Week of 1/21/14

Hope you enjoyed your long weekend!!  Short week this week so let’s focus and LEARN!

7th Grade:
M & Tu: SA of Rec & Tri Prisms / 48 & 13.10
W & Th: Online Math League Contest #2 / SA of Prisms 95

8th Grade:
M & Tu: Pythagorean Theorem – Finding Leg / 9.3 & 102
W & Th: Online Math League Contest #2 / 9.4 / Pythag Quiz NT

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Week of 1/13/14

7th Grade:
M: Circumference & Area Circles / 13.8 Team Chall / 69 / Quiz NT
Tu & W: Composite Fig practice / Online ML Composite Shape Quiz / Photo Area Project
Th & F: Exploring SA WS / 13.9 3D Figures / 142 SA

8th Grade:
M: Unit Pre-Test / Deci to Fract / Order & Compare / 59 & 32
Tu & W: Rat & Irrat #s 31 / Sq Roots 39 / Sq Root estimates 49
Th & F: Review Rat – Irrat & Sq Root / Quiz / Pythagorean Theorem 64-65 / 9.2 First Column / 9.3 #1,2,5,9

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Week of 1/8/14

Just a reminder to keep up with your assignments and to perhaps think about earning some extra credit early on.  Also don’t forget that you will continue to need 3 ML certificates this quarter.  I hope some of you are already earned some over the break.  Come in to during imua or after school to use computers if you don’t have connection at home.

7th Grade:
W & Th:  Quarter Goals / NWEA Goals /  13.3 Irregular Fig Area
F:  Circumference and Area of Circles / Team challenge 13.8 / 69 Circum & Area

8th Grade:
W & Th:  Quarter Goals / NWEA Goals / 19 & 20 Fract to Deci – Term or Rep
F: Comparing Rational Numbers / Ordering Act / 59 & 32 Ordering & Deci to Fract

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Welcome Back!

Aloha haumāna! So glad to here your voices again and have the life back on our campus. Second Semester here we come! Hope you are all well rested and rejuvenated to finish this year strong. As we start a new calendar year let’s think of ways that we can improve ourselves whether if be in class, organization, behavior, or just keeping up. We can all find ways to be better. With that said, let’s have a great 2nd semester full of fun learning experiences.
Ke ola hou! ~Kumu Aiwohi

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Week of 12/16/13

This is it gang!!  Hang in there!  Only 3.5 days left until Christmas Break!!  We can do it!  Let’s finish this quarter / semester strong – then celebrate.  Also take time this week to reflect on all that our beloved Ke Ali’i Pauahi has done for you.  I know I am indeed grateful for all she has given me as a 13 year Senior and graduate of Kapalama and now to be fortunate to work here. 

7th & 8th Grade:
M & Tu: ML certificate count for Q2 / 12 Days of Christmas
W:  All School Rehersal / MS Christmas Dance / Don’t bring anything to school on Founder’s Day
Th: Founder’s Day (1/2 day)

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2nd Quarter Activities



13-11Big#Proj1A 13-11Big#Proj1B 13-11SciNoProj2A 13-11SciNoProj2B

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Week of 12/9/13

7th Grade:
M & Tu: Area of Triangle and Trapazoid / 68 & 89 / ML certif due NT
W & Th: Area of Circle / ML Skills circle, Tri, Composite / All work, EC, Redos due by Thurs 12/12!!
F: Class Socials

8th Grade:
M & Tu: Cust Units Quiz / Unit Rate Conversions, Cheaper by Doz / ML Certif Printed NT / Unit Rates Quiz NT
W & Th: Unit Rates Review / Unit Rates Quiz
F: Class Socials

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Where u from?

Click on the map where you live along with your name. Let’s see where we are all from!

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Unit Rates Lesson

View these short videos from Khan Academy to learn how to find unit prices and unit rates.

Finding unit prices: Finding Unit Prices

Finding unit rates: Finding Unit Rates

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Week of 12/2/13

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  Well not really but it is December!!  Not much time left before we wrap up the quarter.  Busy week with NWEA testing on Tues / Wed and Na Mele Competition.  Don’t forget the deadline for any back work, Re-dos, extra credit, and ML certificates is Thursday, Dec. 12!!  Plan ahead and see me as needed. 

7th Grade:
M: Review / Percent Quiz / 11-12 Sales Tax / NWEA testing NT
Tu & W:  NWEA Math Testing
Th & F: Quiz Corrections / ICL Area Sq & Parallelo / 88 & 16

8th Grade:
M: Capacity Coversions / D-21 & D-14 / NWEA Testing NT
Tu & W: NWEA Math Testing
Th & F: ICL Converting Cust. Units / Flip Class  videos on BLOG on Unit Rates / 31 & 7

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