College Counselor Visit

January 20th, 2011 by kiterai

Please take some time to write about at least two things you learned from today’s presentation from Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike.

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Donald in Mathamagicland

December 15th, 2010 by kiterai

Please share what you learned from the movie.  Please a well developed paragraph.  Write using complete sentences and share at least three things you learned by Thursday morning.

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KMT 1 background info

October 13th, 2010 by kiterai

Please post (copy – paste) your Background info about KS and you to the blog post.  DO NOT USE YOUR LAST NAME!  Due Friday, 10.15.10  by 7:30 am.

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Visit to Kawaiaha’o Plaza

February 22nd, 2010 by kiterai

Following the visit to Kawaiaha’o Plaza, comment on the things you learned, enjoyed, and wonder about after having gone through the four sessions (Endowment, Ho’okahua, KS Publishing, Land Assetts) at the field trip.  (your reply should be a well formed paragraph that may include mahalos to our presenters).

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College Counselor Visit

January 26th, 2010 by kiterai

Please take some time to write about at least two things you learned from today’s presentation from Mrs. Sato.  Don’t forget a quick mahalo to Mrs. Sato for the time she shared with us.

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Visit to the Archives

September 23rd, 2009 by kiterai

We visited the archives at Midkiff Learning Center today.  Mrs. Zisk, our archivist, shared with us a folder that she prepared that taught us a lot about the history of our school and land.  Please comment (short paragraph) about what you were impressed with, what you learned and what other questions you have that may not have been answered.  Mahalo nui to Mrs. Zisk for sharing with us so generously.

Please respond by September 28.  Mahalo.

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Helumoa Field Trip, Mahalo nui!

April 24th, 2009 by kiterai

What an awesome field trip.  Mahalo nui to Manu Boyd and staff, Wally Amos and staff, Justin and all the Apple store crew !  The students learned so much on this field trip about Hawaiian culture, technology, and about life and being positive.  As far as field trips go, this one had it all!  Students, please take some time to respond to this blog and share your thoughts and appreciation to our hosts at Helumoa.  Please be sure to mention specific things you learned or liked about the visit.

View photos of this field trip by going to:        the username is lama and the password is imua

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E Lei E

April 6th, 2009 by kiterai

E lei ē, e lei hoʻi, e lei me ke aloha
E lei ē, e lei hoʻi, e lei me ke aloha,
He aloha nou nō ke aloha la
Ke aloha a ka puʻuwai
Waiwai ke aloha a ka HawaiʻI la
He manaʻo he aloha ē
E lei ē, e lei hoʻi, e lei me ke aloha
E lei ē, e lei hoʻi, e lei me ke aloha,

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Lose yourself song

March 16th, 2009 by kiterai

Hope you are learning pi!

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KMT Binder Review

February 24th, 2009 by kiterai

Parental review of your KMT Binder:  Due Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aloha Students and Parents,
We have been working on our yearlong project, the Kamehameha Math Trail Project and are nearing completion.  I am asking for parents to review the binder by March 10.  Many eyes looking over the paragraphs will help with the overall project.  Thank you in advance for helping with proof reading and making suggestion for improvement.  Mahalo for your continued support of this project.  Since I only introduced this today, please know that students are currently in the process of putting the binder together.  Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.
Kumu Terai

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