College Counselor Visit

January 20th, 2011 by kiterai

Please take some time to write about at least two things you learned from today’s presentation from Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike.

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71 Responses

  1. Casey Says:

    One thing that I learned at the presentation is that college is only a few years a way and we should start thinking about and planning about out future. I need to think about my grades for one, but not only that. I also need to think about the extra curricular activities, such as club, sports and even community service. Another thing I learned from this presentation is that we don’t need to worry and stress out about registration and signing up for college. The counselors will help us through the whole process and we don’t need to be worrying too much because they will help us through the whole thing.

  2. Haley-Mihana L. Says:

    What i learned from Mrs.Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike is that if you want to apply for college apply for more than one school because you never know if you will get in to any of the schools you want. Another thing I learned is that I should start looking at colleges now because planning ahead is better. Another thing is that public and community colleges are way less than Private schools tuition wise. Some public schools might even give more than private schools can offer. I just thank Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike for giving me advice on how I can pick my future and do it the right way.

  3. Mia Says:

    I learned from Mrs. Sato, and Mrs.Kekaulike a lot that I never knew about college, admissions and Kamehameha graduates that I never knew before. I never thought that there were so many things to think about when you want to apply for a college, even the smallest things. I also learned that it is a good idea to apply for a few colleges so that you get a variety of different ones, in different places with different teaching skills and styles. I also learned that it is best to start planning way ahead before you go off to college so you know what you want. Thank you Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike for your presentation.

  4. Kula Says:

    From the presentation I learned many things about college. When applying for a college, I learned that one aspect of your high school life was how much extracurricular things that you did. I always that thought that your application to a college was weighed heavily on how good your grades your and how you rank among your graduating class (although that does matter too). Another thing that I learned was that one way to pick a college was to pick it based on the location of the college. If I want to try new things than I should definitely go out of state for my college because I can still go to a good college that will look good on an application, while still doing something that I want to do. I also learned that if I want to go to someplace that is always sunny, that I should go to place like Florida or Arizona, but if I want a colder weather, than I should go to someplace like Colorado. The college that I pick will be a college that I like for more than its academics. I would like to thank Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike for their presentation about college. I now not only know more but what I should do to prepare, but also what I to expect when I go through the whole process of applying for a college so now at least its just a little less intimidating.

  5. Kealani Says:

    I learned many things and two of which are that you should apply for the colleges that fit you best and that you should apply to many and not only your favorites. I think that it is great that we had this presentation because not only are we studying about colleges in school but my parents and relatives are asking me too. I think that its better that we prepare early instead of rushing towards the end. Thanks to Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike.

  6. Ha'aheo Says:

    Recently on Friday, two women came to teach us about the known and unknown facts of college. This tied right in to our unit of selecting a college. I knew some of which the ladies talked about however, I learned a few things as well.
    Two things I learned from the guest speakers were what colleges look for and acceptance rates. These two things are pretty important in the acceptance process to a prestige college. Without these, you have no clue what you are up against.
    Colleges look for a variety of things. They like well-rounded students but also stress the academic more. If two students with 4.0 GPAs try for the same college, but one plays sports, the one that plays sports is more likely to be accepted. This is an important factor in a resume to a college.
    Also, acceptance rates are a crucial fact to know. This is the amount of undergraduates are accepted to the number of applicants. Very prestige colleges have really low acceptance rates while community colleges have a lot higher acceptance rate. This a factor to be looked at by the applicants as you shouldn’t pin your hopes only on one really high up there college.
    To conclude, I would like to thank the guest speakers for sharing their time and mana‘o to help us and educate us. Thank you and we hope to see you in high school.

  7. Attilio L =) Says:

    I learned how each college has its own preferences like GPA or class rank. I also learned that you must work very hard to get in to the college and apply to many colleges to have a fallback plan. Thank you Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike for sharing your mana’o on college registration.

  8. Jeri Says:

    The lesson that we learned that day was really helpful, it was an eye-opener. I realized the oppurtunities that i have. I can apply to many college’s and if i have the right educationn and stuff then i can get many scholarships. Scholarships are very helpful because it can help me pay for my college tuition so i can go to a good school. I realized that many people go to Oregon (the college i want to go to) so my chances are very high since many other students go their too from Kamehameha. I learned alot from your presentation like what should be considered when applying for a college like if any other Hawaiians would be there and what could be used to increase our chances of getting in to a school. I also learned that you can apply for community college first and it can prepare you for the next year if you want to go to a mainland college. (:

  9. Keola Norton Says:

    Last week thursday when Mrs. Sato and Mrs Kekaulike visited us last week I learned many things I should think about when choosing what colleges to apply for. One thing I really learned was that you need to not just think about the school but also look at what yourself would want. Like you need to look at the ethnic groups there so your not the only hawaiian looking kid that goes to that school or it would be kind of awkward the whole experience. Also you need to look if the college has 4 seasons and if you are only used to 2 seasons you need to get use to 4 seasons fast. Another thing you need to look at is if you are going to be away from family a lot and some people are going to get really homesick. I just hope when I get to college I will have a joyful time. Thank you Mrs. Sato and Mrs Kekaulike.

  10. Brendyn Says:

    Some of the things that I learned from the college counselors were that it is very important early on in your high school years to get all of you really hard honors classes in so that you can prepare in your later years for college instead of worrying about you harder classes there. Also it’s good to have extra activities and good grades because colleges will be looking for that type of thing, like leadership and brains.

  11. Kapu Says:

    I learned a lot when Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike came to talk to the Lama team about registering and what colleges look for in an athlete and a student. I also learned all the colleges that the past classes went to. What I liked about the talk was the information that Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike gave to us about financial aid, how to apply to colleges and the different ways you can pay off your tuition if you don’t have a scholarship. Thank you again for the advice given by them I think it will really help me in the future when I apply for college. 🙂

  12. Nikolai Says:

    when we had that college presentation day, i learned more then 2 things. But the two things I learned was that there are lots of people that stays at Hawaii to go college, but like 45% of the people go to other states and go college. I learned that their are many different colleges to choose from, and I can view everything because it is on the internet. I learned that very few people get into big colleges like stanford. I learned that you have to apply more then one to see your choices, and that you cannot just set your eyes on one school.

  13. Pomai Says:

    I enjoyed learning about colleges from Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike. Thank you for taking time to visit our team and teach us about colleges. It was very informational and really made me start to think about where I would like to attend in the future. I learned about what colleges look for in students. They look at more than just grades; they also see what your extra curricular activities are and more. Grades are still important and you need to do well in high school because from then on those are the grades they look at. I also learned facts you need to consider when applying to colleges. You need to look at the acceptance rate, environment, campus, etc, so that you can find a college that fits your needs. I would like to once again thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to come and talk to us. I truly learned a lot and had a good time 🙂

  14. Jade Says:

    One thing I learned from this presentation is that you need to think about many different things when you pick a college. You have to think about if you want to stay close to home or go explore the rest of the world. You also have to think about what you want to major in and if you want to go to a college that majors in that field. Also, you have to think about what kind of weather you will experience, the kind of people you will meet, things you want to do in your free time, etc. Another thing I learned was that if I already know what I want to be, I could start taking classes in high school to help prepare me for college courses. Lastly, I would like to that Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike for taking time out of there busy schedule to come and talk to us about colleges.

  15. Kaulu Says:

    I learned many things from the powerpoint presentation by Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike. But, If I had to say just two things that I learned from their presentation it would be about how everything that you do in high school affects your future, and the fact that you don’t need to go to a college in the mainland to be able to experience living in the mainland in your college years. When they taught us about how everything that we do in high school effects everything, they said that everything from your first class to your high school years, to your last class in your high school years mattered. About the experiencing living in the mainland during your college years, while still going to a college in Hawaii, they said that you could take a program that lets you live in another country. Now, I would like to thank Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike, for all the things that they have taught me.

  16. Kanani Says:

    During morning advisory the other day the lama team had two guess speakers come. They were Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike. I would like to thank them for taking time out of their day to come and educate us about college and things that we have to think about when we start to chose which ones we want to go to. One thing that I learned from their presentation was that when you choose a college there is more to it than if they have a good football team or not. You have to look at the weather that the area has, what type of ethnicities go to school there, and if they have a good program for the major that you want to pursue. The reason you have to look at these things is because if you don’t want to go to a college where it rains all day long then you should probably not go to Seattle University. That is because if you did go there, without doing your research on the school, you will probably be disappointed because in Seattle it rains a lot. Another thing that I learned was that if you want to go to a good college you have to start to get your education straight now in high school because that is what they look at when you apply. If you don’t have a good record they most likely won’t accept you to their college. I think going into high school it was a good thing to start thinking about college because before you know it we will be graduating and hopefully because we have this knowledge it won’t be hard to figure out what you want to do after high school.

  17. Ethan L Says:

    At the college counseling presentation I learned many things. One thing that I thought was interesting was that how small the population is that actually has a doctorate degree. I think it would be really good and almost essential that aim to get a doctorate degree in whatever I plan to major in. I think it would be really good because if I had a doctorate degree I would be more qualified for a job rather than another person with a lower degree. Another thing that I found extremely interesting/distressing was about how much that our college admission rely on our SAT scores. I think this is more of a wake-up call for me so I can spend more time studying for my SAT test than I usually do with my other tests. Another thing that was a wake-up call for me was about how un-involved I am in sports and extra-curricular activities within my community because what I learned from the College Counselor presentation was that a fair amount of the dependence of you getting into college depends on your extra-curricular participation. Originally I planned on going to a college on Oahu or somewhere close to home but what I heard convinced me that I should go to place further from home because if you are on your first on-your-own learning experience you should go away, far off from home so you can actually learn be almost entirely financially independent. I would like to thank Mrs. Kekaulike and Mrs. Sato for coming down to the middle so they could spend time with us and teaching us the techniques to find and get into a college that meets our needs educationally and financially.

  18. Erinn Says:

    When I had first learned that we were going to be able to talk about college to be honest I actually was think that this was going to be a really boring time. When I stepped into the Mr. Omo’s romm Mrs.Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike were very warm and inviting which made me think twice if I was going to hate this college talk or not. I learned lots of different things like first of all the type of college that you would like to go to. I learned that people can be adventurous and go out into world and explore, you could come a little closer to home, or you could just stay on they rock. I think my dream college is to go to University of Washington, Tacoma. There mascot is the huskies and there colors are purple and white. I really love it there because they have a really good cake program. I really want to be a cake decorater when I am older. Something else that I learned was you need to apply for several colleges preferably 5 more because then you have a list of what you can choose from and you can decide from that. I also learned a little bit about if you want to go out into the world the type of advantages that you have when you leave to go to a different college in a different state. I had a senior friend last year, her name was Sky Akau and I remember her talking about going to college and the different colleges that she would apply to. I met her in Kamehameha Dance Company. The college that she talked about the most was going to the University of Oregon “home of the ducks”. She ended up going there and she said that she loves it and she is taking classes on guidance. She also is in the University Of Oregon’s dance company. The counselors also told us that once we enter into 9th grade as a freshman all grades count from then so we need to do our best in high school so that we could get into the best college as possible. I also learned from others that we should do an exaceptable amount of extra curriclers because colleges pay more attention to students who help out the community and are involved in everything. To end this blog I would just like to thank Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike for coming to see us for about 35 minutes and talking to us about the experiences of college and what we need to do to prepare for college. I would also like the thank them for everything that they have prepared me for.

  19. Pono Says:

    The college presentation that was shared by Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike was a learning experience for me because it helped me know about college, and stuff I really wasnt thinking about/was on mind. I learned that colleges look at your grades starting next year as a Freshman all the way to Senior year. So, it is important to get good grades. I also learned that they look at your ACT/SAT scores because it shows students true ability of knowledge. Also most importantly colleges look at you extra-curricular activities because it allows them to separate you from others which is a good thing. I learned a lot from this and when i grow up I plan on going to a good college but that means i have to do good in school

  20. Rayn Says:

    The other day Mrs. Sato and Mrs. Kekaulike came to visit our school to inform the Lama team members about collage and how to get accepted.Which I greatly appreciate. They informed us about how to have a better chance of getting into a collage and if there is hawaiians there or not. Once again, I appreciate the time that these two wonderful ladies spent on telling us about our choice towards our future.

  21. Sophie Says:

    Much thanks to the Aunties that taught us about being in college and choosing our college. I was surprised that people had never seen snow before, I have. I also found it interesting that one of the counselors was also called Mrs. K just like our English teacher. I also like that all the extracurricular activities that I am doing will help me get into the college of my choice. I learned that I should make the decision of where I go to college. Thank you so much to Mrs. K (the counselor), Mrs. Sato.

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