Monthly Archives: February 2015

Week of 2/23/15

7th Grade: M & Tu:  Quiz corrections / Graph & Solve Ineq / Versatile Act / 84 & 85 / Inequalities Around Us Project Due NT W & Th: Solving Ineq by Mult & Div / Word statements to inequalities … Continue reading

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Distributive Property Video – 8th Grade

Please watch this video and go to Edmodo to post your response. Distributive property explained: This is a thorough explanation of the distributive law (or property) of multiplication over division. Let’s see how it works! Video from Khan Academy

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Week of 2/9/15

7th Grade: M & Tu: New Pkt – Solving Equations / Solving 1-step 2.8 W & Th: Solving 1-step Word Problems / 81 F: No School – enjoy your LONG weekend!  And Happy Valentine’s Day!! 8th Grade: M & Tu: … Continue reading

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