7th Grade – Surface Area Padlet

Use this padlet by double clicking on it, and adding your name and period.  Then explain one way the surface area of a prism is used or needed in the real world.

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8th Grade – Surface Area Padlet

Use this padlet to record your name & period and one idea on how surface area is used in the world around us.

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Week of 1/19/15

Hope you enjoyed your 3 day weekend!  Short week this week and Chapel of Friday for Charles Reed Bishop day.  Please remember to keep up and come in to see me during Imua period or after school if you need help or catching up with things.  Stay healthy also.  There has been a lot of students out ill so wash your hands often and take care!

7th Grade:
M:  Martin Luther King Day!
Tu & W: Surface Area of rec & tri prisms / CW 13.9 & 142 / 13.10
Th & F: Surface Area of Cylinders / CW 143 / 49 / SA Quiz NT

8th Grade:
M:  Martin Luther King Day!
Tu & W: Review Surface Area (SA) / SA Quiz / ML Certif This week!
Th & F: Volume of Prisms / ML Skills (2) Vol Prism & Vol Cylinder / 13.15

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Week of 1/7/15

Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou!! Happy New Year! I hope you all are refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to start a new quarter. Remember as we start a new year to put your best foot forward and start the quarter off right! In fact, I hope some of you got a head start over the break on your Mathletics. If not, no worries… you have all quarter to earn your 3 certificates! Well, welcome back! I am excited to see you all again and ready to work with you to ensure your learning and success!! Hereʻs whatʻs up for this week.

7th Grade:
W & Th: Portfolio reflections and Q3 Goal Setting / Geo Unit Pre-Test / Area Review (Sq, Rec, Parallelogram) / ML Parent Signature
F: Triangles and Trapezoids 68 & 89

8th Grade:
W & Th: Portfolio reflections and Q3 Goal Setting / Geo Unit Pre-Test / Area Review / Wrap up Old Unit / Post Test / ML Parent Signature
F: Mix review of Area / Tin Man

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1:1 Survey

Aloha students!  Weʻve been asked to have you take this survey.  Please go to the site below and use this access code.



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Week of 12/15/14

Last week til Christmas Break!!  Chee Hoo!!  Still have a lot to wrap up however!  Please study for final quizzes and be sure to submit quality projects.  Also just wanted to wish you all a wonderful break and hope you all have a merry merry christmas.  Donʻt forget that you CAN work on Mathletics and get ahead for 3rd Quarter… but we wonʻt worry too much about that.  Hope you have a nice and relaxing break so you come back refreshed and READY TO LEARN!!

7th Grade:
M: Peer Evaluate project / Post to Edmodo with Reflection / Share Bloopers / Q2 Celebration NT
Tu & W:  12 Days of Christmas / 1:1 Tech Survey / Celebration
Th: Founderʻs Day Practice
F: Founderʻs Day

8th Grade:
M: 9.3 Pythag / Pythagorean Theorem Quiz / Q2 Celebration NT
Tu & W:  12 Days of Christmas / 1:1 Tech Survey / Celebration
Th: Founderʻs Day Practice
F: Founderʻs Day

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Week of 12/8/14

Busy busy week! NWEA testing Monday and Tuesday for Math. Last day for Make Up work and Redos is Thursday 12/11. Class socials on Friday 12/12. Please make use of Imua time this week to catch up or to see me for help.  Also don’t forget this is the last week to wrap up Warm Up books and earn a ML Certificate.  You should all have 3 or more by now!!

7th Grade:
M & Tu: NWEA Testing
W: Quiz Corrections / Unit Rates / Project Work Day for Christmas Unit Rate Project
Th: Peer evaluate Projects / Post PBR videos in Edmodo
F: Class socials

8th Grade:
M & Tu: NWEA Testing
W: Quiz Corrections / Pythagorean Theorem / Team Challenge WS 1 and 102 / HW: 9.3 / Quiz NT
Th: Review Pythag / Quiz
F: Class socials

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Number Types Music Video

Still confused with Rational Numbers and Irrational Numbers? View this video and maybe youʻll get it straight. Itʻs catchy, fun and can help you learn!!

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Percent Music Video

Have fun watching and learning about percents from this catchy music video!

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Week of 12/1/14

Itʻs December!!  Man how time flies!  Only 3 more weeks til the end of Q2 and Christmas Break.  Please be mindful of your kuleana and FINISH STRONG!!  Also donʻt forget to work on those ML Certificates and final quizzes and projects.  NWEA testing will be next week M & Tu 12/8 and 12/9.  Please come to school with your computers FULLY CHARGED.  Also be sure to eat breakfast and get a good nightʻs rest.

7th Grade:
M & Tu: Review % Problems / Comic Life Project / 14 & 7.18 / % Quiz NT
W & Th: Review & QUIZ / Unit Rates / Start Unit Rates Christmas Partner Project / Pkt Wrap Up (EQ) Due NT
F: Unit Rates Partner Project workday / Photo Booth Reflection to Edmodo Next Week

8th Grade:
M & Tu: Expo EQ & Pkt Due / Rational #s Lesson Quiz (LQ) / Rational vs Irrational #s / Estimating Square Roots / 31, 39, D72
W & Th: Review & Quiz / Pythagorean Theorem / Intro 64-65
F: Pythagorean Theorem / Team Challenge 102 / Pythag Practice 9.3 / Quiz NT

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