Week of 5/4/15

Only 14 more days of school!!  Make every one count!!  Lotʻs of big things still going on.  Data Analysis Project this week.  Be sure you are keeping up and understand all the different graphing methods for your unit exam next week!  No re-dos.  Also, last week to earn ML certificates for the quarter! You will still have access to ML for the rest of the year as well as over the summer.

7th Grade:
M: Line Plots and Circle Graphs 9 & 7 / Data Analysis Project – Due Th & F
Tu & W: Stem & Leaf – 3 / Measures of Variation – 8 / Project Due NT!!
Th & F: Data Analysis Project Due in Edmodo / Box & Whiskers 10 / Histograms 12/ Unit TEST NT / Math Portfolio Due NT

8th Grade:
M: Line Plots and Circle Graphs 9 & 7 / Data Analysis Project – Due Th & F
Tu & W: Stem & Leaf – 3 / Measures of Variation – 8 / Project Due NT!!
Th & F: Data Analysis Project Due in Edmodo / Box & Whiskers 10 / Histograms 12 / Unit TEST NT / Math Portfolio Due NT

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