grade:
M:  President’s Day Holiday!  Have fun!
Tu: Vol Cylinder / 98 & 13.16 / Apprentice TC / Vol Quiz NT
W & Th: Volume Quiz / Unit Wrap Up & EQ / New Unit – Solv Eq by + & – / 2.5 & 41
F: Discovery Block / Solv Eq by mult & div / 4.3 & 42

7th Grade:
M: President’s Day Holiday! Have fun!
Tu: Review Vol / Apprentice Team Chall R10-9 / WS 9 / Vol Quiz NT
W & Th: Vol Quiz / Unit Wrap Up & Eq / New Unit – Multi Step Eq / Solv 2 Step / 7-1 & 43
F: Combining Like Terms & Dist Prop / 2.2, 2.3, 45 CW & HW

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Week of 2/11/13

7th Grade:
M:  SA Review / SA QUIZ / Mathletics Certif
Tu & W:  Volume of Prisms / 96 & 13.15 Rec & Tri Prisms
Th:  Happy Valentine’s Day! / Vol of cylinders / 98 & 13.16 / Apprentice TC / Vol Quiz NT!
F:  No School – Inservice

8th Grade:
M: Quiz Corrections / Volume of Prisms / 70 & 13.15 Rec & Tri Prisms
Tu & W: Vol Cone, Pyramid, Sphere / 53 Pyramid, 54 Cone, 13.18 evens Sphere / Volume Quiz NT
Th: Happy Valentine’s Day! / Vol of cylinders / 98 & 13.16 / Apprentice TC / Vol Quiz NT!
F: No School – Inservice

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Surface Area of Sphere, Cylinder & Prism Video

Enjoy and Learn from this video to help you remember how to find the SA of a Sphere, Cylinder and Prism.  Let me know what you think or share others if you find some!

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Surface Area & Volume Video

This might help some of you better understand how to find the surface area and volume of 3D figures.  Enjoy!  Comment on what you think.

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Week of 2/4/13

7th Grade:
M & Tu: Explore SA & 142 Due / SA of Rec and Tri Prisms / 48 & 13.10 / ML!  Only 4 weeks left!
W & Th: SA of Cylinder / Cylinder Net & Notes / 49 / SA Quiz NT
F:  SA Review / SA QUIZ! / Mathletics – earn certificate!

8th Grade:
M & Tu: 95 & 13.13 Due / SA Pyramids, Cones, Sphere / 50 all & 101 evens but 10 / SA Quiz NT / ML!  Only 4 Weeks left
W & Th: Mixed SA Review / SA QUIZ!! / 88 & Mathletics!
F: Quiz Corrections / Volume of Prisms / 70 & 13.15 / Mathletics Certificate!

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OML Contest #2

Students READ directions CAREFULLY!:

1. Go to the website at the bottom to start your OML contest after you READ all the directions below. Keep this window open to refer back to.

2. You will need to use my email to login.

3. The password is “password”

4. Once you’re in you need to find your test (8th math / 7th math) and your name.

5. At the end of the test (15 questions) you MUST click “Score my Test” to view your results.

6. IMPORTANT: Lastly you must click “SUBMIT” or your score will NOT be recorded and it will count your score as ZERO.

7. Go to results page and select grade level and State of Hawaii to view your overall results and check that your score recorded.


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Week of 1/28/13

7th Grade:
M: MACC Field Trip – No class
Tu & W: 13.3 & 13.9 Due / OML Contest 2 / Re-do Quizzes & Make Up work / Mathletics
Th & F: Exploring 3D Fig & Area / Surface Area WS & 149

8th Grade:
M: MACC Field Trip – No class
Tu & W: OML Contest 2 / Re-do Quizzes & Make Up work / Mathletics
Th & F: Surface Area Rvw Prisms & Cylinders / 95 & 13.13

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