KMT 1 background info

October 13th, 2010 by kiterai

Please post (copy – paste) your Background info about KS and you to the blog post.  DO NOT USE YOUR LAST NAME!  Due Friday, 10.15.10  by 7:30 am.

Posted in Advisory | 64 Comments »

64 Responses

  1. Pono S. Says:

    Athletics at Kamehameha Schools has always been important in the lives of students, their families/supporters, the faculty, and the many coaches. Kamehameha has an astonishing total of 2,000 students (grades 7-12) that participate in one or more sport(s). There are 114 athletic teams in 38 different ILH (Interscholastic League of Honolulu) for industrious young men and women. My dad couldn’t wait to see my playing tennis for this school in the uniform, and that finally happened last year. Last year I was blessed to be invited to practice with the Varsity team and to be the team manager. It was so much fun, and learned a lot from the other players. My time there even earned me my very first varsity letterman! WOOHOO! Overall, I am most grateful for the blessings I have already received from this wonderful school and the many more I know they have waiting.

  2. Nikolai Says:

    The statues at the Bishop museum was very old, and some somewhat new. There is many statues there, but with each year, it becomes more fragile, and more old which makes it more rare. The Statues consist of many things, the Golds, Kamehameha, and all different other people that is important to our history. There is probably over 20 statues there.

  3. Shayla Says:

    I was first accepted into Kamehameha Schools as a 7th grader. When I received the great news I was very excited. The only thing that was different about my experience was that I was/am a boarder. Before school started I had to pack up my stuff and move into the dorms. When I got to the dorms I met a lot of new people and made a bunch of new friends. The only problem was that I missed my family back on the Big Island. It was kind of hard getting adjusted to the boarding life.
    On the first day of school I was really scared. It was weird because I practically went to the same school all my life so I knew everyone. Here, it was a whole different story. I did not know anyone, other than the boarders. After a while I started becoming more comfortable and I made some more friends.
    That’s what made this school special, just the whole experience of being a boarder. I am glad that I am a boarder, though, because the boarders have become super close. It is most likely because we live together, but still. I like that special bond that we have. I like thinking of the dorms as my home away from home, and the boarders, my family.

  4. Kaulu Says:

    I could still remember the day that I saw the acceptance paper for my admission into Kamehameha Schools. That day happened five years ago, so I was in the summer after 3rd grade. That means that I got in at 4th grade. I could say that I was involved in this school before I even got in, since I was in the Kamehameha Swim Club since I was 3rd grade, up to 6th grade. I also have been in another sport that is Track and Field, which I ended up not liking that much. One of my best memories from being in Kamehameha Schools is being able to see the same people year after year. This is a memory that I won’t forget because I was used to moving after living in a place for just year. Now, I am used to living in the same place. At this school, I have relatives that came here, or come here currently such as cousins, uncles, and aunties. Being at this school has made a difference in my life, in many different ways. I also know that being at Kamehameha Schools will make an impact on my life that I will always remember.

  5. Kulia Says:

    Alice Knapp East is and has been my home since I was eleven years old. There are 40 girls total, 20 on each side. I never thought I would love boarding so much, and get to know so many girls. Every quarter we switch rooms and roommates. Every one prefers to have the makai rooms because you can look out on the town and the ocean. No one really likes the mauka rooms because you have a view of weeds but the rooms are a little bigger too. Who you room with is very important. You want to room with someone you get along with because you don’t really want to share a room with someone who irritates you for a 6-8 weeks.

  6. Ethan L Says:

    Kamehameha Schools Kapalama accepted me into 7th grade 2 years ago. I was sleeping in the car and my mom gets this call from Mr. Maa and then she says, “ Ethan you got into Kamehameha!” I was half-asleep so I said “Oh” and went back to sleep. Everyone was so pumped because I got in and was doing all this nice stuff for me and my other brothers and sister were all saying,” I got in Kindergarten!” “Me too!”
    After all nice stuff people were doing for me my parents really started getting on my case. They were telling that I couldn’t blow it because if I get a C at the school I was at I would have to be on academic probation. All the time I had to make sure I would stay out of trouble not to risk my place at Kamehameha.
    At Kamehameha I had to walk around a lot more than usually did. At my old school there was four main buildings concentrated in one place. At Kamehameha I had to travel between at least eight buildings each day.

  7. Aulani Says:

    Kamehameha Schools is very special to me because of the things that I have gone through. The day or I should say night that I first found out I was accepted to Kamehameha Schools was on a Wednesday. I was at the mall with friends and enjoying myself when the message came through the mail. All I knew was that I was awaiting the news whether it was good or bad. I also went to the mall with my friends because I knew that it was one of the few last memories I could have with them before I moved on. Even though if I hadn’t gotten into Kamehameha I would not have gone to the school the others would have went. That school was Highlands intermidiate. I don’t have anything against it, but its not a school I would want to attend. So that night, the night I was with my friends last, I came home tired and warn out so all I did was head to the bathroom, took a shower and went to bed. At 1:30am in the morning the next day I was woken up by mother. She sat by my bed and told me she had something to say. When it first came out I had no idea what she was saying, then all of a sudden I got up on the bed and jumped up and down screaming because I was so happy. Kamehameha was the one school I was told about since I was a child. A school of happiness and descipline, a school where I could learn to be who I was and a better person. I was so happy I became one.

  8. Justin Says:

    Kamehameha has been really good to me the past 9 years I have been at this school. I am really blessed to go to this school because there are hundreds of people that would really want to be in my place. Everyone on my moms side of the family is a Kamehameha alumni. When I found out that I got into this school my parents were really happy. My favorite memory from this school is when I was in the sixth grade and we had our reward days for not being on happy hall. Reward days is when the school buys lots of super good foods like malasadas, ice cream, donuts and juice. All of my siblings went to this school. My older brother was class of 2006. My little sister is currently in the fourth grade. Thank you Pauahi for providing an awesome education for me.

  9. Kukahi Says:

    I remember the day I got accepted. I came here in 7th grade. I was expecting great opportunities, and there was great opportunities. Most of my family members came to this school. But only my mom and aunty came to middle school before me and my brother. The school year got started. It was a really great experince that I had last year and the seventh grade year went by really fast. I was on the Koa Team. I made really good friends. Now I am in the eighth grade and ready to have another great year.

  10. Taylor Says:

    I got into Kamehameha, in kindergarten, at the young age of five. Some people called me a lifer, like a nick name that I’m in here for life at Kamehameha Schools. I was attending Trinity Christian School located in Maunawili, when I was 3 untill I was five. My life so far here at Kamehameha Schools, has been one of the greatest things in my life ever! But to tell you the truth I never wanted to go to this school! 🙁 When I came home on my last day of Kindergarten (yes I repeated Kindergarten) my mom came in with a big smile on her face “Kawena,” (that’s what my family calls me) “YOU GOT EXCEPTED TO KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS!!” And I screamed at the top of my lungs, “NOOOOO, I DON’T WANT TO GO!!!” Haha, the funniest story ever! And now my mom still has a picture of me on the floor of my kitchen, balling about getting into Kamehameha! Well, I am in 8th grade now on what we call the best team ever, LAMA!!!! 🙂 All I have in four mor years after this one, so I am going to end my school years with a BANG!

  11. Alohi G. Says:

    Kamehameha schools and I has a big background. I was accepted to this school at 7th grade. My grandma and my parents were alumnis of kamehameha schools. My connection to this school is that I played athletics at this school like football and track. This connects to me because my parents played athletics all the way through highschool. Playing athletics at this school helped me become more comfortabe to this campus. It also helped me because I learned how kamehameha schools impacts my life and helps me learn how the athletics program works. This athletics program grew me closer to this school. I think the strongest connection though was the fact that my parents, aunties, uncles and grandparents went to this school which really made me realize what is happening education wise in my life and family wise. This is a really big connection in my life to this school Kamehameha.

  12. Brian Says:

    I first got into Kamehameha schools in 7th. Grade. I remember the day that I got my acceptance letter in 6th. Grade. Getting the letter was an incredible experience my family was so happy they were crying. Not only did I get in, my brother got an acceptance letter to Kamehameha for 9th. Grade. So it was twice as incredible. Lots of people in my family went into Kamehameha so now I could follow in their footsteps. I am so very thankful for how lucky I am because Kamehameha has one of the best educations in the island. Since I got into Kamehameha I was able to participate in activities such as cross-country and tennis. I have been able to experience new things for better and for worse but I still don’t regret coming to this school. Now it’s my second year there and I’m currently on Pu’ulu Lama and I’m looking forward to the future memories I might have at this amazing school. I know that if I stick with this school I can become very successful in my life.

  13. Keao Says:

    I was accepted to Kamehameha Schools last year. When I got the letter that I was accepted I was not home but my mom was home and she was the first one to find out that I was accepted. So she came to the beach where I was and she ran up to me and told me that I made into Kamehameha schools, I was so delighted that I made it. I told everybody and I could not wait to start school. My teachers at my old school was really proud of me and my friends was happy but yet they were sad because I was not going to be with them the next year. We had to go to the school several times over the summer to get all the paperwork done and sign me up for my elective and many other things. Then the school year started. It was a really good experince that I had last year and the seventh grade year went by really fast. I made really good friends and good memories. Now I am in the eighth grade and ready to have another excellent year.

  14. Kahea Says:

    I was accepted to go to Kamehameha Schools Kapalama In April of 2009. I am a follower in the long line of relitaves in my family to be accepted and graduate from this school. Some of the people would be: my father Ioane, my uncle Ryan, my aunty Luana, my aunty Toots, and many more that live throughout the world. When I got my letter of acception it wasn’t a surprise for my mom because she had opened the letter earlier but re-sealed it to make it a surprise for me. Right when I got off the bus from school I got my keys out and went inside the house my mom came home a half an hour later that’s when she showed me my letter. I was somewhat excited when I found out. But then I left the Big Island and felt way better because I noticed that the people I was going to school with and even the school itself was, well to put it in modern terms, a dump. So now I’m glad to have the oppertunities that Pauahi has blessed me with. My dad was one of the people who were very happy when he found out about my acceptance. He was glad that I would be living on Oahu so I could see him more than I used to because I lived on the Big Island with my mother. I actually don’t like coming back to the Big Island because I have nothing to do because my friends and my new family is on Oahu.

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