What’s your story???

October 12th, 2014 by kiterai

In a short writing session, please share about your Kamehameha experience.  When did you enter KS?  What was it like at your house when you found out you were going to attend Kamehameha?  What makes Kamehameha special to you?  Please write a short paragraph to tell your story.

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 78 Comments »

78 Responses

  1. Treyson Says:

    The day I found out that I got into Kamehameha was just like any other day. I came home after baseball practice and just randomly decided to check the mail. I remember finding the envelope addressed from the school. Like usual, i thought it would be the normal rejection letter that I’ve been getting for the past 6 years. But I was wrong… I left the mail with my mom and started heading to my room when I heard a loud scream. It was my mom, holding a letter that said I got accepted.

  2. Avery-Shane Says:

    When i first found i got in i was super happy. My whole family was happy and proud of me. The next day, i went to school and found out that some of my friends also got in. I was very happy that i wasn’t the only from my school who got in. When going to school after i got my letter, all i could think was how it was going to be up here. Now, i still go home and hear how proud my family is.

  3. Tehya Kealaiki Says:

    It was a hot summer day I was sitting on our couch and my mom came and gave me my letter of acceptance to Kamehameha. I was so happy. But yet sad because I had to leave my friends behind at Molokai. I ended up moving to Oahu and becoming a day student! I am really happy to be able to come to Kamehameha!

  4. Marc Says:

    I got in to Kamehameha in 4th grade. I was upset that I had to leave my school and my friends but it was for the best. It took a while to get used to the bus rides, and living far away from school since my former school was just up the road. I remember being amazed at how huge the campus was. I remember eating crackers and milk in Mrs. Savini’s class while they built the middle school right next to our classroom. I was in shock because the resources and privileges we had at elementary.

  5. Candido Says:

    When I got into Kamehameha I didn’t realize how fortunate I was in preschool when I got the letter of acceptance. My first day was interesting because I never seen such a beautiful school in my life. I have made so many memories in this school. When I came to middle school I thought that it was going to be a big jump from 6th to 7th grade. After I started the year I realized that it wasnʻt that hard. My sister has come through middle school and set the standards a little to high.

  6. Selah Says:

    I am the oldest of three children, all born in California. My mother went to Kamehameha since 7th grade and wanted me to try out for 7th grade too. I said I would want to and that I would move my family back to Hawai’i. During the 6th grade after my tests were published and I had done my interview I always prayed at night that i would be accepted. Then one day my letter came and I had been accepted. It was such an amazing day.

  7. Dante Says:

    Before coming to Kamehameha, I used to go to a different private school in Kaimuki called, Kaimuki Christian School for six years from 1st grade to 6th grade. At 6th grade I tested for Kamehameha, Punahou and Iolani, and I got into all of those schools. I wasn’t sure where to go so I visited each campus and when I came to Kamehameha, I felt very welcomed by everybody and felt that this was the place to go because my father also went here too. By the time to go to school as a 7th grader, my first day I came i can 3 weeks late because of baseball games up in the mainland. I just felt like I had been to the school before and it was an experience I will never forget.

  8. Makana Says:

    The year I entered Kamehameha Schools was in 4th grade. The next year, 5th grade, we were assigned to do the fifth grade play. This was definitely one of the most stressful but fun experiences I’ve ever had at school. It was a great way to learn more about the past, connect with classmates, and perform in front of other people. I will never forget that crazy memory.

  9. Jami Says:

    I entered Kamehameha Schools in 7th grade. When I took the test, I tried my very best to get in. On a Saturday when the letter with the Kamehameha logo I was so excited for what they had to say. I opened the envelope it said “Dear …” and I was so anxious to read more. It had said, congratulations! I jumped with joy and told my mom. It was one of the best days of my life.

  10. Kealakai Gilman Says:

    My school experience here at kamehameha has been a good one. It has helped me develop many different but better work and study habits. I was granted access in at 4th grade. But I left for a year of leave, after the 6th grade. And went to utah for 7th grade. I came back now and it has been a good experience seeing all my friends and family. After I did the test in 3rd grade to come into 4th grade I wasn’t all that excited to leave my friends. And I honestly didn’t want to come to this school. Unitl my parents gave me the reasons on why it will benefit me and the family. This experience has brought many new changes and beginnings to my life.

  11. Kila Says:

    My first day that I knew I got into this school was one of the best days of my life. I was just coming home from pearl ridge with my brother and then my mom called me and said “Kila hurry up! Where you guys stay?” They wanted us to come home but we didn’t know what the rush was. Then we finally reached home and to my surprise I walk in to see all of my family members crying, even my dad which is really rare. They told me the news and a surge of energy went into me. I ran up to my room at the top opened up the window to go on the roof and screamed with my loudest voice “I AM A KAMEHEMEHA WARRIOR!”

  12. Jonathan Says:

    It was a nice sunny day, I was at the gym getting gym getting my reps in. When I got a call from my mom, she had said that the Kamehameha acceptance letter had came in. I didn’t think that I got accepted because how I thought I did on the test. Then my mom said I did, then I rejoiced. It was a new chapter in my life. Then before you know it, it was the first day of school. I was really nervous, but it went really well, and i made friends.

  13. Keila Says:

    I finally got into Kamehameha Schools in 7th grade and although the first day was a blur, I remember how I felt. I felt overwhelmed because it was the first time I ever went to a new school, but I made friends with people in my advisory and I am still best friends with them ever since day one. I’m grateful to be able to say I am a warrior.

  14. Ichiro Says:

    One day me and my dad was in town and my dad was suppose to receive something in the mail. I went in and got the mail but there was nothing for my dad. All there was was a package that said from Kamehameha School. I got super exited and nervous and showed my dad. We opened it. Congrats, you have been accepted. One of the most happiest moments of my life. When I got here boarding was hard but I pushed through. Now I actually like it here and boarding.

  15. Theresa Says:

    On the way to coming to Oahu, I was honestly really scared. I had learned that I had gotten in to Kamehameha for my 7th grade year. The whole time I was getting ready to go to the school, I didn’t know what to expect. Finally when the first day came, I thought that this was going to be a really fun experience for me and by the first day I had made some new friends.

  16. Brooke Says:

    I didn’t really know what Kamehameha Schools was at the time and i didn’t really think about going there. My mom told me that i would just try and see if i got in. I didn’t really care what school i went to at the time. The day of the test i just thought it was a test. I didn’t really know what was happening. But i did it. When we got my acceptance letter i was at hula practice and my mom called my dad and she was crying and my dad thought that my mom ran me over but it was that i got in! My mom was really happy and i was too. I got accepted into Kamehameha in the 4th grade. Now I wouldn’t want to go to any other school. My experience at Kamehameha has been the best.

  17. Hoku Says:

    It was 2 weeks into the school year and I was in 5th grade at Aliʻiolani elementary school. My consoler was a coach at Punahou and did all the paperwork for me to start their. I didnʻt have apply or anything. But one day, my mom got the letter saying I got pulled off the wait list and started at Kamehameha the day after I got the letter. What still is crazy to me is that I was almost a Punahou kid.

  18. Anya Says:

    Getting accepted into Kamehameha was a big honor and achievement. I remember that sunday afternoon I went to go check the mail and seeing a letter from Kamehameha schools and I was like maybe it was just some paper my mom forgot to fill out but then my mom snatched it form my hands and she said “this is it!”. She opened and as soon as she saw the letters of acceptance she screamed and hugged me unit I couldn’t breathe anymore it was the most joyful feeling I’ve ever experienced.

  19. Kristin Says:

    My first day of school at kamehameha i literally cried myself dry. I did not want my mom to leave me since i was still in kindergarten and i was scared of all the grown ups besides her. I remember there was another girl in my class that was exactly the same as me, crying and holding onto her mom. The teachers had given us time to play and i saw her by the doll house, i felt bad for her too so i went by her and asked if she wanted to be my friend and play together and thankfully she said yes. She was my first friend at Kamehameha and we are still friends to this day.

  20. Kimokeo Says:

    My first year was a real shock for me. First of all, I used to go to public school, and got up at around seven and got to school at eight. Now, I wake up at five and get to school at seven. Another big change is the amount of homework. We hardly had any homework, and now I stay till eleven working on homework. A final change was the food. The food at my old school was good, but here, I almost always get seconds. SO ONO!!!

  21. Conor Higgins Says:

    I was nervous and I felt so small in such a big school. My heart raced with every step I took. I had no friends and was scared to not be accepted by others. When I enter through the door my fear and nervousness drained out of me and I was excited to make new friends. This was the beginning of a new life.

  22. Sunni Chow Says:

    my dad told me since I could remember, that I would go to Kamehameha Schools and when I got older I thought that didn’t want to and since my brother and my whole family had gone there when they wed my age I had to. now that I’m here I know that it is a great opportunity and that I will benefit from it even though I am homesick and miss my friends at home but I am also looking forward to some of my friends getting in at 9th grade. And that is my Kamehameha story.

  23. Tianna Says:

    I remember coming home and finding the letter on the table still sealed. When I looked at it i saw my name on it and my mom said that it’s the letter we have been waiting for. I remember opening it and seeing the word “congratulations.” Once I saw that I was so happy. I knew that because I got in to Kamehameha it would be much easier for my mom. I was also very happy about getting in because I was praying to be able to be a part of Kamehameha and my dream came true on that very day.

  24. Cullen Says:

    I came into this school in seventh grade in 2012, I had to work hard on my tests to get in. My first day I was scared, I didn’t know anyone except my cousin but when school was finished I felt good. That was the best day of my life.

  25. Kaʻahu Lewis Says:

    When I found out i got into Kamehameha schools, I was so excited and I remember exactly what happened when I found out. I was playing at my friends house when my mom had to pick me up. When I jumped in the car my mom had brought food from Chun Wah Kam. As soon as I jumped in I remember my grandma saying your so smart, so I was thinking that’s random. There must be a reason then I said, “mom I made it into Kamehameha?”

  26. Kamaile Says:

    Getting into Kamehameha wasn’t really something I cared about. Honestly, every since the 4th grade when i got turned down to get in, I never found this school my favorite. I was disappointed as any other student would be. So, I kind of got forced to try out for 7th grade by my parents, which lead to me never thinking i would get it. But fortunately, I did. My parents were happier than me which isn’t something very normal, but I can conclude that getting into this school is probably the best thing for me. I didn’t learn that until last year at my first year at Kamehameha. Everything happens for a reason

  27. Keale Says:

    When i was told to try out for Kamehameha Schools i really didn’t want to. i was already comfortable at my school Makaha Elementry because i had a lot of friends but my sister was already in Kamehameha so i thought is id give it a try and if i didn’t like it i would go back. So i tried out and i got in. Although i was excited i was also sad i would have to leave my school. But in hindsight it was definitely worth coming here to this school.

  28. Ha'aheo Says:

    Iv’e been at this school since fourth grade and when i got the letter i didn’t really care. I liked my old school and I didn’t really want to leave but I had to. My first year was pretty hard. But over the years it became better and better. Now I think it’s pretty fun at this school. Also i’m getting a good education and that helps in our adult lives. So it goon be fun.

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