Helumoa Field Trip April 2011

April 21st, 2011 by kiterai

On Wednesday, April 11, the Lama team visited Helumoa.  We were greeted by Many Boyd where he shared some mo’olelo and mana’o.  We then explored the center that included learning from the native garden and Kaulani room, Apple Store and a Helumoa Scavenger Hunt.  Mahalo to our chaperone and hosts.

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 97 Comments »

97 Responses

  1. Ashlyn Says:

    Going on the Helumoa field trip has taught me so much about my culture that I never really knew about. I think one of the most fun things on the field trip was watching the video in the Kaulani Room. I thought it was fun, because it had so much information inside of each video that it was so amazing. I thought that the Garden section inside of the booklet was cool, because I learned a lot of information about the plants, like which plant is used to make sails. Basically from this field trip I learned so much. More than any student could ever achieve. Mahalo to all of the helpers, teachers, and Manu Boyd for helping set up this marvelous event.

  2. Leimana Says:

    On April 11, the Lama team got an opportunity to go on a field trip to Helumoa (previously known as Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center) in Waikiki. We got the opportunity to participate in many different activities. I learned many things such as, what the meaning of Helumoa is. Helumoa is the Hawaiian word for chicken scratch. Originally known as the Royal Hawaiian Shopping center, it was built in 1979, and was rebuilt in 2004, and opened once again in 2007. Helumoa is owned by Kamehameha Schools, and shows the commercial side of our school. I learned that Helumoa has over 10,000 trees planted here. Another thing that I learned was that this was the place that Pauahi established her will about the creation of Kamehameha Schools with Charles Reed Bishop. I felt very honored to be in the place in which the idea of Kamehameha Schools was established. Although I new that Waikiki used to be Kalo Patches and Fishponds, it still surprises me to this day because every time that I look around Waikiki, it is filled with tourists, and all types of high class restaurants, hotels, and shopping centers. It really opens my eyes as to how much someplace can change. It makes me think that in a couple of years, maybe the country like Waianae or Ha’ula might turn into the “new Waikiki.” I thought that the shopping center was beautiful. It looked the exact same as it did when I visited at the grand opening with my Choir in elementary school. I was really surprised when my group went into the video room because I was in the video! Something I enjoyed about this field trip was the scavenger hunt. My first impression was that this was going to be the most boring of the three activities, but it turned out to be pretty fun. We had to take a picture with a tourist, and the first tourists we tried to ask were Japanese, so when we were trying to approach, them one of the students in Japanese class asked them if they could take a picture, and they literally started running away! All in all, this was a very fun field trip, and although we did not have the same activities as the other team did it was still REALLY fun! I would like to extend my thanks to Ms. Terai for setting up this field trip, and the rest of the teachers for also helping out. I would like to thank Ms. Teraoka who was my group leader, Manu Boyd for speaking to us at the beginning of the day, and finally the staff at the Apple store for letting us use their laptops as one of our activities that day.

  3. Kameryn Says:

    Helumoa was a well-planned field trip. I really enjoyed all the different activities we did. I would like to thank all the Kumu and chaperone that helped make this fun-filled day possible. I learned that 1979 was the year the Royal Hawaiian Center was going to be built. I also learned that Waikiki means water to spurt or spurting water. I really enjoyed this field trip.

  4. Tearsjah A.T.T. Says:

    I have learned many things on our trip to Helumoa. One thing that I learned was that the reason why Pauahi’s statue was made of her sitting down instead of standing up was, because she was a very humble person and didn’t want to look upon others. Even though she had much power she chose to be very humble and caring. My favorite part that I enjoyed the most about this field trip was taking pictures in the apple store. The reason why was, because I got to spend some time with my chaperones such as Kumu Noe, Aunty Bernie, and Aunty Kahea. Even though they were teachers they made my day so much fun as it already was. I would like to thank Manu Boyd, the Apple Store Crew, Kumu Noe, Aunty Bernie, and Aunty Kahea for all you have done.

  5. Emma Says:

    April 20, the Lama team went on a field trip to Helumoa. We got to visit the native garden, Kaulani room, Apple store, and we had a scavenger hunt. The first thing that we did was listen to Uncle Manu Boyd talk about the history and past of Helumoa. I learned that 10,000 coconuts once occupied this area. I also learned that Helumoa was a place were Pauahi stayed at the last couple days of her life writing her will. Helumoa got it’s name from a rooster doing a dance and it dug into the land. Helumoa means chicken scratch, which is describing the dance that the chicken did. In the native garden I learned that hala’s leaves are used to make canoe sails, and palapalai, ‘a’ali’i, and ‘ilima papa are all used for hawaiian lei making. Another thing that I learned in the Native Garden is that the Hawaiian name for mountain apple is ‘ohia ai. The Kaulani Room videos provided my classmates and I, wonderful information. Somethings that I learned from the videos is that Waikiki means “water sprout” and 3 waterways flowed through the Waikiki area, and water springs still flow through Waikiki. There was also information about Kamehameha Schools like how there was 37 boys and 4 teachers in the first class of Kamehameha Schools. In the scavenger hunt, I discovered that there is a resturant named after a Mexican amphibian, Senor Frogs. Aside from all of this learning, the thing I enjoyed most about this field trip was going to the Apple Store. I really enjoyed making a cd filled with pictures and videos that everyone took. Plus, they even provided us with a shirt. None of this would have happened if we didn’t have our teachers and chaperones, I would like to thank the Lama teachers, Kumu Noe, Mrs. Omura, Aunty Hawley, Aunty Bernie, Aunty Kahea, and Mrs. Teraoka. Thank you guys for coordinating this wonderful field trip to helumoa.

  6. Breann Says:

    I liked the fun and neat field trip to Helumoa. I thought that it was fun because it was filled with many activities that was enjoyed by all. I adored the scavenger hunt that we did there because it involved us walking around and I got to see new stores and the things that are there. When we first got to Helumoa we were greeted by the director Manu Boyd. He told us many things like what district Helumoa is in, what Helumoa means, and a little about what it is like at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. I learned what kinds of plants are in the Native Garden there. Some of these include the plant that’s leaves were used to make canoe sails, which is the Hala plant. Another plant that I recognized was the Hawaiian name of the mountain apple. It was the ‘Ohi’a ‘Ai. The last thing that I learned in the garden was the three plants used for lei making named Palapalai, ‘A’ali’i, and ‘Ilimapapa. I learned many more from the garden but it is too many to list. While in the Kaulani Room I was watching Hawaiian movies talked about Helumoa and Kamehameha Schools. I learned from there that the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center was built in the year 1979, it was made for the visitors to have a retreat, there are 10,000cocnut trees, Pauahi chose to name the school Kamehameha Schools because Kamehameha was a strong and powerful warrior and she thought that if she named the school this, then the students there would become a leader like Kamehameha, and that our language is important because it tells people our culture and so we have to teach the young ones about it. When we were on our scavenger hunt we learned were all the stores where at there. I liked that session a lot. The last thing I learned was from the Apple store, which was being able to make a movie using iDVD. The session that I enjoyed most of was the scavenger hunt because we actually got to go walking around the shopping center looking for our answer in the scavenger hunt. Although, I also liked when we got to go to the Apple store and make a movie. I would like to thank all the people who help put this field trip together. I really had liked it and I thought that it turned out really good. Thank you again.

  7. Kanani Says:

    Going to Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center yesterday was fun and enjoyable, because not only did we get to go to the apple store we got to learn about a place that once was an area where our beloved princess liked to go there. Two years ago the six graders went to Helumoa for our huaka’i. Being able to go again this year really helped me to be thankful for the things that I have. This trip to Helumoa I learned that there was once over 100 coconut trees in one area. The mo’ole’o that we were told on the history of Helumoa was that the King who was living there saw an ancient chicken come and scratch the ground. The king took that as a sign, that this place is something special. He then planted many coconut trees. He named it Helumoa because it means chicken scratch, like how the chicken scratched the dirt. I also learned that the proceeds that Helumoa makes from the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center shops goes to help Kamehameha schools. Going on this field trip was really fun and educational. I would like to thank everybody that put time and effort into making this trip possible. Without all of you putting effort into this we would not have such a great field trip like we did.

  8. Brian Says:

    I learned many things on the field trip to Helemoua. Such as how Helemoua means”chicken scratch”. I learned that many years ago that one of the Hawaiian chiefs got threatened by a magical chicken that attempted to challenge him. The chief was so scared he didn’t want to challenge the chicken so he decided to plant a coconut that turned into a coconut grove with over 10,000 coconut trees. This place turned into the center of the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. There was many interesting parts about this field trip. But my favorite part of the field trip was when we went to the apple store because it was very interesting trying out the laptops and playing with photo booth.I really appreciate all of the teachers taking there time off to supervise us on the field trip. A special mahalo to Manu Boyd for allowing us to come to Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center and Mrs. Teraoka for supervising my group.

  9. Caitlin Says:

    I learned so much on this field trip, and enjoyed it very much. I learned about the culture that Helumoa has to offer. I also learned a lot about my own culture, my Hawaiian culture. The videos had also talked about the history of Kamehameha Schools. I learned about the native plants that Hawaii has, such as PalaPalai, Noni, ‘Uki ‘Uki, and more. I also learned about some other non-native plants, such as the Ti Leaves, and the Niu Tree, also known as the Coconut Tree. In the video, Nä Mea Makamae, I learned that items such as Ahu Ula, Lei Hulu, and the hand-held Kahili all displayed rank. I also learned that the quilts would symbolize patriotism. In the video, Imua Kamehameha, I learned that there were 375,000 acres of royal lands that were given to Pauahi to fulfill her legacy of educating Hawaiian children. I learned much more, but that was just a few of the things I learned on this field trip. I enjoyed this field trip because it was very interactive, and there were many fun activities planned for us. One of my favorites was taking pictures for the Helumoa Scavenger Hunt. I enjoyed this because I felt strangely, like a tourist. I also liked the Apple Store trip. This was fun, because my friend and I took many hilarious pictures, and even made a movie. That DVD we made will bring many laughs in the future. I enjoyed this Helumoa field trip a lot, and I want to say a mahalo to all of the chaperones, and all people who helped make this field trip possible. I want to say a very special mahalo to my chaperone, Kumu Noe, our speaker, and cultural director of Helumoa, Manu Boyd, and the Apple Store Crew, who made our trip to the Apple Store very memorable. All in all, this was a fun, and educational field trip.

  10. Ha'aheo Says:

    Just recently the Lama team took a fun field trip to Helumoa or Royal Hawaiian Center. Here the students along with myself received a trip to the Apple Store, a look at the native garden, and a short mana‘o from ‘Anakala Manu Boyd. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot.
    I learned that RHC serves to act as a meeting place for tourists to experience a local Hawaiian welcome. I learned the history and importance of the area as well as seeing the area in the Scavenger Hunt. So in general, I learned a lot.
    My favorite part of the field trip was the visit to the Apple Store. Not only did we get to have fun, we got to take home a DVD and a free T-Shirt. I really enjoyed it and hope to come and visit again.
    In conclusion, I would like to extend my gratitude to all the chaperones for helping to contribute to a great and successful field trip. Thank you for all the work and time you have put into this field trip. Thank you again.

  11. Brandon Says:

    On April 11th, Puʻulu Lama went on a field trip to Helumoa (Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center). Helumoa is located in Waikiki. Something I learned on this field trip is that once Helumoa was filled with a bunch of coconut trees. Something I enjoyed on this field trip was doing the scavenger hunt and interacting with the tourist we had met and greeted. I would like to thank Mr. Parker for watching over my group during the scavenger hunt. I would also like to thank Manu Boyd and the Apple Store for sharing their manaʻo with us.

  12. Cassidy Says:

    One of the things that I learned from this field trip was the history and moʻolelo about Helumoa. I really enjoyed that part the most because it is one of the many moʻolelo that I like to hear and share with others. Another thing that I enjoyed was the scavenger hunt. That was a fun way to learn more about the shopping center. Thank you Aunty Bernie for taking time off of your busy schedule to come and help us! It was a real joy to be with you during the course of the day. Thank you for all the other kumu and volunteers that came to help our Pūʻulu too. I know that there were many other things you could of been doing, but instead came with us. And lastly, thank you for the Apple store workers, that was a really fun experience for us!

  13. Max Says:

    On Wednesday Pu’ulu Lama went to Helumoa. I learned that Helumoa means Chicken Scratch. I also learned that they named this Helumoa because a rooster named Ka’auhelumoa scratched the ground and made a hole and they planted a coconut there. Another thing that I learned was that Pauahi wrote the last of her will at Helumoa. When we went to Apple Store I learned how to use iDvd and how to make a slide show. On the scavenger hunt i learned that there was not that many bathrooms at the Royal Hawaiian Center. While we were watching the video I learned a lot about Helumoa, I learned that there used to be over 10,000 coconut trees there.I also learned about a bunch of indigenous plants.
    Mahalo to all of the Lama Kumu, Chaperones, Manu Boyd, and the Apple Store Staff.

  14. Kayla Says:

    I learned that Waikiki means water sprout/sprouting water. I also learned more about Kamehameha Schools (how many students, teachers, borders, etc.), and that King Kalakaua was a guest at the first opening day of Kamehameha Schools. And I learned about native Hawaiian plants. I learned the different stores in Helumoa.
    I liked seeing the bronze statue of Pauahi a Kamehameha graduate made that’s in Helumoa. I liked watching the videos in the Kaulani room.
    Mahalo nui loa Lama kumu, Kumu Noe, Mrs. Omura, Aunty Hawley, Aunty Bernie, Aunty Kahea, Mrs. Teraoka, Manu Boyd, and the Apple Store Crew.

  15. Kawai Says:

    From the Helumoa field trip I learned that there were once 10,000 coconut trees that grew in the area. Helumoa has many stores, I recognized that there were a lot of ABC stores. I also learned the meaning of Helumoa. It means, “the scratching chicken.” Helumoa has a lot of historical history. It is owned by the Kamehameha School the school established by Bernice Pauahi Bishop for the Hawaiian children of Hawaii. I enjoyed doing the scavenger hunt because we got to learn more about the area, the stores there, && what they sell. Other activities we did at our field trip were visiting the Apple store. Where we got to make our own movie. We also watched a video that shared more about Helumoa and its background there. Thank you chaperones and teachers for making this field trip possible. (lama kumu, Kumu Noe, Mrs. Omura, aunty Hawley, Aunty Bernie, Aunty Kahea, Mrs. Teraoka, Mr. Kramer, Manu Boyd, & Apple Store Crew)

  16. Christine N. Says:

    Sadly, I hadn’t known that the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center had anything to do with our school. I’ve been there many times before, since I’ve gone to Waikiki, but I just thought it was another tourist attraction without a real meaning. I learned that the center once housed ten thousand coconut trees and there is a native plant garden. I especially enjoyed our trip to the Apple Store and I’m glad we have the opportunity to work with laptops and different technology in school. I’d like to say “thank you” to our host, Mr. Manu Boyd, for his mana‘o, our chaperone, Aunty Hawley, and the teachers who put this field trip together.

  17. Taylor Mo (: Says:

    When we went on our Lama field trip to Helumoa we did a lot of stuff over there, and it was so much fun! 🙂 I was in group be so one of the first things we did was the Helumoa Scavenger Hunt. My group was probably the funniest group because when ever we would find a store with something we needed we would take a funny picture in front of it even if we didn’t have to. One of the things we had to find was a restaurant with an amphibian on the restaurant’s name. Haha, it ended up being the club Senor Frogs and it was so funny because in front of the entrance it had a sign that said “Clothing Optional Beyond This Point” Haha, we could not stop laughing! 🙂 Well, after we got all of our questions done we went to the Apple Store. It was so much fun over there because we got to make videos and make a slide show of random pictures we took! It was very cool and nice of them to give up this cute little yellow shirt, and have this signs on the table that said “Field Trip to The Apple Store.” Well, after that technical fun we had lunch in the garden. The garden itself is beautiful! The stream that runs through it really captures what used to be Old Hawaii. After lunch we went to the movie room and watch the Ka’ulani video about Hawaii, our school, and Helumoa. Well, one thing I learned was that in the Ka’ulani video room the floor is made up of Ohi’a bark. It was really cool because they have a lot of Ohi’a in the garden. Well, because of our successful field trip I would just like to thank Uncle Manu Boyde, and The Apple Store Crew for making our field trip fun. It was pretty cool of them to help us with our field trip because we had a lot of fun, and it was a pretty good adventure seeing the whole thing from the inside. The field trip to Helumoa was very educating, and very fun and I hope that next year they can have a lot of fun that our team help put on for us.

  18. Casey Says:

    On this field trip I learned many things. One interesting fact I learned was that the first class of Kamehameha Schools had 37 students and 4 teachers. I think that was the most mind boggling to me because of the change in the amount of students we have now. My favorite part of the field trip was going to the apple store. It was really fun taking funny pictures with my friends and it was also nice of them to teach us how to burn a CD. I would like to say a special thank you to my chaperone Mrs. Omura. Thank you for watching us and taking us to where we had to go on time. Also, I would like to Thank Mr. Manu Boyd for speaking to us about some of the history of Helumoa. Also, I would like to say thank you to the apple store for being able to accompy us to come to there store and giving us a CD and a tshirt. It was a great field trip. Thanks to all who made it possible! ☺

  19. Keyrsten Says:

    Helumoa was a very educating and fun field trip. I learned a lot about the business side of our school. I learned that Helumoa got its name from Ka’auhelumoa, he scratched the ground and made a coconut tree. Now there are 10,000 coconut trees with in Helumoa. We went to the Apple Store and made iDVD’s with pictures we took on their laptops, we also watched a video about Helumoa and Hawaiian Monarch. We learned about native plants in the garden and we had a scavenger hunt. We even talked about the statue of Pauahi. The statue represents Pauahi reading a book to a little girl, Pauahi was known for being a part of her people.
    Mahalo to ; Our Pu’ulu Lama Kumu, Manu Boyd, Chaperones, Apple Store and Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center for a wonderful field trip.

  20. Brendyn Says:

    On Wednesday April 20 Pu’ulu Lama went to Waikiki to visit Pauahi Statue and the Royal Hawaiian Center (Helumoa). We went there to give our respect to Pauahi’s Statue and to learn more about the history and present day of the area. I learned that the meaning of Helumoa is Chicken Scratch because when a special chicken named Ka’auhelumoa went into the middle and scratched a hole in the ground the people then decided that they would plant a coconut tree there. And then from that 1 coconut tree had transformed into a forest of 10,000 of them. On the scavenger hunt I learned that it is really hard to find a specific store you like because there is such a variety of people and stores to choose from and also for tourist and people that want to learn ukulele the Royal Hawaiian Center provides people with lessons from Tuesday to Friday every week. Finally I would just like to thank all the teachers and chaperones, Manu Boyd, and the Apple store staff for letting this field trip happen.

  21. Rhayn Says:

    We had a field trip to Helumoa and I heard it was really cool. I heard that there was good stories and knowledge that were shared upon the students. It was saddening that I couldn’t make it on this field trip. One of my peers told me that they got to make a video/slide show of what they did. Under the supervision of an adult, the got to go on a scavenger hunt to get to know the places in the Royal Hawaiian Center. Although, I am very glad that I got to stay back to catch up with some work.

  22. Laakea Says:

    On April 11th, the lama team went to Helumoa. It was very fun and I learned a lot on this field trip. We looked at Pauahi’s statue and payed our respects to her. The statue is of Pauahi reading a book to a child showing that she was part of her people. I learned that there used to be 10,000 coconut trees in the area.We went to the apple store and used idvd, then we went on a scavenger hunt and learned a lot about the different places and things in the Shopping Center. I also learned that Helumoa means chicken scratch. Thank you to everybody that made this field trip possible.

  23. Kaulu Says:

    On Wednesday, we went on a field trip. On that field trip, we went to a place called Helumoa. Helumoa is a shopping center owned by Kamehameha Schools. On the field trip, we did various things such as a scavenger hunt, watching a video, and taking pictures in an Apple store. I also learned many things. Some of the things that I learned from this field trip include, how to make a video from pictures on Photobooth, the history of Helumoa, and the amount of bathrooms and ATM’s in Helumoa. I found out what Helumoa means. It means, “chicken scratch.” One other thing that I learned is that Pauahi spent a lot of her time in the Coconut grove, and that that’s the place where she wrote her Kamehameha Schools will. Overall, I thought that this field trip was an unusual one, and a very enlightening field trip. Now, I am going to thank all of the people who made this possible. I thank all of the teachers, Manu Boyd, the entire staff at the Apple store when we were there, all of the tourists in Helumoa, and all of the Shopkeepers in Helumoa for helping us finish our scavenger hunt.

  24. Nalani Says:

    )n Wednesday, we went on field trip to the Royal Hawaiian center and got to speak to Manu Boyd who is the Cultural Director at Helumoa. I got to learn many different things just by looking around the shopping areas and reading the post that were in the Garden. By going to the native garden and Kaulani room, I learned about different native Hawaiian plants that live in the garden and I found out the different houses and residences that lived around that area. My favorite part was going to the apple store. I really want to thank the Apple crew and Manu Boyd for letting us go on this field trip and making this experience very memorable. I love the t-shirt I had a lot of fun and I really want to go back there again. It was an amazing experience. I absolutely loved this field trip ! (:

  25. Moriah Says:

    This past wednesday, we went to Helumoa in Waikiki. First we listened to Manu Boyd talk about the history of Helumoa. Then we went to the statue of Pauahi and did an oli. Then my group went to the Apple story for an activity. We took pictures and videos and compiled them into a slideshow on iPhoto. We got to take home a copy of the slideshow and they gave us a t shirt. The next thing we did was watch movies at the Kaulani Video room. I learned that the decision to make Royal Hawaiian Center was made in 1979. The Royal Hawaiian Center generates profits to help fund Kamehameha Schools. I also learned that there were over 375,000 acres of land that was bequeathed by Pauahi to fulfill her goal of education Hawaiian children. Then we went to the Hawaiian garden and got to see all the native plants. The last activity we did was do a scavenger hunt. That took a long time because we had to walk all around the shopping center. The field trip overall was pretty fun, i definitely learned a lot of facts. I would like to thank all the Lama teacher and chaperones that helped put this field trip together.

  26. Keola Norton Says:

    Thank You to Ms.Terai, Mr.Parker, Mr.Kramer, Kumu Noe, Aunty Kahea, Aunty Bernie, Aunty Holly, Mr.Ching, and Mrs.Tereoka for helping make all of these wonderful things possible. I learned many things at the Royal Hawaiian Center. I learned all the history that we the Kamehameha Schools have connected to Helumoa one of the biggest shopping centers in Waikiki. I learned how many ancient hawaiian monarchs lived in Waikiki. I also learned how Helumoa got its name. THey got it from a super chicken who wanted to fight the old King of Oahu so he started scratching the ground so Helumoa “chicken scratch”. THis field trip held a lot of information I didn’t know. This was a very fun field trip overall. So thank you to everyone who made this field trip possible. MAHALO NUI LOA!

  27. Makoa Says:

    Last Wednesday the lama team went to Helumoa or also know as the Royal Hawaiian Center. The field trip was fun because we got to go around and learn about that area. That field trip was also really educational for the lama team because we got exposed to some more mana’o about our past. I got a lot out of that field trip such as, the income, what did Waikiki look like in the past and some general facts about the RHC. I also learned that 375,000 acres of Pauahi’s land was bequeathed to fulfill her goal. I also enjoyed that field trip because we got to visit the apple store and get shirts.

  28. Kapono Says:

    Wednesday the Lama team went to Helumoa in waikiki also known as the Royal Hawaiian Center. I think this was a really fun field trip because we got to explore and learn about the history of the area. We also got to learn about our Kupuna and what happened back then. We got to go do a scavenger hunt around the area and got to visit the apple store. We got to take pictures and make a movie. This was a very inspirational field trip. I enjoyed this a lot. Mahalo to all the teachers and people who made this possible.

  29. Chris Says:

    First of all I would like to thank all of the people who made this field trip possible because it was a very memorable experience. I learned that there are many different restaurants and many different stores in the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. I also learned more about our Hawaiian history and more about out Kings and Queens. I think that the best part of the field trip was when were in the Apple store because we took pictures and made it into a CD. Lastly thank you to Manu Boyd and the Apple Store Crew for making the field trip how it was.

  30. Kirei Says:

    We had the opportunity to go to Helumoa this past week. I thought it was a really fun field trip and I learned a lot. When Manu Boyd welcomed us, I learned about how the place got their name; a kupua chicken came there and scratched at the group and when an ali’i saw this he believed it was a sign. Therefore he named the place Helumoa, or chicken scratch. After Manu Boyd greeted us my group got to explore the mall. First we went to watch videos about this place’s history. Then we got to look at the Garden area where the Pauahi statue was. I thought the garden was very beautiful and there were a lot of native and non-native plants. The Pauahi statue was also very beautiful, and it meant a lot considering that this was where she spent her last days and wrote her will. After that we went to the Apple Store and got to make a cool iPhoto dvd. We also received free shirts in the end. After that we went on a scavenger hunt around the mall and got to see a lot of different stores around there. I really enjoyed this field trip because we got to do a lot, see a lot of stores, learn a lot about Pauahi and Helumoa, and it was a whole lot of fun. Thank you, everyone who helped this field trip come to be!

  31. Marilyn Says:

    When we visited Helumoa we were greeted by Manu Boyd who talked to us about the history of Helumoa. When we were in our groups we got to do a scavenger hunt, it was very fun because we got to look around the shopping center, and see everything there. I couldnt believe that there were only 2 bathrooms in the whole center. We got to go around the native garden and watch some videos about helumoa. The last thing we got to do was go to the apple store. It was fun because we got to take pictures and we got to put it into a slideshow. Kealani was my partner and we took a lot of weird pictures. I think that this was one of the best field trips that we went on this year.

  32. Mahea Fosi Says:

    On my fieldtrip to Helumoa I learned many things, that I’ve never knew before. Somethings that I learned during this field trip was that Helumoa translates into chicken scratch. I even learned that, Bernice Pauahi Bishop spent most of her last days in the royal groove and that’s. Where she wrote her will to establish Kamehameha schools. I had many favorite parts during this field, one of my most favorites was the scavengar hunt. Where we got to look around and search for really interesting things.
    I would like to thank my chaperons Kumu Noe for being so patient and nice to our group. I had a really good time and would like to go back again.

  33. Kaulu Says:

    o On Wednesday, we went on a field trip. On that field trip, we went to a place called Helumoa. Helumoa is a shopping center owned by Kamehameha Schools. On the field trip, we did various things such as a scavenger hunt, watching a video, and taking pictures in an Apple store. I also learned many things. Some of the things that I learned from this field trip include, how to make a video from pictures on Photobooth, the history of Helumoa, and the amount of bathrooms and ATM’s in Helumoa. I found out what Helumoa means. It means, “chicken scratch.” One other thing that I learned is that Pauahi spent a lot of her time in the Coconut grove, and that that’s the place where she wrote her Kamehameha Schools will. Overall, I thought that this field trip was an unusual one, and a very enlightening field trip. Now, I am going to thank all of the people who made this possible. I thank all of the teachers, Manu Boyd, the entire staff at the Apple store when we were there, all of the tourists in Helumoa, and all of the Shopkeepers in Helumoa for helping us finish our scavenger hunt.

  34. Ethan L Says:

    We all learned a lot from the Helumoa field trip. It gave us a spectacular view of the thriving business side of the Ke Alii Pauahi Foundation that many people benefit from. At Helumoa we learned that Helumoa is means ‘chicken scratch’ from the giant chicken who fought a chief and from the scratches in the ground a coconut grove was planted. We went on a scavenger hunt and saw many of the stores at Helumoa. Afterwards we went to the Apple Store where we made a slideshow with pictures of ourselves and put it on a DVD then we watched and got a free shirt. We learned that Pauahi spent her last days in Helumoa as she wrote her will.

  35. Erinn Ortiz Says:

    On Wednesday April 11, 2010 that Lama students went on a field trip to Helumoa. Helumoa is a place in Waikiki that is very famous. It is famous because it has a very famous shopping place named Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. Royal Hawaiian shopping center is very important to Kamehameha Schools because the shopping center is on our land and it gives us money to support our school. When we arrived we got a brief message from Manu Boyd. He talked to us about why Helumoa was given it that name and what the place was about. After that we got to go into our different groups and walk around the shopping center. The first place that my group got to visit was the Apple Store. We had to pick partners and take lots of pictures so that we could make a CD and put all of the pictures on it and take the CD home. What was even more fun was that we got apple t-shirts to take home. The second place that my group went to was to watch the video in the Kualani room and to go to the native garden and see some plants. When we were watching the video I was really surprised to see myself in the video because I never knew that I was in the video at all. When we went to the native garden that was really fun to because we got to learn about plants that were used in different ways. They had plants to make leis, dies, and even leis that helped out with making canoes. After that we got to eat lunch then we got to go on to the scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was really fun because we got to go all over the shopping center and what made it even more fun was that my group was really fun people. At the end of the day I was really tired but I had also gained a lot of knowledge. I would like to thank Manu Boyd for giving us his mana’o and I would like to thank the Lama teachers for taking us to Helumoa to learn more about this native place. MAHALO!!!

  36. Cody W Says:

    I received a great amount of information from the peers that we interacted with. I learned a brief background about Helumoa and how it is linked to Kamehameha Schools. I also learned more about the real/inner meaning of “Helumoa”. I enjoyed spending time with my fellow classmates and meeting more people from and outside of our school. I think that the activity that “affected” me the most was the Scavenger Hunt. I was able to explore and learn more about the place we were at. I thought it was cool how we were able to search places and find out more about the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. I’d like to thank the teachers for all the work done to see this field trip done. The chaperones were highly appreciated and they were of much help. Some of them also added more to the excitement. A big mahalo to the hosts of this field trip and the time put aside to spend with us. This was an exciting field trip and it taught me a lot; it was also very fun.

  37. Javin A. Says:

    On Wednesday April 11 the Lama team went on a fieldtrip to Helumoa or otherwise known as the Royal Hawaiian Shopping center. There, we were able to find out lost of cool facts about the place and the statue of Pauahi in the royal garden. When we first got there Manu boyd who is the cultural director greeted us. One of the activities that we did was a scavenger hunt thought the shopping center looking for shops, accessories, and designs; don’t forget about the ATM machine. Another activity that we did was watching a movie on the beginning and the start of Helumoa. We also got to explore the royal garden and look for plants and their uses. The final activity that we got to do was going to the apple store and exploring what they had to offer for us. We got to make a project on our stay over there and made it into a two-minute presentation on I-photo. I learned a lot about the site. One of those things that I learned was that Pauahi’s home was right next to the royal Hawaiian hotel. I also learned that the statue was built to honor her and that the flowers on her head represent her love for the garden and the girl sitting next to her represents the past present and the future of the keiki. The way Pauahi is sitting is to show her hospitality. I would like to also thank all the people who made this possible like Manu boyd, Miss. Terai, Mrs. Harbottle, Mr. Parker, Aunty Wong, Aunty Bernie, apple store employees, and anyone else that helped make this day possible. ☺

  38. Liam Green Says:

    This was one of the funnest field trips of the year. I learned a lot from it, like that Helumoa was named after a magical chicken, and that there used to be 10,000 coconut trees. My favorite part of the field trip was the scavenger hunt because we got to walk around the whole shopping center. I also liked going to the Mac store because all we did was because we got to play with computers. It was kind of funny though because they were trying to teach us stuff but we already knew it. All in all it was a great last field trip.

  39. Jarrod Mcquivey Says:

    I would like to thank all the people who helped make this field trip possible. It was a great learning experience and very fun. It was nice that we got to keep t-shirts and get a certificate to show we went on the field trip. I learned that one of our own Kamehameha Students made the beautiful Pauahi statue. It was fun to do the scavenger hunt and take a picture with a tourist. I learned about Pauahis home and some more about the Hawaii Monarchy Overthrow. I learned about our royalty and that Pauahi was a great person. Again Mahalo

  40. Austin B Says:

    On April 11th the Lama team went on a fieldtrip to helumoa in hawaiian it means the scratching chicken. What i learned at this field trip is that it is the number one kamehameha company that helps Kamehameha pay for the Tuition what i also learned is that the Cheesecake factory over there gets the most money out of any of them. What i enjoyed most out of the field trip was the scavenger hunt because i got to talk 2 a tourist and made them come in out photo and it was pretty funny how the japanesse didnt understand me but it was pretty cool. I would like to thank Pauahi for letting me in this school so this field trip could happen and i was like also to thank Manu Boyd, Aunty Bernie, All the Lama Kumus and Aunty Wong, Apple store employees and mostly to Ke Akua If it wasent for him i wouldnt be alive. Mahalo Nui Loa for the field Trip hope every had a great day

  41. Rachel L Says:

    On April 11th, the Lama team at Kamehameha Middle Schools had a field trip to the Royal Hawaiian Center. First, Manu Boyd came and talked to us about the history of the Royal Hawaiian Center. We were split into groups, and each group went to different stations. My group went to the native garden first, where we learned a lot about the native plants there. Then we went on a scavenger hunt throughout the RHC. It was fun because we got to see all of the shops. After we ate lunch in the native garden, my group went to the Apple Store where we made a slideshow.
    I learned a lot about Kamehameha Schools and the Royal Hawaiian Center from this fieldtrip. I learned that both of these places are trying to bring back Hawaiian culture. While the school is educating young Hawaiians, the Center is spreading the knowledge of our Hawaiian culture by educating everyone that goes there, whether it’s a tourist or a native Hawaiian.
    I liked this fieldtrip because it was different. We got to experience a different way to educate people about Hawaii and our culture. My favorite part was the Apple Store, because we got to make a cool slideshow using pictures we took in the store.
    Thank you to all of our kumu and chaperones for taking us on this field trip. Also, mahalo to everyone at the Apple Store for letting us go there, and thanks to Manu Boyd for telling us about Helumoa.

  42. Wyatt M Says:

    Thank you to all of the people who made this field trip possible because it was a very memorable experience. I learned a lot about waterways and names and even some Hawaiian words. I learned names of restaurants, stores in the Royal Shopping Center and more. My favorite part of the field trip was going to the Apple store because we had a fun time with friends taking pictures and making a cd after that. They were so nice and also handed out nice yellow shirts. Thank you Manu Boyd and the Apple Store Crew for making the field trip fun and possible.

  43. kaulana W. Says:

    our team when to the royal hawaiian shopping center and we learned about the history of the place of where it is and what was there before. I learned that it used to be a place where a royal chicken ran around and played that is where they got Helumoa from 🙂 i had so much fun and i learned a lot of new things about that mall. i am so happy i got KUMU Noe as my chaperone she was so much fun. we had a great time 🙂 and also when we got to listen to the story Of Uncle Boyd 🙂 also i would like to say thank you to the apple store because i had a great time in there learning how to make a slide show and how to make lots of things. Also for the shirt they gave us. all in all it was a great feild trip. 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉

  44. Kealani B. Says:

    I think that this field trip to Helumoa was very insightful and even though I’ve been to Helumoa before, I learned A LOT. I learned a lot about how the buildings and bridges were named and how this place helps our school and the importance of Helumoa not only to our school but us as a Hawaiian people. What I most enjoyed was the apple store because I learned a little bit more about the technology today and had fun taking pictures and hanging out with my friends. I also enjoyed the scavenger hunt because it was fun to roam around the mall, take pictures, etc. I would also like to thank everyone who contributed to this field trip like Miss Terai, Manu Boyd, Mrs. Harbottle, Mr. Parker, Aunty Bernie, Mrs. Omura, the Apple store and employees and everybody else. I really enjoyed this field trip. 🙂

  45. Kapu Says:

    On Wednesday April 11 the Lama team went on a field trip to Helumoa or otherwise known as the Royal Hawaiian Shopping center. We were able to learn a lot from Manu Boyd and his knowledge of how Helumoa got it’s name and the history behind that place. As a Lama team we all sorts of activities such as; going to the apple store, watching a documentary on the Hawaiians as a people, and a scavenger hunt around the shopping center. The scavenger hunt was a way to let the kids have more fun on the field trip than sitting in the hot sun and listening to someone speak all day. I would like to thank Ms. Terai and all the people made this field trip possible for us.

  46. Kulia Says:

    I really enjoyed visiting Helumoa. Something that shocked my was, the students of Kamehameha Schools are beneficiaries of the apple store at Helumoa because their store is built on KS land. I find it important to know where the princess of our people, the founder of this amazing school wrote the will that erected the Kamehameha Schools. To me the bronze statue ofe Ke Alii Pauahi is special because she loved her people so much that she gave her estate to creating a school to help children. The statue shows her reading to a young child. And to this day I feel her reading to all of us, as if she were actually here.

  47. Ka'ua Says:

    On Wednesday, April 11 the Lama team visited Helumoa or the Royal Hawaiian Shopping center. I learned from this field trip that Helumoa was named because of a chief’s encounter with a chicken. I also learned that Waikiki was used as a royal retreat and was a place where kalo was raised. My favorite part of the field trip would probably be either the apple store or the scavenger hunt. I liked the apple store because we were able to play with the laptops and make a CD of ourselves. I also liked the scavenger hunt because we had to work as a team to get our cards filled. I would like to thank Mr. Kramer for chaperoning us on this field trip and also to Mr. Boyd and the apple store and all the other staff that helped us make this field trip possible.
    Cheeee Pono Mahalo

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