Monthly Archives: November 2010

OML Practice Site

READ THESE DIRECTIONS FIRST! You will click on the link at the bottom to start.   You will need to login with my email: The password is:  “password” Select one of the 15 practice tests.  If time permits do another practice … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Students | Leave a comment

Online Math League (OML) Contest #1

Students READ directions CAREFULLY!: 1. Go to the website at the bottom to start your OML contest. 2. You will need to use my email to login. 3. The password is “password” 4. Once you’re in you need to find your … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Students | Leave a comment

Fast Finisher Sites

Done already with your OML Contest? Click on one of the links below and practice your math skills OR select an activity from the site. You should only be on this Shodor site. Arithmatic Four Order of Operation Four … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Students | Leave a comment

Week of 11/15/10

7th Grade: M: Big # Proj Activity / Unit TEST / No HW Tu & F: USS Expo & Sci No / Packet Eval / New Unit Proportions & Percent / WS E-11 W & Th: Online Math League Contest … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Assignments | Leave a comment

Week of 11/8/10

7th Grade: M & Tu: Finish Big # Project / Planet Sci No / Quiz Today / WS A W: Big # Proj Activity / Review / Unit Test / No HW Th & F: Veteran’s Day & Teacher Inservice … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Assignments | Leave a comment

Customary Measurement Activities

Customary Measurement Activities: Matching puzzle

Posted in 8th Grade, Students | Leave a comment

Week of 11/2/10

7th Grade: M: New Unit – Expo & Sci. No / WS 39 & 40 Prime Factorization T & W: Big # Proj / Sci No WS / Quiz coming?? Th & F: Big # Proj / WS 16 & … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Assignments | Leave a comment

Week of 10/23/10

7th Grade: M: Properties Quiz / Packet Eval / USS / American Math Challenge Tu & W: American Math Challenge Skills & Live Th: Same as Mon F: New Unit – Expo & Sci. No. / WS 39 & 40 … Continue reading

Posted in 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Assignments | Leave a comment