Visit to Archives 2010

September 29th, 2010 by kiterai

Students, we have been asked by Mrs. Zisk to help “archive” memories of our transition into the temporary buildings of KMS.  Please take some time to share your thoughts regarding this time of change.  Mahalo.

Posted in Kamehameha Math Trail | 95 Comments »

95 Responses

  1. Kawai Says:

    I had learned a lot from this field trip. Mostly about our Kapalama Campus and its history. The change from classrooms to portables have been a real adventure. The portables are so much smaller then the classrooms but I know I will transition throughout the year.This change will be memorable. Many of us had memorable memories for before our campus was destructed. I had great memories especially because it was my first year coming here to Kamehameha. But I know new memories will be made in these portables. Many people have said being all crammed together makes us a little village. Thank you Mrs. Zisk for sharing your history on the campus with us.

  2. Kirei Says:

    The change this year was pretty different for me. Instead of going to our classrooms to work, we have to be taught in portables. The portables are pretty comfortable though, there’s air conditioning, electricity, and a great work area for us with desks and boards. I actually really like the portables, but it still makes me sad to see the buildings that we made memories in be destroyed. Seeing all the construction machines working right next to our portables is fascinating. I remember where all the buildings used to be, and now it’s just a pile of dirt. I remember the mosaic, and now it’s gone. However, I am excited for the future and for what the new buildings will look like.

  3. Rachel Says:

    I really enjoyed the trip to the archives. It was really interesting to learn about the history of our school. I was amazed at how little the buildings had changed! It’s really sad to know that the buildings aren’t there anymore, but I’m glad that I got to learn in those old buildings, and I’m looking forward to seeing the new buildings that the construction workers are building now. However, I wish we weren’t in the portables right now. I can live with it for another year, but I feel bad for the seventh graders and all of the other upcoming students that will have to be in the portables for their entire time at the middle school.
    Mahalo to Mrs. Zisk!

  4. Kalawaia Says:

    Every time that I go to the archives, I always learn something new. I love visiting the archives because history is something that’s really exciting. In the archives, there are actual documents written and made by important people, actual plaques and all kinds of different artifacts. Yesterday, the most interesting thing that I learned, that I didn’t know, was that there was a time when we were struggling with money. That eventually lead to closing down the elementary school. I thought that once it was open it was always staying open. It was so weird and awkward hearing that we, KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS, had money problems. Right now we have more money than Harvard University, so it just didn’t sound right saying that we had financial issues.

  5. Kealani Says:

    The transition into the portables was very interesting. The teachers did a wonderful job moving into the portables and getting them ready for us so that we could have a great learning environment. I don’t really mind the portables except for the fact that they are kind of small and crowded compared to our old classrooms. Otherwise, the portables are very nice. On the first day, I kind of had too look at each portable and see whether it was my class and compare it to my schedule or ask around. Usually my first days of school aren’t so confusing so it was very interesting. This is what I think of the portables.

  6. Kainalu Says:

    Thank you Ms. Zisk for all the mana’o you have given us. Over this summer they have been tearing down the buildings that the middle school used to be in. The buildings had a lot of learning and history in them but everything is done for the best. We are now in portables but they are brand new and they have AC in them which makes them nice. they arent neerly as big as the old classes were but they are still nice. It is junk that we cant experience the new buildings but at least other can. Something that is weird about the portabls is that all of the teams classes are right next to each other, they are all spread out. Mahalo Ms. Zisk.

  7. Ha'aheo Says:

    Portables, mud everywhere, and long treks. This all sums up the times in which we live (at school anyway). Due to the demolition and reconstruction of the middle school campus, we are in portables for the time being. My personal feelings about this aren’t the greatest ones but I am keeping up. I do enjoy though being able to see friends more since everything is so close together. I miss the old buildings though. Cramped, squished, and tired is how I feel everyday. Hopefully, it gets better.

  8. Summer Says:

    The visit to the archives was a very informational field trip. We learned a lot from Mrs. Zisk. It is very good for us to learn about our school seeing that we are going to be here for years to come and some have been here for many years already. I am really thankful and blessed to be going to this school especially after going on this field trip. We are very lucky to be going to this school and have the resources we do. This time of change is very different for each and every one of us. We are all used to being in a real building and learning in the classrooms we had last year. I wish we were in our old classrooms because I liked it there. Although we are in this time of change and we are in portables, we are all very lucky to still have AC classrooms. I really enjoyed this field trip and am very thankful for it.

  9. Kalawaia Says:

    Portables was a really weird and unexpected change. We didn’t see it coming, and thought that we were going to be in the same building as everyone else. The portables are good for now while the middle school is still being built. It’s going to be junk because we aren’t going to be able to be in the new middle school. But I think that the strangest change we had in our campus was that we were eating lunch in Keawe gym.

  10. Brittney A Says:

    When we went to the archives, we learned a lot. Last year was easier for us in buildings, because we were all together in one unit. I don’t really care for the portable classrooms very much because they are so far from each other. I liked having us all in buildings because it feels more like a school. At least the portables have air condition in it! The teachers worked so hard to transition to get used to their new, classes. Us as students also needed to get used to the size of the classes, and the distance from class to class. I think that these portables are better than what our grandparents had because they had to work twice as hard to get the education that they needed. I hope that we get to make something as valuable as the mosaic that was on the learning center (minus the fatal chemical). That would be really neat to say, “hey, I contributed to that!”.

  11. Abby Says:

    The experience of transferring into a new facility is very different. It feels like we are still going to the school that we knew before, but different because we are not in the buildings that we were in last year. Some things that are different are that the classes are in all different locations so we had to get used to that. But, so far being in the temporary facilities isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. But, I am excited to see the new buildings in the future. I am also happy that I had the experience to be in those classes.

  12. Nikolai Says:

    I believe it is a hard transactions going through, because we got to memorize our new classes, and each day, we got to go up and down Keiku stairs, and It is tiring. I also think it is hard, because the classes, are all different this year, and they are scattered all over the place. I think it is a hard thing going through. For me each day is crazy. I know we had been been in Portables, and now I know that we are going to be the only group that uses portables, and classrooms, and I think this is going to be a memory.The Portables, are like different, and they all look the same, it is hard to tell which one I is my class, but it is ok, I will get used to it. But it is also sad that we did not get to save the mural.

  13. Shayla Says:

    Personally, I don’t really like the potables. I liked the classrooms a lot better. The reason I liked the classrooms is because they was a lot more space. The portables aren’t really that bad, once you get use to it. Now, we are all pretty much comfortable with the portables. We are lucky, though, to have the portables and to have them air-conditioned. In the beginning I had a hard time getting to my classes. It was kind of confusing at first. But now I know where all my classes are and I know all my teachers. I think that this school year is going to be good 🙂

  14. Brian Says:

    Life is difficult in the new portables, but they still resemble a class room a lot. One of the bad things about living in a portables is that all of the portables are mixed together from different teams so it’s hard to learn exactly were you have to go and plus the portables are spaced out so you need to manage your time between classes. A good thing about the portables is that they resemble the classes so you won’t feel like your in some alien environment. One of the best things about the portables is that we our the ones that are able to experience these classrooms first so we can create the first impression in the portables. The first kids in the portables could be the best ever or the worst ever but it’s up to us to decide what we want to be. I hope that when I look back on life at the portables when I’m older I could see that this was a great experience.

  15. Kukahi Says:

    it was a interesting day, because we had to find all of our classes and since its not in buildings and all over the place, I had to locate them all that day. The first day of school I didn’t have anything to look at so I had to rely on my friends in the school to help me find my classes. I didn’t mind learning in a portable class room and I found it actually to be quite fun. I went up to the archives, and i met Mrs. Janet Zisk. She has been working there for a long time. I like the part when the school was down at where the bishop museum is because it must’ve been hard going to school over there. I think that we should be lucky to be the last ones in those buidlings. That’s history for Kamehameha and us. And also those mosaics that were on the learning center. That’s really special. That’s all I learned.

  16. Noah Says:

    Well last year I reconized the small things that that made our school, “old”. For example most of the railings were rusted and old. But for the most part the school seemed to be just as new as any other school. I am both happy and sad to see it go. Happy because it will be moved into the 21st century. But sad to see all of our memories gone, knocked down and bulldozed away. I also thought that the portables were a lot nicer than I expected them to be. They have internet, AC, and just enough space for a single class and teacher. Although I miss our old campus and hangout spots I just try to adjust to what we have now. I am happy to see our campus go and I hope it turns into something even better than before. 😉

  17. Kaulu Says:

    I would have to say that the transition from the old classes to the portables was a little hard for me at first, but after a while I got used to it. Last year, it was a completely different campus for me, so I had trouble in the beginning of the year finding my classes. This year, we got moved into the portables, so it was like there was a whole new campus for me to get lost in. The first day of going to school in portables, it was a little confusing since I didn’t get the map that we were given. It turned out to be okay, though, since I figured out who was in my next class, and then we walked together to the class. I am thankful for the portables, even though I strongly dislike them since they are so far away from each other. I like that they’re air conditioned, because if they weren’t, it would be really hot in the portables. The one thing that I really despise about our campus right now is that the people in band, orchestra, and yearbook all have to walk across the elementary field to get to our classes. Our teachers have to let us out five minutes earlier before the period is over, and even then we have to rush to get to our next class. This is what I thought about the time of change.

  18. Pono Says:

    Last year was hard trying to find all my classes, which were all over the places, so when we had to move to new classes, this year because of the Middle School Construction, it was hard. But, i really got to know where all my classes were because all the portables are really close. I like the portables cause its a new experience and they seem like regular classes, except they donʻt all have sinks. I also like the portables because we are gonna give them to schools who need them more then us, which will help them have an a class to teach in and learn.

  19. Spencer Says:

    When we went up to the archives it was a good learning experience. Mrs. Zisk taught me a lot for that one day. I didn’t know that if a Chinese or Japanese person’s last name is something like Afong then their real last name is Fong because in Japanese or Chinese “A” means Mr. or Mrs.I also didn’t know that there was an old Italian prisoner camp. Thank you Lama teachers and Mrs. Zisk for this fun learning experience.

  20. Kapu Says:

    In the beginning of this year is a hassle because it was all in portables and not in regular class rooms. It was all over the place. But when we went to the archives I learned a lot about the history and how the archives came to be. Mrs. Zisk knew a lot of stuff about the starting of Kamehameha School for boys. I really liked this field trip because I gained a lot of information from Mrs. Zisk. I want to say thank you Ms. Terai and to Mrs. Zisk for the wonderful time I had. 🙂

  21. Mason M Says:

    Ms. Zisk if filled with knowledge about Kamehameha schools. when she was talking to our class i couldnt believe how much she knew and every question we asked she knew the exact answer to it. what i learned is that back then they had a mule that was the mascot. i also learned that when they knocked down the older campus Ms. Zisk was able to keep a small part of the wall thing and she decided to keep the head of kamehameha which i thought was a good choice. the old campus was very nice i really like it i dont know why they had to make a new one, the classes are easier to get to now in the temporary portables but the campus was nice last year. anyway thank you for giving me and my classmates a chance on listening to what they would do back then and how there campus was in the early/mid 1900.

  22. Ka'ua Says:

    Last year geting to all of my classes on time was easy. I say that because they kept the classes close together and it was effecint to walk to the classes. But now there classes all over so I have to walk to English all the way from Mr Parkers Class, which now is all the way up the hill. Somethings that I learned during the trip was that we use to be a very poor school, in fact we would have to break rocks to pay to go to school. I also learned that the land used to be vary beautiful according to Mr. Carrols map there was a lot of trees Koa and other shrubs that were eventually cut down to make new houses and Buildings. I hope we get to talk to Mrs. Zisk again!. Also Mahalo Mrs. Zisk and Ms.Terai.

  23. Kapono Says:

    Last year was really easy to find the classes because they were all pretty much in the same place. This year is way different. We are now in portables. I think its okay but not as good as last year. The first day of school(2010) i was really confused because I didnt know where to go. Ms. Zisk was really cool because she new almost everything about our school. She is the bomb. I really enjoyed that. Mahalo.

  24. Tyler S. Says:

    On the first day back to boarding putting all of our stuff in the dorm was a struggle because we all had to park in very little space but we got through it. On the first day of school was a struggle because of all the construction, and I could not figure out where my classes were, but now i know where they are located. When all of the construction is done our portables will be given to another school. Thank you to Mrs. Zisk and all of the people that helped plan this activities.

  25. Javin Y Says:

    The first day of school I was super lost. After 30 minutes after the first bell i was still lost. I couldnt find my homeroom. Then I found it, it was in the dorms. It felt weird going in the dorms chillax place. I still miss the old classrooms though. I like the way the portables are set up with the diiferent classes close by each other except for Mrs. K. After all I think the portables are better because of the air condition! Thanks for reading and I like the trip to the Archives was interesting.

  26. Aukai K. Says:

    First off, I would like to say thank you to Mrs. Zisk for sharing her information. I like change, because it brings forth new things, and a different environment. I like the portables that we are using, and it will be a great new middle school.

  27. Dylan K Says:

    The first day of school was very confusing, just like the first day of seventh grade we had a new campus, that we had to go around. My experience starts at the terminal, because right after we went up to kekuhaopio, which we usually didnt go to. then I had to find my homeroom, but i went to the whole other side of the campus, finally I went to the right place. then after I had to go to classes, so i had to unravel mystery after mystery of all my classes. So after the first day I kind of had better experiences. That was what my first day of eighth grade was like.

  28. Dylan L Says:

    I am really going to miss the old middle school buildings. So many of my memories have been devastated. I remember hanging around the LC with my friends before and after school. I remember I used to hide in the locker spaces or I would climb up on them to see into the other classrooms. I was caught by a lot of teachers doing that. I remember I hiding underneath some building when we used to play tag. I remember all of the good times we had in my classes. In science I used to hide underneath her couch before she came in. In math I used to help out many kids with their work before and after school. I used to hang around english when we were bored and had nothing to do. Social studies is were I spent most of my detentions for climbing on the lockers. Keyboarding was my most favorite class. I loved keyboarding because that class had most of my friends were in that class.

  29. Makoa Says:

    Having temporary classes was kind of weird for a while. But after a few days I got comfortable with my classmates and my new teachers. I put all of the construction aside and I just did everything the teachers asked. I also am very sad that our old middle school is being taken down because it had a lot of meaning to me and it felt like there was a lot of mana in those buildings.

    Overall i think that it was time for change in the school. I am very fortunate for the time and effort that everyone put in, so us the pua of Pauahi can have a place to learn and enhance our knowledge of our culture and morals.

  30. Max Says:

    Changing buildings were really different because the portables are really different. They are a lot smaller. I don’t like the change because when it rains everywhere gets muddy and so does our shoes. I also don’t like it because there is nothing to block the rain. The thing that I like is that all of our classes are right by eachother.

  31. Kulia Says:

    When I found out we were moving to portables I was kind of mad because I wanted an eight grade hall. But the when school finally rolled around and class was back in section it didn’t turn out to be as bad as I thought it would be. I pictured every team having there own area, and there wouldn’t be very much talking to people on other teams but everyone is mixed so its all good. But the portables are really small. Which makes studying in class kind of hard because your smashed against someone else. Also Im happy because the seventh grade and eight grade portables are separated so Im kind of got my eight grade hall.

  32. Austin B. Says:

    It is kind of weird during this time in the portables we are in so small areas that it is good enough of learning space but it is just weird because after the 2 years when the school is done there going to be donated to another school so they can be used more which i think is nice but being in these portables might feel weird for them unless they are used to it. But, I hope who ever gets these portables will have a better learning enviroment and have a good time in these portables because we are having a pretty good time in them.

  33. Jade Says:

    Last year it was hard adjusting to a new campus because coming from the elementary school, the middle school campus wasnt familiar for me. After a while i got used to it and everything was alright. Now that we have another new campus, its the same thing all over again and its just the same thing as the beginning of last year. Just our class has to get used to a new campus 3 years in a row because next year we have to get used to the high school campus. I personally dont like the change for the campus because i thought it was fine just the way it is.

  34. Mikiala Says:

    I learned a lot of things up at MidKiff learning center. I learned that the school for girls and boys were completely for boarders. I also learned a lot of when Pauahi took her first picture, in 1847. There were 28 little boys that the girls took care of (3). It was very hard to pursuade the Hawaiians to go to Kamehameha. In 1932, the elementary boys school was closed because Kamehameha Schools couldn’t afford it. For Kamehameha schools, 1924 you would graduate from school in 9th grade, and if you wanted a diplomat then you would have to go to Punahou right after 8th grade at Kamehameha. But most people didn’t get their diplomat because graduating in 9th grade was satisfactory.
    As you can see, I have learned a lot more then I already knew because I actually paid attention and I also heard what it was like from a person who was actually their on the recorder. I wish I could have stayed longer so that I could learn more about her because it felt as if I was actually there at Kamehameha in the 1800’s-1900’s
    Thank you, Ms.Terai for making this field trip possible for us to go up to the High school.

  35. Christine N. Says:

    The archives were very interesting. That was the first time I’ve been in the high school learning center. Mrs. Zisk knows so much about our school and I’m thankful for her respect of our school and of the Hawaiian culture. As a boarder, the construction on the middle school is a big change for me. We now have our meals in one of our lounges, and study halls in the counseling building across the street. Thanks again to Mrs. Zisk for talking to us.

  36. kaulana w Says:

    i had a great time with ms zisk and i loved how she told us the neat history of our school and how she ended up working here. the change that we are going threw is how our school is making a whole new middle school and also how we are making new buildings on our capous.

  37. Cody W Says:

    I liked last year with all our regular classrooms in buildings although I had difficulties finding some of my classes because of the bigger campus. But now with a smaller campus it’s much easier to find all of my classes. I miss the old buildings because there was a lot more space to work in. I don’t mind this temporary campus but these portables are very small. Although for me this is a great experience for me to be a part of this big change in our school.

  38. Rhayn Says:

    Aloha, I think that the transition into portables as a quick one. I don’t really like it bu I have to live with it. It will only make our school look better. I guess the school is trying to make us feel like were in a classroom. I am really thankful though. I hope this project for our middle school campus comes through. This is just my thought on how I feel about the transition.

  39. Haley-Mihana L. A5 Says:

    Last year was our first year in the middle school campus. Then this year we are not even on the middle school campus because it is under construction. Adjusting was kind of hard because of the portables being here instead of the classes. But we got used to it fast and now I think its easier for us going between classes. I think its easier because classes are closer now and we don’t have to walk as far. We don’t have to rush to lunch because the eating area is right there in the gym. But then again it is hard because we don’t have privileges to use the gym that much and our freedom is cut down a lot this year. Like we have to go to eight period and we have to go up to Keku right away to get picked up.

  40. Liam Says:

    The portables don’t really bother me as much. They feel the same as the classrooms and they still have A.C. For me the only downfall is the walking but that doesn’t bother me that much either. I do miss the old middle school though. I have a lot of memories from that place. It was sad to see them tear it down. I felt like I lost a part of myself. But I adjusted and really don’t have anything to complain about because we still have classes with A.C and the portables are pretty nice. I’m just glad they were able to find space for us and make us as comfortable as possible. When my friends school started renovating they had no room and no money to build them portables so the middle school had to squish into high school classes.

  41. Kapono Says:

    I think that this year is a time of change with all the construction going on. Last year we were in nice big classrooms, and now we are in portables. Its not the best but i am thankful for this. There are construction workers everywhere. It was kinda sad when we were watching them knock down the buildings because we were just there last year. It brought back all the memories that we had. It was also sad when I heard that they were going to knock down the Mosaic because it was made so long ago. But it is good that someone is keeping some sort of documentary of our schools history.

  42. Keola N Says:

    Being the last to be on the Middle School Campus they just recently just knocked down it is an honor. Class of 2015 was the last class to be in the buildings. It is incredible the tape that of the class of 1957 and 1958 was the first people to be in the new buildings. I feel sadden because all of those peoples memories and all of their good times and some of there bad times. Also that beautiful mosaic painting of Kamehameha The Great at spearing practice it is very sad to see them destroy it, i feel saden for the people who made that mosaic because they all put there time, effort, and their own mana into that project, for them just to destroy it is unbelievable. My time in the Middle School buildings were one of the funniest times in my life so far. Those buildings were beautiful. Thank you very much Mrs.Zisk for showing us the culture of now the long gone Middle School. Thank You Again!

  43. Kameryn Says:

    Transitioning from classes to portables was pretty major. Last year i found it hard to find all my classes and sometimes was late and had to chant by myself. It wasnt very nice. Now, i like it. The classes are so close together so i dont get lost and i come on time. At first it was kind of hard to stay focused in these portables with the construction going on but by focusing and trying hard then it makes it much easier. I also enjoy having portables because when we are done with them then we are going to give it to scshools that need it. I really appreciate all the people who made this school year possible. I would also like to say thanks to Mrs. Zisk who tought a lot about school history. I really liked it and learned a lot!

  44. Alohi G. Says:

    I learned a lot at the field trip and i am very grateful for Mrs.Zisk for sharing her information. I am really suprised that the kamehameha schools for girls colors were red and white. I really know more about the history of kamehameha schools. I think that kamehameha schools started off slow and became a great school now. I learned about what they used to take pictures back then. I am thankful for Midkif and Pauahi

  45. Kinion Says:

    Hey Mrs. Zisk. Thanks for the Information of Kamehameha Schools back then. By the way I’m related to the guy who drew the map James Carroll. I’m Kinion Carroll. But the transition is quite different. We walk from the field to Keku to snake hill it’s crazy. And Sometimes depending on the schedule I got to walk from the field to Snake Hill. We eat in Keawe Gym. Morning and Afternoon we walk up and down Keku stairs. If your injured a staff member will drive you up the hill and drop you off at Keku. Some say we don’t have the pride of 8th grade hall. 8th grade hall is just a hall where some 8th grade classes are and 7th graders can’t pass during lunch. It’s like 8th grade property. But we were the last in those buildings, we got to touch the mosaic wall, we’ve got to say and chant bye to the school, and we’ve got to see it being demolished and constructed everyday. Our classes are in Air Conditioned portables and the junk thing is we’ve got to clean it or the teachers and janitors and custodians have to clean the dirt during rainy days. It’s ok but I’ll always miss the old middle school. Thank you for your time Mrs. Zinsk and mahalo a nui loa

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