Donald in Mathamagicland

December 15th, 2010 by kiterai

Please share what you learned from the movie.  Please a well developed paragraph.  Write using complete sentences and share at least three things you learned by Thursday morning.

Posted in Advisory | 81 Comments »

81 Responses

  1. Jeri G. Says:

    In the movie “Mathmagic”everything said and taught was such an eye opener. I have learned that everything around us is math whether it’s been shapes, angles, and also proportions. The part with the “Billiards” shocked me a lot. I thought Billiards was the one with all the balls and you had to make it in the socket. But there’s a certain formula and certain angles to make the cue ball hit the regular ball 3 times. It was crazy because if you think about it professional billiard player can actually be a mathmatician. That’s funny. I would definetley be interested in playing that game. The game looks fun and skillful just like chess. Also math is in every game and sport, like football, swimming, and even tennis. I have also learned that certain shapes around us can equal in to infinity amount of shapes. Its pretty cool to realize that there is an infinity amount of shapes all around us. Have you ever realized all the shapes around you? Well, there’s shapes on buildings, on pillows, on shirts, on phones. basically everything around has a certain shape. And that’s what i learned in mathmagic (:

  2. Kawai Says:

    Mathmagic Land had taught me more about math that I never knew before. I learned that everything can be involved with math. It all starts at the Pythagoreans which were the Greek. An example of how math is used today, is by playing billiards.
    In billiards, you have to have a good technique of how your going to hit the ball, (good angles,) and you have to have a precise calculation of the angle your going to hit it at.I also learned when you cut shapes like a sphere, it just makes more and more shapes.
    This is what I learned watching the Mathmagic Land Video.

  3. Brittney A Says:

    Today in math, we watched a movie called Donald in Mathamagicland. I learned many things. First, I learned that math is in music, nature, and games. Some games that have math in it is chess, and three cushion billiards. Basically, all games are played on a geometric surface. I also learned that Pythagorus, an ancient Greek, discovered scale music by using a string. First he got a string, and divided it by half, by holding the string in half, the sound went up higher by an octave. Also, I learned that the greeks used a shape called the golden rectangle. The golden rectangle was used in their sculptures, and was later used in European, and Western architecture and art. I also learned that mathematical form is in everything. There was so much that I learned from Donald in Mathamagicland.

  4. Kili Says:

    When we watched today’s movie I learned a lot. One thing that I learned was that music came from mathematical formulas. Pythagoras figured out that the octave and scales are formed from every half. I also learned that you can apply math in every day life. For example, billiards is a game where you have to hit the walls of the table 3 times before hitting the ball. Billiards players have to calculate each angle and possible outcomes before finally hitting the ball. Another thing I learned that the golden rectangle is made from a star. The rectangle has also influenced many times in history and architecture throughout the years. For example the greeks used it in their sculptures and buildings. We also use it in our modern day world. Another thing that I learned is that Pythagoreans were a group of mathematicians that met in secret and shared what discoveries they made in math. Math is what leads discoveries and helps us invent things. Without math we would be no where.

  5. Kainalu A. Says:

    Today in math we watched a movie called Mathmagicland. This was a great movie. It helped compare math to other things in life. I learned a lot of things from this movie. The first thing that i learned is that Math can be found any where. Another thing that i learnedMath can be found in music, sports, games, and even in nature. Math can be found in sport because in football the shape of the field follows the golden rectangle. Math can be found in music because on the scale the length of the first string and the second string together equal the third string and so on. Math can be found in games, one game it can be found in is chess. It can be found in chess because the board is a perfect square and there is squares with in the square, that relates to geometry. One way that it relates in nature is in flowers, like the star jasmine, the wax flower. These are related to math because if you outline it with straight lines it makes a pentagon with is also geometric. This video was very good because it made me understand more about math.

  6. Alohi GIlman Says:

    I learned a lot of things from that movie. I learned that music came from math and that all chords and strings were math. I learned that a pentagram is a star. Another thing i learned is that a golden rectangle is used for everything in life from buldings to statues. Math is everywhere and is used in nature, games, and music. Last thing i learned is that math is infinite. I liked that movie.

  7. Nalani Says:

    I thought that this movie was very good. It offered a ton of information. Almost as much as and infomercial. It talked about how math was invented, and how music, games, and shapes fit into it. I learned many things. The first thing i learned was that the Musical instrument the “Harp”, was developed my pythagorea, which also invented math. He and his fellow matitions created the pythagorean theorem. I also learned that the star is a very useful shape. It has various shapes that fit into it. Lastly i learned about Pool. I haven’t really took joy in playing or watching pool. But in this movie I was able to figure out how things work with the diamonds on the outside of the table. I really enjoyed this movie hope we have another one! (:

  8. Shayla Says:

    I learned a lot about math in the movie, “Donald in Mathmagic Land”. Here are some of the things that I learned. Did you know that without math, there would be no music? Also, the star contains the golden rectangle. The golden rectangle was known as a mathematical form of beauty. The golden rectangle is found in all types of past and present sculptures. The golden triangle can be found in, for examples, renesanse painters use to use the golden triangle. Another thing that I learned is that all nature has a mathematical logic. Chess is a mathematical game, and the board is a geometric shape. Since it is a geometric shape, the game is mathematical. Other geometric games are football, baseball, soccer, basketball, and hopscotch. Also, a lens is a section of a sphere! Lastly, did you know that the circle is the basis of many of mans inventions.

  9. Imani Says:

    This was a very educational movie. I liked how they taught us math in a way everyone loves, by having DONALD DUCK 🙂 I learned that the golden rectangle can be made from a star, and can make a spiral. I also learned that math isnt only numbers it can be found in arcitechure, and many everyday things. I also learned that the Pythagorus had to meet in secret, and the symbol of the group was a STAR on their hand.

  10. Ashlyn Says:

    When watching the Donald in Mathomagicland movie, I thought that it was were complex, and inspiring at the same time. I thought these things, because the video showed me how math can be similar to so many things in the world, such as music, nature, or even art! I love how in this video it showed the game many games mathematically based, I also like that many shapes, and examples, such as the rectangle. From this movie one important thing that i learned, is that math can be used, and looked at in many ways. Not just in equations, or math problems, yet in real life figures such as statues, instruments, and much more. I loved how the movie was so informational, and fun at the same time.

  11. Casey Says:

    During math class today, we watched a Disney Movie that was created in the year 1959. The movie was called Donald in Mathmagicland. This movie taught me a lot of things that I have not known before. For one, I learned Pythagoras was the father of mathematics. Pythagoras was from Ancient Greece. Pythagoras and his friends would meet in secret and discuss their math knowledge with each other. Another great fact I learned from this movie is that with math, instruments were created. With the knowledge from those great mathematicians back in the day, the basis of our music today was created. Proportions are found in a lot of Greek sculptures and architecture. An example is the Cathedral of Notre Dame. The same proportions and some of the architecture structures are also used in today’s buildings. Lots of things in nature are made from the shape, a pentagon. An example of this in real life is the starfish and many different types of flowers. Almost all of sports or even board games are played on geometric shapes. An example is baseball, is played on a diamond, along with many others. Mathematics is more than just numbers and equations.

  12. Spencer K Says:

    The movie was pretty cool and i didnt know what greeks loved math so much. Now i know that math is actually used in EVERYTHING. They made math look fun by using a guy playing pool, pictures, sculptures, and other cool ways. I learned that the golden rectangle was almost everywhere and in that golden rectangle there was many other shapes. I liked that movie an that made me look at math in a whole new way.

  13. Cassidy Says:

    One of the things I learned in the movie was that rectangles have the same proportion. Pythagoras is the one who discovered not just the Pythagorean Theorem, but also music and shapes. Another thing that I learned from the video is that the Golden Rectangles have to do something with sculptures and buildings. When you look at a sculpture or building, you can see that there are rectangles in it that help create that object. Lastly, math and shapes aren’t just found in nature or sculptures, but also in games. For some games you have to think a step ahead and use different math skills to figure out your next move

  14. Tyler S. Says:

    I thought that this movie was very great because i learned a lot like how if we did not have math back in the olden days then people would not have known about music, and also it was very fun and educational because we got to watch instead of write. and the best part about the movie was when they did the pool trick and then they subtracted things to hit the ball after he hit a couple of walls, and i think that we could watch another movie like this.

  15. Ha‘aheo Says:

    After watching the movie, “Donald in Mathmagic Land”, I learned quite a few things. Besides it being made in 1959, I learned a few things about shapes, music, and a few cool quotes. First, a golden rectangle was an important thing in Greek architecture and art as well as in the modern day. Second, a pentagram when rewritten could be many golden rectangles or a spiral. These patterns are in nature as well. They can be found in flowers, starfish, and shells. These are just a few. Lastly, a few quotes I learned were, “That all things are arranged by shapes.” and “Mathematics is the alphabet which God has written the universe.”

  16. Tita Says:

    Today in math class we watched a movie that held a lot of informational things about math. I learned about Pi. Pi is not only 3.14 but its just goes on and on and on. I also learned that everything in life is proportional. I also learned that greeks used the rectangles a lot. For example they used in in sculptures. You even found rectangles in the famous buildings they have in greek. I also learned that there are rectangles all over us. We us it in games, for example we use rectangles in basketball and football. Lastly I learned that there is math all over us. I really enjoyed this movie. I learned a lot of good information from it.

  17. Mia Says:

    It was a cute movie with lots of information that I had no idea about. I never knew that Pythagoras established music, of course I knew that he had to do with math though. I did not know that math was used that way in music. I learned about the Golden Rectangle and how it can transform in to so many different shapes, and it has a never ending amount of possibilities that it could divide itself up into. In other words, a spiral. I also learned and understood that the mind has infinite thoughts and possibilites that cannot be drawn even with the sharpest pencil.I found it very fascinating to learn about the billiards, I had know idea that the game was that way and that so much thinking was involved before you make a single hit. The math in that is very simple though but it does include plenty of thinking. You must hit the ball on at least three sides of the table before you hit the two balls that you are aiming for. So it must take a lot of practice and skill to be able to master the game of billiards.It is crazy how much math is involved in our lives, and there is nothing that we could ever do to escape it. Everything is based on math, shapes, music, buildings, counting, music, art and so much more.

  18. Makana A. Says:

    The things that I learned from this movie are
    1) the people of rome made music. To be more specific the pythagreons. They were the eggheads who found out that just by cutting a string in half it could make a sound that is higher or lower. They were brilliant. They were also the first ones to bring the sound of music to the world.
    2) There is this thing called the golden square. This special square can be found in pretty much any figure or piece of work. Lets take a statue, if you know how the golden square works, you can see how the square perfectly fits any part of the statue. To be honest, if you want to make a really cool looking eye then you will have to draw a square, rather then a oval.
    3) I found out that math is not only in everything we do, but it is in everything. Flowers, houses, dirt, boxes and so forth. Everything has a shape or a mathematic reasoning behind the shape or the features of the object.
    That is all that I learned from this video.

  19. Moriah Says:

    From watching movie we watched in class, Donald in Mathemagicland, I learned that Math has a lot to do with art and nature. I learned that math is what makes up the proportions in paintings and drawings. It is also from math that we get music. Pythagoras was considered the father of mathematics and music. He figured out that an octave is the ratio of 2 to 1 which developed the scale in music today. He was apart of a group of mathematicians that discussed their math findings, called the Pathagoreans. Their secret emblem was a pentagram. The first side + the second side exactly equals the third side. The sides of the pentagram can also make the golden rectangle, which has a perfect ratio. So many pieces of art and part of nature have the proportions of the golden triangle. You can also find the proportions in spirals of natures designs.

  20. Brendyn Says:

    I thought that the movie had all of the information for the behind the scenes of math, because there was a part of the golden rectangle and it can make a lot of things, and is one of the basics to math. The star is made of different sized line, and it can be put into a bigger star and you can keep putting stars inside other stars and it will never be ending. And there are a lot of concepts to math and your brain can make more patterns that you can put on a piece of paper. And music can be put into math because to get the different chords you need, you need to have a piece of string and keep dividing it into 1/3 and you will have different sounds of the string.

  21. Rachel L Says:

    From this movie, I learned a lot of facts about mathematics that I found very intriguing. I have heard the words “math is everywhere,” but now I actually know what it means. Without math, we wouldn’t have all of the great technology available to us, such as iPods, computers, televisions, and the like. But there’s more! Math is also found in architecture! I learned in fifth grade that the Romans were the best at building, but now I know why; it’s because they were the best at math! They truly understood that math is everywhere. I think this movie can relate to our theme this year, Palena ‘Ole, which is to be boundless and limitless. These things relate because I learned from the movie that things are infinite in your mind. There is no limit to your imagination. I was also reminded of the movie when we went to the dance studio for PE. When you look into the mirror, you can see the other mirror reflected in it, and the reflection of the first mirror in it! This is an example of something that is infinite. I’m glad that we watched this movie, because I learned so much!

  22. Kirei Says:

    In this movie I learned about how shapes are in things we see everyday, such as flowers with 5 petals; they have a pentagon shape. I also learned about how Pythagoreans used to meet in secret to share their mathematical and musical discoveries. They are people who made a lot of math methods we have today. I also learned that the Greek people thought of rectangles as a symbol of people and perfection. They used the rectangle as a guide for many of their sculptures and architecture.

  23. Abby Says:

    From watching Donald in Mathmagic Land, I learned a lot about math that I never knew before. One thing that I learned was that mathematics can be found in everything. I learned that Pythagoras was the father of mathematics and he was from Greece. I learned that he created the basic scale of music that we still use today. We also learned that the golden triangle is the base of all architecture from ancient Greece till modern day. The last thing I learned that the star can be found in nature thousands of times.

  24. Attilio L =) Says:

    I love the way Disney helped show me that math is in everything. I think the most important parts of math are geometry and fraction. I hope that when I am older I can make a good math or science discovery. The pentagram is a really cool shape and I love how it can be repeated into itself for infinity. I love how shapes can be incorporated into the beauty of life.

  25. Christine N. Says:

    I didn’t know there were so many squares all over the place. Now that I think of it, math goes on even in your head. I’m not that good at math, but now I know how a star is related to a square in many ways. The effects in this movie were good, I liked it (:

  26. Summer Says:

    This movie gave us a lot of information about mathematics. Some of the things that I learned were that a lot of the things in the world use mathematics. A man name Pythagorous made up mathematics. The movie gave us a lot of examples of the use of mathematics. I learned that the Greeks are the ones who started math. They use it in their architecture, art, and sculptures. One of the most important things that they created was the golden rectangle. It is very important and is used a lot in the shapes of things. Mathematics is used in a lot of things in our everyday life and I feel that we could not go one day without using math.

  27. Caitlin Says:

    In Math, we had the opportunity to watch the movie, Donald in Mathamagicland. I think that this movie was very interesting, and intriguing to watch. This movie showed the different ways of how math is used. This movie also shows the history of the pythagoreans. I found this interesting because everything in this movie, I didn’t know, so it was cool to learn something new. I didn’t know that simple games could involve so much mental math. For example, the game billiards, they use something called the diamond theory. This takes much thinking, processing, calculating, and skill. In conclusion, this movie was interesting, and I learned so many different ways math is used today.

  28. Noah Says:

    This movie made math very interesting. Instead of just learning all the equations, it related it to our life. One of the things I learned is that music was invented through math. The chords that where halved made the notes an octave harder. Another thing I learned is that the golden rectangle is made when from the star. The mathmeticians in greece used this to know that they were part of the same math and music group. Donald turned from not liking math to learning a lot. This movie was very good and interesting.

  29. Emma Says:

    Today we got to watch an amazing movie called Donald in Mathmagic Land. I learned that in Ancient Greece, there was a man named Pythagoras and he discovered the octave ration of 2 to 1. He is the founder of Mathematics. Pythagreans created the base of our music today. I also learned that you can find mathematics everywhere you turn. I also learned that all natures works have a mathematical logic golden section. i also learned that everything is arranged according to mathematical shape. Chess is a very mathematical game between two minds. The last thing that I learned is that mind is the birth place of man’s scientific achievements. This is the things that I learned from Donald in Mathmagic Land.

  30. Sophie Says:

    Today we watched Donald in Mathamagicland, it was a fun movie yet very educational. I learned that the Golden Square repeated creates the Golden Spiral. The Golden Square is found in Greek architecture, the Golden Spiral is found in nature. I also learned that music was created by Pythagoras by taking the sides of a pentagram and plucking them you get different octaves. Another thing that I learned was that billiards(or pool) is very mathematical and you can win by doing math.

  31. Katelyn Says:

    i really liked this movie, it taught me so manny different ways to learn math and who are the people that thought of the math and music. His name was Pythagorus, and he liked music, so he decided that he would do something to make a music thing with math. Which today is the rightful owner of math making, Pythagorus. I thought that this movie was very informational. I loved how they showed how math can be found just about anywhere. The movie talked basically math but they used good examples but they made the learning fun. I learned that math can be found in everyday things. Such as music, nature, and games. I learned about Pythagorus and his group that always met in secrete. They had a password so that they knew who was in the group and who was just making it up. It was a pentagram/ star. I learned that by taking each size of the pentagram you can get the golden square. The golden square is used all throughout history and is found in paintings and architecture.

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